
  • 网络Relationship Banking;relationship bank;correspondent bank
  1. 文章主要对论述关系银行业务的大量现代文献做一综述。

    This paper briefly reviews the contemporary literature on relationship banking .

  2. 乐观的银行家认为,这是发展关系银行业务的一种途径。

    Glass-half-full bankers view this as a means to develop relationship banking in China .

  3. 但需要指出的是,发展多家关系银行对于企业融资却是不利的。

    But it should be noted that thedevelopment of a number of relationship banks for corporate finance is unfavorable .

  4. 该理论认为银行在与企业长期交往过程中可以了解到许多内部信息,克服信息不对称,这构成关系银行相对于其他贷款人的比较优势。

    In the course of the long lasting relationship with firms , banks can get lot of internal information to overcome the informational asymmetry , which grant lender more competitive advantage .

  5. 但批评人士称,上述豁免计划通过牺牲实力较强公司的利益来补贴财务状况虚弱的公司,从而延缓了结构改革的进程,同时还表明关系银行业务在日本仍然十分盛行。

    But critics say the packages have slowed structural reform by subsidising weak companies at the expense of stronger competitors and are a sign that relationship banking continues to thrive in Japan .

  6. 商业银行存款成本的管理必须考虑更加现实的因素,成本控制关系银行的整体盈利水平和银行的竞争水平。

    The deposit cost management should consider more practical and valuable factors . At the same time , the cost control is related to the commercial bank 's profitability and competitive ability .

  7. 朝鲜要求美国停止制裁那些与朝鲜有金融关系的银行,并第二次邀请东亚及太平洋事务的助理国务ChristopherR。

    The country has demanded that Washington stop cracking down on banks that do business with North Korea , and has twice invited Christopher R.

  8. 信贷关系给银行下了定义,他说。

    Each is defined by a credit relationship , he says .

  9. 关系型银行业务的开展有助于实现银行与借款人双方的价值增值。

    It helps to increase value for banks and their borrowers .

  10. 论关系型银行业务的价值增值及其对我国的启示

    The Effect of Relationship Banking to Increase Value and Its Illumination to Our Country

  11. 委托-代理关系及银行信贷风险

    The principal-agent relationship and credit risks

  12. 与基于交易的银行业务和资本市场的直接融资不同,基于关系的银行业务与借款者有着特殊、密切的关系。

    Different from the transaction-oriented banking and direct funding , relationship banking develops close relationship with the borrower .

  13. 如果银行关系为银行创造的价值越多,银行越不可能退出或违约。

    The more values bank relationship creates for the bank , the less possibility the bank will exit .

  14. 实证分析(1)支持理论所表明的均衡关系,银行效率与银行集中等变量存在协整关系。

    Empirical analysis ( 1 ) supports the equilibrium and co-integration between banking efficiency and concentration of the literature ;

  15. 新系统投产前的审批流程则成为一个非常严谨的流程,直接关系到银行应用系统的安全运行。

    The approving flow before putting new application into production becomes precise and connects with the bank applications safely running .

  16. 因此贷款价格制定是否合理就关系到银行与贷款有关的一切经营活动的成败。

    Therefore , whether the loan price reasonable or not becomes the key to all the bank business related to loan .

  17. 银行对客户的信用评估是否合理、科学、准确关系着银行贷款的成败。

    The credit evaluation on customer whether is reasonable , scientific ; accurate determines the success or failure of the bank loan .

  18. 成本管理及控制的效果直接关系到银行经济效益的高低,关系到银行的生存与发展。

    The effect of controlling and management of cost is directly relative to the banks economy benefit , its survival and development .

  19. 信贷市场份额的多少,管理水平的高低、风险控制能力的强弱,将直接关系到银行核心竞争力的高低和战略目标的实现。这些都使得授信风险管理成为商业银行所面临的首要的战略问题。

    The credit market occupation percentage , management level and risk control ability are directly related to competition strength and strategic goal for banks .

  20. 同时阐明了进口押汇中的押是与信用证法律关系中银行在单据上的质押权不同的。试述进口押汇有关法律问题与风险防范

    Legal relations differs from the secured interest from Inward documentary bills . The Legal Issues and the Risk Prevention of the Import Documentary Bill

  21. 借助银行与企业之间所形成的良好的、长久的合作关系,银行的新兴金融业务有着大量的企业作为服务对象。

    Due to the stable and long term cooperation between banks and enterprises , emerging financial services still bring banks a lot customers and income .

  22. 本文研究商业银行的公司治理结构与治理效果之间的关系。银行的治理效果包括信息透明度,风险控制,绩效以及发展模式四个方面。

    This thesis analyzes the relationship between commercial banks corporate governance and governance effects , including risk management , transparency , performance and development mode .

  23. 在这个问题的解决上必须积极发挥与上海合作组织实业理事会有协议关系的银行联合会的作用。

    To solve this problem , must bring the function of Bank Association into full play , which has agreement relation with SCO Industry Council .

  24. 议会成员认为经济的持续增长和中间预期应该成线性关系,银行利率是可以进一步采取必要的提升的。

    The committee members agreed that should the economy continue to develop in line with central expectations , bank rate could be increased further as necessary .

  25. 银行体系与政府的关系,银行体系中单个银行的表现与整个体系的脆弱性问题,银行体系与国家金融自由化问题,都是这个系统中相互影响的各个因子。

    This paper studies the relationships between banking system and the government , banking system fragility and the macro economy , banking system fragility and financial liberation .

  26. 银行监管机构应当恪尽职守,设立最低资本金要求就是它们的职责所在,而不是存在利害关系的银行高管们的职责。

    Bank regulators should do their job , and it is their job , not the job of conflicted bank managers , to set minimum capital levels .

  27. 安全评估活动是一项十分重要的业务工作,评估的结果直接关系到银行业金融机构的切身利益。

    Safety evaluation is an item of very important professional work , and the evaluation result is directly related to the immediate interests of banking financial institutions .

  28. 关系型银行业务理论作为一种新的研究角度,有利于指导我国银行的价值增值活动和开辟新的中小企业融资方式。

    Relationship banking theory as a new angle can illuminate us increase value of banks and invest a new way of financing for small and medium enterprises .

  29. 但目前商业银行开发贷款不良比率呈上升的趋势,这不仅关系到银行整体资产质量的好坏,还直接影响到房地产整个行业的发展势头。

    Such a worse trend not only influences the whole asset quality of the bank , but also influences the development of the whole Real Estate directly .

  30. 全面研究基于官方监管、市场约束、存款保险之间相互关系的银行监管问题是一个新的课题,可借鉴的系统性方法、理论更是匮乏。

    There are few valuable research experiences , systemic methods and theories of banking regulation based on the relationship among official supervision , market discipline and deposit insurance .