
  • 网络Issuing bank;Issuer
  1. “,”该卡验证失败,请联系您的发卡银行。

    The card has failed verification with the issuer bank .

  2. 如客户被银行拒绝,可联络发卡银行查询有关事宜。

    If the transaction is rejected , please contact your credit card issuer for enquiries .

  3. 两家比较著名的发卡银行第一资金和汇丰Orchard银行都拥有庞大的次级信用卡业务。

    Two better-known card issuers with a big subprime business are Capital One and HSBC 's Orchard Bank .

  4. 如果取款卡被吞卡,请即时联系发卡银行确认;

    If your card is draw back , contact the bank .

  5. 可否于任何发卡银行办理这项服务的登记手续?

    Is this service available for registration at all card issuing banks ?

  6. 您可以接洽信用卡的发卡银行扣问情况。

    You could contact the issuing bank for information .

  7. 如果您丢失了取款卡,请及时向发卡银行挂失;

    If you lost your card , please contact your bank and report loss .

  8. 使用银联卡付款要求你,使你在网上支付服务发卡银行。

    Payments using UnionPay require you to enable online payment service at your card issuing bank .

  9. 信用卡欺诈行为使得持卡人和发卡银行每年要遭受上亿元的损失。

    Credit and charge card fraud costs cardholders and issuers hundreds of millions of dollars each year .

  10. 第二,发卡银行的市场份额对银行卡产业绩效的影响为正,即市场份额越大,银行卡的绩效水平越高。

    Second , the share of the card issuing bank has positive impact on the market performance .

  11. 通知你的发卡银行你要旅行去,并询问手续费和相关费用的情形。

    Alert your credit card company that you are traveling , and ask about fees and charges .

  12. 即通过建立统一的数据仓库整合客户信息资源,并在发卡银行内部实现客户信息和资源的共享;

    The methodologies are as followings : establishing a unified Data Warehouse to manage the information of customers ;

  13. 随着信用卡行业在我国从起步不断走向成熟,我国各大信用卡发卡银行之间也在进行着激烈的竞争。

    With its booming in China , major credit card issuing banks in China are engaged in fierce competition .

  14. 面对当前全球普遍的不景气,信用卡的获利模式深受国内许多发卡银行的喜好。

    In current worldwide recession , the profit-making model of credit card business is in preference by many domestic card-issuing banks .

  15. 那样的话,他们的卡会被禁用。我们就叫顾客找发卡银行。

    Katy : In that case , their card is declined and we tell the customer to call the issuing bank .

  16. 由于不同银行有不同条款,有关详情请向您的发卡银行查询。

    Since different card issuing banks may have different policy , you are advised to check with your card issuing banks for details .

  17. 在此种法律观之下,持卡人总体上仍然只能依靠个体的力量与发卡银行抗衡。

    Under the guidance of such a concept , cardholders can only rely on their own capabilities to against banks and card issuers .

  18. 这取决于你的发卡银行。美国银行卡(信用卡)一般白金卡包含保险,有的黄金卡也包括。

    Usually , any fees caused by the lost business will also be covered by the credit card , but these fees must be reasonable .

  19. 然后重点分析信用卡持卡人与发卡银行、发卡银行与特约商户、持卡人与特约商户、发卡银行与收单机构之间的法律关系。

    Then selective analyzes the legal relationship between the cardholder and the card issuing bank , the issuing bank and the merchant , cardholders and the merchant .

  20. 1952年,美国加利福尼亚洲的富兰克林国民银行首先发行了银行信用卡,之后各家银行纷纷效仿,进入到发卡银行的行列之中。

    Since Franklin National Bank in United States California issued the first bank credit card in 1952 , the banks have followed suit and entered the ranks of issuers .

  21. 如果你这样做,信用卡公司,或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费。

    If you do this , the credit company , or the bank that sponsors the credit card , will add a small service charge to your total bill .

  22. 在确证页上,将要求阁下输入你的个人密码或身份资料,这些资料之后将经你的信用卡发卡银行进行验证。

    An authentication page will appear , asking you to enter your password or identity information , which will then be verified by your credit card 's issuing bank .

  23. 本卡作为发卡银行的财产,其可随时取消特权,发卡银行保留有随时修改本卡条款规定的权利。

    This card remains the property of the Issuer , who may cancel privileges at any time and Issuer reserves the right to modify its terms and conditions at any time .

  24. 信用卡透支是信用卡运作的基本形式,体现了银行信用,其实质是发卡银行向持卡人提供的一种消费信贷。

    Credit card malicious overdraft is the basic form of credit card operation , it reflects the bank credit , and its essence is for card-issuing banks to honor cardholders a consumer credit .

  25. 由于持卡人挂失之时起24小时之后的风险损失由发卡银行承担,许多的遗失假冒风险到最后就演变成了恶意透支风险。

    As holders accepted 24 hours after the time of the risk of loss borne by the card-issuing banks , many of the risk of loss finally evolved into fake malicious overdraft risk .

  26. 随着信用卡市场的不断发展,发卡银行面临的风险也日益显现,如信用风险、流动风险、市场风险等。

    With the continuous development of the credit card market , issuing banks are increasingly facing more risk , such as credit risk , liquidity risk , market risk , and so on .

  27. 针对信用卡侵权行为,实务中在民事归责原则、责任承担及救济渠道方面,都是有利于发卡银行而不利于持卡人。

    For credit card tort issues , it benefits card issuing bank on the aspects of civil liability principle , while it adverse to cardholders especially in responsibility bearing and means of redress .

  28. 另一方面,发卡银行和信用卡消费者在信用卡的整个生命过程中均存在着诸多非规范化操作,致使发生纠纷时互相推诿责任。

    On the other hand , the card issuing banks and credit card consumer credit throughout the life course there are many non-standardized operation , resulting in a dispute each other pass the buck .

  29. 在此基础上,根据银行信用卡业务的实际经营数据对我国的信用卡信用风险管理进行实证分析,为发卡银行的信用卡审批工作提供参考。

    On this basis , according to empirical analysis of credit risk management on the actual operation data of bank credit card business , this text provides references for credit card approval of issuing banks .

  30. 信用卡竞争日趋激烈,但是高度竞争使得各发卡银行对于审核申请信用卡的人的限制趋于宽松,忽略了风险的管理和控制。

    The credit card market competes intensely day by day , But highly competition causes limits of people who apply for credit cards in commercial banks tend to loosely and they neglect risk management and control .