
fā pán
  • offer;original offer
  1. 发盘必须标明有效期。

    The offer must state the term of validity .

  2. 我们希望贵公司能利用我们的这次发盘。

    We hope that you can take advantage of our offer of this time .

  3. 发盘应分为单独的技术发盘和金融发盘。

    Offers should be sent as two separate Technical and financial offers .

  4. 对发盘方为发盘所做的努力表示感谢;

    Express appreciation for the offeror 's efforts in making an offer ;

  5. 卖方确认后有效发盘事后均方根预测误差

    Offer subject to seller 's confirmation ex post facto rms forecast error

  6. 成功的发盘在商业交易中是至关重要的。

    Offers that can result in actual sales are vital for business transactions .

  7. 贵公司一月一日关于长城牌雨衣的发盘已收悉。

    Thank you for your letter of Jan.1 offering us your Great Wall Raincoats .

  8. 一有现货可供,我方将立即电告发盘。

    We will certainly fax you an offer as soon as there is stock available .

  9. 发盘必须确定,明确表示签订合同的意愿。

    The offer must be definite , stating clearly your intention to make a contract .

  10. 发盘必须完整,(指出)包括所有必要的交易条件。

    The offer must be complete , indicating all the main terms of the transaction .

  11. 一旦我方能发盘,就会电告你方。

    As soon as we is able to make an offer , we 'll cable you .

  12. 卖方确认后有效发盘

    Offer subject to seller 's confirmation

  13. 虽目前不能接受你方发盘,我们会留心的。

    Although we cannot accept your offer at present , we shall bear it in mind .

  14. 在公司兼并或发盘收购中,支付方式对收购者及被收购者企业的股东收益会产生影响。

    In company merge , payment influences the purchasers income and the shareholders of the enterprise sold .

  15. 许诺或协议是通过发盘和接受的过程来完成的。

    A promise or agreement is reached as a result of the process of offer and acceptance .

  16. 接受发盘于表示同意的通知送达发盘人时生效。

    An acceptance of an offer becomes effective AT the moment the indicATion of assent reaches the offeror .

  17. 我们对贵方发盘颇感兴趣,不日内将给予明确答复。

    We find your offer very interesting and shall give you a definite reply in a few day .

  18. 因近来货源奇缺,不能发盘为歉。

    As recently the goods is in extremely short supply , we regret is unable to offer the price .

  19. 还盘实际上是受盘人以发盘人的地位发出的一个新盘。

    Also plate is subject to the liquidator to the status of your order and issue a new plate .

  20. 必升能任何其他的报价发出形式仅作为一般信息供参考用,不是销售用正式报价或发盘。

    Other Fisnar publications are maintained as sources of general information and are not quotations or offers to sell .

  21. 报价单,价格单,形式发票等都可以用作“发盘”。

    Quotation , price list , proforma invoice and so forth all be be used in an " offer " .

  22. 事实上,你不必削发盘坐,像出家人似的冥想。

    The truth is , you dont need to shave your head , or sit with crossed legs to meditate .

  23. 请恕我方不能接受贵方发盘,因为你方价格高于我方目前支付的价格。

    We regret we cannot avail ourselves of your offer because your price be higher than those we are now pay .

  24. 按照询盘、发盘、确认直至签订运输合同的顺序展示了半潜船运输重大件的商务流程。

    We showed the business process of semi-submersible vessels in accordance with the sequence of inquiry , offer , and verification .

  25. 我方发盘是十分合理的,因此,很遗憾不能接受你方还盘。

    The price quoted to you is very reasonable , and we regret that your counterbid is not acceptable to us .

  26. 因为汤姆?李是我方产品在韩国的独家代理人,所以我们不能直接向您发盘。

    Since Tom Lee is our sole agent for our products in korea , we can 't make you a direct offer .

  27. 你会向你认为可能有兴趣参加筹资的银行发出一份冗长的发盘文件。

    A fairly long offer document would be sent to all the banks you believe would be interested in participating in this raising of money .

  28. 通过取消、撤回或废弃而使之无效或废止。接受得予撤回,如果撤回通知于接受于应生效之前或同时送达发盘人。

    An acceptance may be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offeror before or at the same time as the acceptance would have become effective .

  29. 还盘实际上是对原始发盘的部分拒绝,同时也是由买方或受盘人提出的不同意见。

    A counter offer is virtually a partial rejection of the original offer and also a counter proposal initiated by the buyer or the offeree .

  30. 数日前写给贵公司的信谅已收到,前函的发盘现又有重要进展。

    Since I wrote to you a few days ago , there hsas been an important development as regards the offer I then made you .