
  • 网络Publisher;publishing unit
  1. 地方版权局在合同上加盖合同登记章后,退回国内出版单位。

    The local copyright bureau shall stamp the contract with the special seal for contract registration and then return the contract to the domestic publisher .

  2. 图书出版单位在申请合同登记时,可将填好的合同登记表与合同一并交给地方版权局。

    A book publisher may , when applying for contract registration , submit the filled contract registration form andwith the contract to the local copyright bureau .

  3. 由于正进行文化出版单位改制,出版业市场日益竞争激烈。

    Forthe entrepreneurial publishers , the publishing market is highly competitive .

  4. 期刊由依法设立的期刊出版单位出版。

    Periodicals shall be published by publishing units established in accordance with laws .

  5. 重庆市图书出版单位数字出版现状及发展对策研究

    Study on Book Publishers Company of Chongqing Improve Digital Publishing Current Situation and Strategy

  6. 非出版单位和个人,均不得同国外进行合作出版。

    No non-publishing units or individuals may undertake publication in co-operation with foreign countries .

  7. 细节的缺乏就意味着出版单位对改革的抵触可能是无法避免的。

    The lack of details mean that resistance to the reforms from publishers seems unavoidable .

  8. 地方版权局可将合同登记表印发给图书出版单位。

    A local copyright bureau may print and distribute the contract registration forms to book publishers .

  9. 畅销书是图书市场最活跃的部分,同时也是出版单位盈利的重要来源。

    As a vital part of profits , Bestseller is the most active part in book market .

  10. 第3章例举云南出版单位改革实践案例。

    The third chapter lists the publishing unit of the reform practice of the case of Yunnan .

  11. 出版单位对本版出版物具有总发行权。

    A publishing entity shall have the right of general distribution over the publications of the current edition .

  12. 第4章梳理云南出版单位在转企改制中面临的机遇和问题。

    The fourth chapter in Yunnan publishing units into enterprises in the face of the opportunities and problems .

  13. 另一方面,实践中也有些学术期刊出版单位使用书面的著作权合同。

    On the other hand , in the practice also some academic journal publishing house uses the written copyright contract .

  14. 关于我的人品能力,我可以请上述两个出版单位写介绍信以供参考。

    I can give you references from both these press houses as to my character and ability as an editor .

  15. 涉外版权合作期刊,不是我方与境外出版单位或其他机构共同合作办刊。

    Periodicals involving foreign copyright cooperation are not joint business established between China and the foreign publishing entities or other institutions .

  16. 而现代网络产品和电子商务中很多时候需要水印能直接标明版权韵所有者或出版单位、出版日期等信息。

    The modern network products and e-commerce require watermark carrying right information such as author , publishing house and publish date and etc.

  17. 出版单位委托邮政企业发行报刊,应当与邮政企业订立发行合同。

    If publishing units entrust postal enterprises with distribution of newspapers and periodicals , they must make distribution contracts with postal enterprises .

  18. 从出版社发展情况来看,导致出版单位管理水平低下的本质根源是出版体制问题。

    In terms of the development of press , publishing systems are the root factors contributing to the poor management of publishers .

  19. 第四章从出版单位的效益出发,讨论了多媒体出版物营销的重要性,并介绍了几种常见的促销方式。

    In Chapter Four , the author discusses the importance of marketing of multimedia publication , introducing us a few commonly used promotion skills .

  20. 这种管理不仅是指出版单位内部的管理,也包括新闻出版局、新闻出版总署对下属出版单位的管理。

    The managements include not only the inner management of company , but also the managements of News Publishing Bureau , News Publishing Office .

  21. 但出版单位对作者稿件的处理也存在几种可能侵权的形式。

    But in the process of review the manuscripts , the publishers are also prone to infringe upon the authors'property rights in several ways .

  22. 报纸出版单位出版报纸,必须经新闻出版总署批准,持有国内统一连续出版物号,领取《报纸出版许可证》。

    To publish newspapers , a publishing unit must get approval of the Press and Publication Administration , national unified publication number and newspaper publication license .

  23. 同时我国图书市场激烈的竞争让畅销书成为各家出版单位盈利的重要来源之一。

    Meanwhile , the best-selling book become an important source of profits to the press on account of the due to the cut-throat competition of book market .

  24. 通过对传统出版单位等级评估体系的对比,得出传统出版单位等级评估体系已经不适用于数字出版企业。

    By comparing the background , object and industrial chain , we know that the level assessment system of traditional publishing unit has not fit digital publishing enterprises .

  25. 有太多的出版单位无一例外地享受着其院内选择自由严重受限的读者群、严重缺乏运用互联网来加速出版的竞争动力。

    Too many operate without one , enjoying a captive audience at their home institutions and lacking any competitive spur to bring themselves up to speed on Internet publishing .

  26. 出版单位对本版出版物具有总发行权。我是否可以获得以各种文字出版该表的非专有版权?

    A publishing entity shall have the right of general distribution over the publications of the current edition . May I please have nonexclusive world rights in all languages ?

  27. 出版单位现行稿件登记制度多有瑕疵,不利于出版者尽其合理注意的义务。

    There exist a lot defects in the current manuscript register system in many publishers , which is not good for the publishers to do their duty of proper attention .

  28. 具体办法是,以各音像、电子出版单位年度选题计划为核发依据,以往年度核发总量为参考,确定分配和核发年度音像制品版号和电子出版物专用书号额度。

    The specific rules are that the new numbers are issued based on the annual selection of titles of the publication houses , amounts of publications distributed in previous years .

  29. 传媒大亨默多克的新闻国际旗下的英国新闻出版单位——星期日报是英国最畅销的报纸。他们哗众取宠的丑恶行为看来更杂乱无章,罪大恶极。

    The sordid antics of Britain 's biggest-selling Sunday paper - owned by News International , Rupert Murdoch 's British newspaper outfit - look more promiscuous and more gravely criminal .

  30. 出版单位委托出版物总发行单位发行出版物,应使用统一的《出版物发行委托书》;

    A publishing entity shall , when authorizing an entity engaging in general distribution of publications to distribute the publications , use the uniform " Power of Attorney for Distributing Publications ";