
  • 网络complement;complementary goods
  1. 因为百吉饼和奶酪通常一起食用,它们是互补品。

    Because bagels and cream cheese are often eaten together , they are complements .

  2. 每个行业分析了潜在的进入者及进入威胁、购买者讨价还价的能力、供应商讨价还价的能力、替代品的威胁、互补品和现有厂商的竞争等六个因素。

    In each industry , the six forces have analyzed : potential new entrants , buyers , suppliers of key inputs , substitute products , availability of complements and rivalry among competing sellers .

  3. 考虑零售商在传统渠道中附带销售电子渠道商品的互补品,建立了渠道产品合作的双渠道供应链Bertrand博弈模型。

    Consider the retailers sell the complementary goods of electronic-channels commodities in the traditional retail channels , a Bertrand game model of channel-product cooperation about dual-channel supply chain is proposed .

  4. 基于网络效应的市场结构模型与互补品定价研究

    Models of Market Structure and Pricing of Complementary Goods Based on Network Effects

  5. 互补品生产企业间合作营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing Strategies between Complementary Goods Manufacturing Enterprises

  6. 存在很高的负值,就说明这两种商品是很密切的互补品。

    A high negative cross-elasticity between two goods means that they are close complaints .

  7. 耐用品在现实生活中普遍存在,而其互补品也飞速膨胀,互补品又在很大程度上影响着耐用品。

    Durable goods in real life is widespread , and its complementary products which have a large extent influence to the durable goods are also rapidly expanding .

  8. 接着分析了男女双方对妻妾问题存在的观念差异,认为正是男女双方视“第三者”为替代品还是互补品导致了家庭的不稳定性;

    Secondly , the author analyses the conception differences about the wife and concubine problem between the male and female , it is the conception differences that causes the unstability of family .

  9. 一般情况下,互补品间实现互联互通,合作双方都能从彼此中获得收益,是一种双赢的选择,因此可以完全由市场来驱动。

    Usually , the both parts of the cooperation can earn the benefit from the compatibility between the compliments . And it is a Win-Win choice , therefore it can be realize by the market operation .

  10. 本文借鉴了技术周期理论的思想,分析了产品设计风险的动态变化,揭示了选择权价值随技术演化而下降的规律。再结合互补产品品联合定价的思想,最终解释了再集成现象的动因。

    By absorbing some viewpoints of technology cycle theory , the paper analyzes the dynamic changes of design risk and discovers the rule that option value declines with technology evolution , thereby explaining the formulation of modular reintegration phenomena , supporting from the theory of joint pricing .