- 网络Non-profit organization;NPOs;NPO;ngo;Org

The Analysis of Marketing Strategy for Z College Based on Marketing Theory of NPO
AHP was applied to determine the weight of each index . By way of the questionnaire , four kinds of people did CRM performance evaluation on the NPO .
马特·鲁宾诺夫管理着一个叫I'm First的非营利组织,该组织去年10月成立,旨在帮助这一特定的学生群体。
Matt Rubinoff directs I 'm First , a nonprofit organization launched last October to reach out to this specific population of students .
Some of the answers may come from a nonprofit organization that has been building and launching amateur satellites for nearly 50 years .
Wilson first worked as a driver through a student-support programme of the non-profit organization , On Point for College .
For Example : Busy people don 't always have time to go to the park . So Grow It Green Morristown took the park to them .
They have started education-based nonprofit groups , like Mississippi First and the Sunflower County Freedom Project .
Question Box is a project of Open Mind , a nonprofit organization founded by Rose Shuman .
TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading .
SCC is a global not-for-profit organization formed in 1996 .
Operating Mechanism of Non-profit Organization in Community-based Rehabilitation & Based on the Survey of " Sunshine Home " in Community Z , Shanghai
Galvin , who had previously been running not-for-profit groups focusing on affordable and special needs housing , was the original seed investor .
But this spring , her chemistry teacher recommended that she apply for an eight-week computer-science program with Girls Who Code , a nonprofit that teaches middle - and high-school girls programming skills .
After testing the system on workplaces of the General Services Administration , the C.D.C. contracted with the Center for Active Design , a nonprofit organization in New York , to administer the program and apply it more broadly .
He now heads the San Francisco-based Hispanic Scholarship Fund , a nonprofit group dedicated to advancing college education among Hispanic Americans .
In the school year ended in May , 819644 foreign students studied in the U.S. , up 7.2 % from the previous year , according to an annual report released Monday by the Institute of International Education , a nonprofit organization .
To overcome this , Wreford and a non-profit organisation called HOPE ( HIV Outreach Programme and Education ) have set up a project in five townships near Cape Town .
" The future of the global Muslim population " , produced by the Pew Research Centre , a non-profit outfit based in Washington , DC , reckons Muslim numbers will soar from 1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.2 billion by 2030 .
Creative Commons , Scribd , Project Gutenberg , Copyleft are all built to enable young leaders to emerge with ideas and solutions that stand to change the world .
But the session is part of a programme run by MDA Japan , a non-profit organisation that supports people with mood disorders , and the participants are here to achieve a common goal – to return to work after suffering from depression .
These dogs are especially bred and trained by Canine Companions for Independence , or CCI , a non-profit group that provides service dogs to people with disabilities for free .
The concept of nonprofit marketing appeared first in some paper written by Kotler and Levy between 1969 and 1973 . Kotler and Levy think marketing is a very universal social activity .
A review of reports by the Joint Commission , a nonprofit that provides accreditation to health care organizations , found that communication failure ( rather than a provider 's lack of technical skill ) was at the root of over 70 percent of serious adverse health outcomes in hospitals .
Non-Profit Incubator ( NPI ) is a non-governmental organization founded with the support from the government , international and domestic funding organizations , enterprises and academics .
Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ), NPOs ' performance evaluation and Fuzzy-AHP method are all hot strategic topics at present , but the study on the integration of these areas is scarce .
The entrepreneurs , a mix of individuals funded by the National Collegiate inventors and innovators alliance , a not-for-profit organisation that encourages entrepreneurship , and winners of business plan competitions , are holed up for venture lab , an intensive five-day boot camp .
K11 Art Foundation , a nonprofit organization registered in Hong Kong , showcases around 20 works by emerging Chinese artists and blue-chip staples at each of its two K11 Art Malls in Hong Kong and Shanghai , along with holding regular exhibitions .
Research of Non - Profit Organization Profit - making Criminal Regulation
Discussion on the Treatment of the Credit Shortage of Non-profit Organization
The Audit of Per for mance in Non - Profit Organization