
  • 网络morality bank;Ethic Bank;ethical banking;ethical bank
  1. 道德银行的理论意义和实践价值再探讨

    Further discussion on the theoretical significance and practical value of the moral bank

  2. 对道德银行的经济学分析

    Study on the Economics of Moral Bank

  3. 以此为基点,本文着重讨论了浙江工业大学之江学院“道德银行”的理论意义和实践价值。

    The theoretical significance and practical value of the moral bank in Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology is also discussed here based on the idea above .

  4. 大学生道德银行是在社会主义市场经济条件与文化多元状态下,我国高校大学生思想政治教育的一种新途径、新方法。

    College " Morality Bank " throws a new light on ideological and political education in colleges and universities under circumstances of cultural pluralism and socialist market economy .

  5. 要使道德银行能够继续发展,就必须打破道德银行与经济分离的格局,从道德银行与经济的结合上重新定位道德银行的发展道路。

    Even if Moral Bank can continue to evolve , the situation that moral band seperates from economy should be changed , and repositioning of moral bank is required for its development .

  6. 浙江工业大学之江学院在全国高校中率先创办的“道德银行”,是高校创新道德教育模式的一次积极尝试。

    Zhijang College of Zhejiang University of Technology has taken the lead among universities in China in establishing the " Moral Bank ", which is a positive act in the new moral education model .

  7. 自2001年湖南长沙市岳麓区望月湖社区推出全国第一家道德银行以来,道德储存现象就得到了社会广泛关注,褒贬不一。

    Since 2001 when the Moon Lake Community in the city of Changsha opened the first moral bank moral storage as a social phenomenon become a hot topic in China on which different people hold different opinions .

  8. 和你们中的许多人一样,当今早听到不道德行为干扰银行业时,我对其影响之广而深感忧虑。

    Well , like many of you listening this morning the extent of the immorality affecting the banking sector bothers me intensely .

  9. 基于这一框架,我们分析了影响企业道德风险和银行核查力度的微观决定因素以及银行控制企业道德风险的随机监督策略。

    Based on the framework , we investigated the determinant factors in moral hazards and verification extent , and analyzed monitoring strategies of bank as well .

  10. 商业银行业道德风险对银行的经营管理、营利水平、信誉和其它风险防范构成了巨大威胁。

    Commercial banking moral hazard on the banks of the operation and management , profit levels , credit and other risks poses a great threat to prevention .

  11. 它确立了主权借款人与银行业的道德风险。银行业若不实施彻底改革,将学会依赖纳税人为自己纾困。

    It entrenches moral hazard not just for sovereign borrowers but for a banking sector which , unless radically reformed , will learn to rely on taxpayers coming to the rescue .

  12. 为了减少信息不对称导致的道德风险,银行在受理小企业贷款的时候会要求企业提供抵押物作为物品保证。

    In order to reduce information asymmetry caused by moral hazard , banks require the business to provide something given as security for a loan when receiving small business loans application .

  13. 本文运用信息经济学的一般原理,解释了由信息非均衡所引致的逆向选择和道德风险是银行经营风险日趋增强的深层次原因,并提出了防范银行经营风险的措施。

    This essay uses the common theory of the information economic to explain that anti-choice and moral risk caused by information disequilibrium are the further reason of managing risk of bank strengthening and give out the methods of prevent .

  14. 而软预算约束对企业的通常会带来经济中的许多问题,比如企业经理的道德风险、银行的呆坏帐等,而要消除软预算约束,明白成因是最起码的要求。

    Soft budget constraint brings many problems in economy , such as the moral risk of firm manager and bad debt in bank . If we want to eliminate the problem , we must know what soft budget constraint cause is .

  15. 其中外生因素包括:经济周期角度、货币政策角度、金融资产价格波动因素三个方面,内生因素包括:信息不对称与道德风险,银行挤兑两个方面。

    And the exogenous factors include : the economic cycle point of view , monetary policy point of view , the financial asset price fluctuations in three areas , endogenous factors include : information asymmetry and moral hazard , bank runs two ways .

  16. 不过,人们预计imf会避免将这项税收包装为“一种保险计划”,以免带来道德风险,即银行认为,既然自己缴了“费”,就理应能够得到纳税人的纾困。

    However the IMF is expected to shy away from branding the levy as " an insurance scheme " because of the moral hazard it would imply , with banks expecting to be bailed out by the taxpayer because they had paid " a fee " .

  17. 政治控制、财政补贴与道德风险:国有银行不良资产的理论模型

    Political Control , Fiscal Subsidy and Moral Hazard : A General Model of Bad Assets in State Banks

  18. 目前由于信息不对称与有成本核查所引致的道德风险问题在银行业中很严重。

    At present , the moral hazard problem deriving from asymmetric information and costly verification is serious in Chinese bank industry .

  19. 这种隐性的存款保险制度很容易引起道德风险,各银行可以不用为他们的过度冒险行为而支付额外成本。

    This implicit deposit insurance system can easily lead to moral hazard , and the banks can do for their excessive risk-taking behavior to incur additional costs .

  20. 他表示,这样一定会产生道德风险由于各银行认为日后可以得到纾困,它们就不会太关注流动性头寸。

    He said it undoubtedly created the risk of moral hazard that banks will take less care over their liquidity positions in future as they think they can be bailed out .

  21. 对于银行所具有的内在脆弱性,我们可以从不对称信息所导致的逆向选择和道德风险,以及银行资产的流动性不足的角度予以分析。

    In terms of the internal instability of banks , adverse selection and moral hazard caused by asymmetric information and the inadequate liquidity of bank assets can give us a sound explanation .

  22. 本文通过研究发现,中小企业融资难的根本原因是信息不对称问题,从而导致借贷过程中产生逆向选择以及道德风险,使银行采取信贷配给的策略规避风险,使收益最大化。

    This research find that the original cause of the financing problem is information asymmetry , which causing the adverse selection and moral hazard . And the banks take credit ration strategy in order to avoid risk .

  23. 信息不对称是小企业信贷市场上的一个重要特征,严重的银企信息不对称会在授信前给银行带来逆向选择风险、在授信后带来道德风险,是银行惜贷的根本原因。

    Information asymmetry is an important character in small business credit market . Severe information asymmetry between banks and small businesses will bring banks about adverse selection risks before loan lending and moral hazard after lending , which is just the very reason why banks crunch small business loans .