
  1. 国民待遇原则是世界贸易非歧视性原则的基石,内容贯穿了WTO的整个法律体系,是WTO的核心内容之一。

    The principle of national treatment is the footstone of the non-discrimination principle in world trade , which run through the whole law system and is the key word of WTO .

  2. 第二,保障措施具有非歧视性原则;

    Second , the safeguard measure has the principle of non-discrimination .

  3. 非歧视性原则是世贸组织体系的基础。

    Non-discrimination rule is the foundation of WTO system .

  4. 与环境有关的贸易争端中经常运用非歧视性原则作为争辩依据。此外,它也是关贸总协定对各国与环境有关贸易措施制定的唯一要求。

    It is frequently used in solving environment-related trade disputes and it is also the only requirement that GATT imposes on environment-related trade measures .

  5. 只有打破城乡分割的二元体制,社会保障制度真正做到非歧视性原则才能提高社会经济效率。

    Break in urban and rural areas two system that cut apart only , social security system make sure " non-discriminatory principle " improve social economic efficiency really .

  6. 兼顾效率与公平、最终达到共同富裕的原则,最低保障与普遍性原则,非歧视性原则,国家、社会、个人相结合的原则是公共服务的基本原则。

    The principle of emphasizing efficiency and equity so as to achieve common richness , minimum warranty and universal principle , non-discriminatory principle , the principle of combining state and society and individual are the basic principles of public service .

  7. 美国特殊教育立法中非歧视性评估原则及其对我国的启示

    Indiscriminative Evaluation in Special Education Law in the United States and Its Implications to China

  8. 国际社会应在确保各国安全不受减损、非歧视性的原则基础上通过对话与合作寻求解决办法,包括探讨建立新的多边机制的可能性。

    The international community should , on the basis of such principles as non-discrimination and undiminished security for all countries , seek a solution to this issue through dialogue and cooperation , including exploring the possibility of establishing a new multilateral mechanism .

  9. 根据我国在入世之初做出的承诺,食品添加剂使用标准的制定必须遵守《SPS协定》的与国际标准协调一致、科学性、透明度、非歧视性等有关原则。

    According to the promise of Chinese Government before entering WTO , food additive hygienic standards must obey the principle of SPS Agreement which is harmonizing to the international standards , being scientific , transparency , nondiscrimination , etc.

  10. 但各国的绿色壁垒相对于WTO绿色规则来说,对发展中国家考虑不够,有的不符合非歧视原则、统一性原则和透明度原则,有的对出口商来说具有隐含的歧视性。

    But the green rampart of countries is given enough consideration to developing countries , which is inconsistent with non-discrimination principle , unity principle and transparency principle , and has implicit discrimination for the exporters .