
  • 网络Interactive Management;interaction management
  1. 数字参考咨询服务互动管理模式探微

    Discussion on Interactive Management Model of Digital Reference Service

  2. 还提出实现农业教育与农业发展互动管理的若干对策。

    And , it also put forward to some strategies facting interactive management between agricultural education and development .

  3. 如果我们把我们的牲畜以及与动物的互动管理好,那就意味着我们保护了自己。

    And if we manage our livestock and interactions with animals well , that means we protect ourselves .

  4. “走动式”管理是世界上流行的一种创新管理方式,“走动式”管理是一种“以人为本”的情感管理、现场管理、互动管理。

    " get-around " management is one of the creative ways of management that are very popular among the world .

  5. 区域医疗信息资源合作模式的探讨&大型医院和社区卫生信息互动管理

    Exploration into the Mode of Regional Medical Information Resources Sharing : Management of Information Interaction between Large-scale Hospitals and Community Health Services

  6. 应用协同商务时应注意实现企业管理系统的集成、选择合适的协同模式、建立良好的虚拟社群,真正实现协同商务和互动管理。

    In order to be real to realizes collaborative commerce and co-management , should notice : implement integration of the enterprise management system , choice the adaptive collaborative model and set up good virtual community .

  7. 自主互动型管理模式提高护理记录质量的尝试

    A trying of independent and mutual aid management mode of improving nursing level

  8. 开放型政府最重要的价值在于公民和社会组织能够与政府在同一层面互动并管理公共事务。

    The most important value of open government is that citizens and social organizations can interact with governments at the same level .

  9. 移民管理不是在一个现成的组织中,具有主客二分单向控制特征的传统管理,而被描述成参与移民联合行动过程的各行动主体共同实施的一种互动式管理。

    The resettlement management is not a traditional management of unilateral controlling , but an new mode of different participants interacting together in the process of combined action .

  10. 而本文认为品牌关系的管理,不应该局限在顾客关系的经营上,它应该被广泛的运用到与所有关系利益人互动的管理与监督上。

    This article thought the management of brand relations , should not limit in the management which the customer relates , it should be used by the widespread utilization to which interacts with all relational benefit unit at the management and the surveillance .

  11. 基于三者互动的学校管理制度的基本内涵、基本架构与基本特征;

    The basic meaning , structure , characteristics and form of the interaction ;

  12. 三方互动实验教学管理系统是新研制的个性化的教学管理系统。

    Three-part Interactive Experimental Teaching Management System is our lately-Development characteristics teaching management system .

  13. 知识与服务互动型战略管理研究

    Research on the Knowledge-service-interacting Strategic Management

  14. 互动:政府管理与民间参与

    Interaction : Governance and Civic Participation

  15. 强调上下互动的合作管理,而不是政府自上而下的单向度管理;

    Emphasizes not governmental single management from top to bottom , but interaction management between top and bottom ;

  16. 企业内良好波动的人际关系,情感上的互动,是管理的次要手段。

    Enterprises in good and stable interpersonal relationship , emotional interaction , is the primary means of management .

  17. 指出系统的应用,实现了数字化手术影像互动教学和管理,在整合教学管理功能方面具有较大优势。

    The digital surgical operation image teaching system in ophthalmology endoscopy was constructed according to the national training standards .

  18. 然而,兰格认为,通过在线互动,全球管理技能的发展会抵消这一劣势。

    However , Ms Lange believes that this disadvantage is offset by the development of global management skills through online interaction .

  19. 在全球治理理论的指引下,构建政府与非营利组织之间的参与式合作,实现两者的良性互动成为行政管理体制改革的一个新方向。

    Under the leadership of global governance , it has become a direction to construct the participatory cooperation between government and Non-profit organizations for the administrative systems .

  20. 依此模式,本文讨论保健食品业者与消费者之间互动行为的管理义涵,对淤其消费者行为分析、行销方案拟定提供具体之建议。

    According to the model , managerial implications are discussed , some practical suggestions about consumer behavior analysis and marketing alternatives for biotechnology industry are also provided .

  21. 信息和技术的快速发展,用户需求多种多样,图书情报机构知识服务工作变得愈加烦杂,使得知识服务互动和协同管理成为必要。

    With the rapid development of information and technology , the interaction of knowledge services and the collaboration management between them are necessary for library and information institutions because of the complexity library information services .

  22. 本研究发现影响国家机关工作人员在工作沟通中的媒介选择有情景、习惯的延伸和互动中进化管理三个核心因素,而研究对象分别受到核心范畴及其次范畴的不同程度的影响。

    The study found that affect the state organ personnel working in the medium of communication by sight , used to select the evolution and interaction in three key factors , while the core of each category by category and the time of the degree of influence .

  23. 实现了操作系统课程的网络资源共享、在线PPT浏览、在线作业管理、在线自测、互动平台和后台管理功能。

    Implement the operating system course of network resource sharing , online PPT browsing , online job management , online self-test , interactive platform and the background management functions .

  24. 学习提高与管理工作互动型高校基层管理队伍建设研究

    Study of Learning-managing Interactive Grass-roots Management Team Construction

  25. 管理理论与管理实践是一种互动的关系:管理实践推动管理理论的发展;

    There is a relationship of mutual promotion between management theory and management practice .

  26. 他教授了很多我以前从未接触的互动游戏、课堂管理和协作学习方法。

    He has taught me many Cooperative Games , methods of Classroom Management and Cooperative Learning that I have never known before .

  27. 债转股中的互动机理与资产管理公司运作劳动法与劳动伦理的调整机制及其相互关系

    Research on Mechanism of Mutual Reaction and Operation of Asset Management Corporation in the Debt-to-equity Swaps ; Regulatory mechanisms of labor law and labor ethics and their relationships

  28. 科学管理运动兴起原因新探&从劳资互动关系看科学管理运动的兴起

    A New Probe into the Rise of the Scientific Management : on the Rise of the Scientific Management from the Perspective of the Interactive Relationship between the Labor and Capital

  29. 政府回应作为行政沟通的一环,其在行政管理过程中,多变复杂的环境带来的各种挑战面前,如何积极有效地回应民意,畅通政民互动,提升行政管理效能显得至关重要。

    The government response as administrative communication of a ring , in the administrative process is changeable and complex environment to bring all sorts of challenges , how to actively and effectively respond to public opinion , unblocked politics civilian interactive , increase the administrative efficiency is very important .

  30. 宾客互动&饭店互动质量管理模式中的重要因素

    Guest-interaction & An Important Factor in Interaction Quality Management Mode of Hotel