
  • 网络Internet bank
  1. 在韩国,蚂蚁金融参与设立的互联网银行也已经获得了初步批准。

    In South Korea , it has gained preliminary approval to establish an Internet bank .

  2. 去年,蚂蚁金服成为少数几家被许可创办互联网银行的互联网企业。该公司定于在下周启动这一银行。

    Last year Ant Financial was among a handful of internet companies given permission to open an internet bank , with the launch scheduled for next week .

  3. 如此看来,Kaminsky正处在保护成千上万计算机用户和融失消费者对互联网银行业务和购物信心的一线之间。

    As a result , Kaminsky is walking a fine line between protecting millions of computer users and eroding consumer confidence in Internet banking and shopping .

  4. 要让那些互联网银行取得成功,监管机构和中国根基深厚的银行都需要做出调整。

    Both regulators and China 's well-entrenched banks will need to adapt if these online lenders are to succeed .

  5. 再按一下,就接通了国际互联网银行网络,然后,你就可以付款买下来了。第二天,快递员就能把它给你送过来了。

    Another click to call up the Internet banking connection , and you have bought and paid for it , and a courier will deliver tomorrow .

  6. 网上询证系统可以让审计师在获得客户同意之后,直接通过互联网向银行总部询证。

    An online confirmation system would allow auditors , after receiving client permission , to confirm bank balances online from the headquarters database of the banks .

  7. 在电子储税券计划下,纳税人可透过各种电子付款途径购买,包括银行自动转账、电话、互联网及银行自动柜员机等。

    Under the electronic tax reserve certificates scheme , certificates can be purchased by various electronic payment means : bank autopay , phone payment , Internet payment and bank ATM transfer .

  8. 据胡厚昆介绍,华为将专注于将无线互联网与银行业和农业等传统经济部门集成,提高它们的信息化程度,使它们更加智能,他形容这是一场新工业革命。

    According to Mr Hu , Huawei will focus on integrating the wireless internet with traditional economic sectors such as banking and agriculture to make them more information driven , to make them more intelligent , dubbing it a new industrial revolution .

  9. 这是由于随着飞速发展的Internet和通信技术,银行纷纷开展了基于互联网技术的银行服务与产品创新,数据大集中是对这些新的要求的有利支持。

    It is because that with the development of the Internet and communication technology , the bank develops banking serving and operation innovation , which are based on the Internet technology , and centralizing the data is favorableness support to the new requirement .

  10. 范智廉周四在伦敦卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)的一次演讲中称:“全球监管机构正考虑互联网公司提供银行业服务的范围以及是否应对它们严加监管或者它们是否只是为使用银行业服务提供途径。”

    Douglas Flint said in a speech at Cass Business School in London on Thursday : " Regulators all around the world are reflecting on the extent that internet companies are providing banking services and whether they should be regulated as such , or whether they are just providing access to banking services . "

  11. 据知情人士透露,离职事件反映出,这家银行在从一家向工业企业提供长期贷款的日本银行向适合于互联网时代的银行转型的过程中,遇到了困难。

    The departures reflect the difficulty the bank has had transforming itself from a Japanese bank providing long-term credit to industrial companies into a bank ready for the Internet age , according to people close to the situation .

  12. 就中低收入顾客群而言,互联网金融是银行面临的最大威胁。这名分析师要求在本次报道中保持匿名,因为他尚未获得就此对媒体发表意见的授权。

    It is the biggest threat to the low - and middle-income customer base of banks , says an analyst with an international bank who asked to remain anonymous as he was not authorised to speak to media .

  13. 对互联网上各国银行网站发布的汇率、利率等财政信息进行长期的统计,也就成为了解其他国家财政、经济政策的一种主要手段。

    Long-term statistics on the Internet site issued by the exchange rate , interest rates and other financial information , will become the understanding of other countries in financial , economic policy a primary tool for The national bank .

  14. 网上银行是当今互联网技术在银行经营中引起的新一轮变革,其增长迅猛,服务方式独特,对当今国际所有传统银行机构都产生了巨大的震荡。

    Internet banking is currently the technology in the banking business arising from the new round of changes in the rapid growth and unique service means that all of the traditional banking institutions in the world have experienced tremendous shock .

  15. 高速公路不停车收费系统使驾驶员通过收费站时无须停车,利用互联网技术与银行进行后台结算处理,通过银行卡将所需费用进行自动扣除。

    The highway toll collection system allows the driver through the toll booths without stopping , and with the use of the Internet technology and the settlement bank for background processing , the cost is automatically deducted by the bank card .

  16. 近年来,我国全面推进金融机构改革,加快利率市场化进程,在金融脱媒化、互联网金融、银行资本监管催化作用下,商业银行加快经营转型步伐。

    In recent years , comprehensively promote the reform of financial institutions in our country , accelerate the process of marketization of interest rate , the financial disintermediation , the Internet finance , bank capital regulation under the catalysis , Commercial Banks speed up the pace of business transformation .

  17. 在互联网泡沫期间,银行向员工提供星期五便装日、礼宾服务等待遇。

    In the dotcom bubble , banks offered dress-down Fridays and concierge services .

  18. 可以说,网上银行是互联网上的虚拟银行柜台。

    It can be said that online banking is on the Internet , virtual bank counters .

  19. 每个人都必须在互联网上公开其银行帐户才能使用在线支付方式;他可以不通过二手商家便可以销售汽车。

    Using this payment method everyone could publish their bank account number over the Internet and sell their car without any middleman .

  20. 最近几周,美欧企业高管纷纷对中国针对电信公司、互联网服务提供商和银行的两项立法草案表示震惊。

    Over recent weeks , US and European corporate executives have expressed alarm over two new pieces of Chinese legislation targeting telecom companies , internet service providers and banks .

  21. 支付宝披露此项计划之际,中国内地和香港都在就影子银行以及互联网金融对正规银行业的影响展开激烈辩论。

    The Alipay plan comes at a time of big debate on both sides of the border about shadow banks and the impact of internet finance on the formal sector .

  22. 另外,中国央行还暗示,可能要求互联网理财产品像银行存款那样留存准备金。

    The bank also has suggested that online investment products could be forced to hold reserves on the funds that they attract -- much like banks must do on their deposits .