
  1. 相比之下,中国出口销售收入99%自中国番茄酱。

    In comparison , 99 % of the value of Chinese exports stems from the export sale of paste .

  2. 美国年出口销售收入约为5亿美元,占第三位。西班牙排名第四。

    At approximately USD500 million in annual export income , the USA and Spain occupy third and fourth place worldwide .

  3. 其主要特点表现在六个方面:难点在出口销售收入和进口成本的确认及商品库存核算、汇兑损益的确认、出口退税的核算等三个方面。

    The main features are in six aspects and the difficulties lie in : the recognition of exports sales and imports costs and the settlement of inventories , the recognition of foreign exchange gains and losses , and the settlement of export drawback .

  4. 合营公司将出口销售和取得外汇收入放在优先地位,以保证合营公司的成功和发展。

    In order to pursuing the success and development of the joint venture company , the joint venture company shall give the top priority on export of the products and earning foreign currency .