
  1. 零售业再创造不是一个简单的过程,也不是发生在过去的“互联网时代”。

    Retail reinvention is not a simple process , and it 's also not happening on what used to be called " Internet Time . "

  2. 随着以Internet为代表的网络技术的飞速发展,GIS进入了互联网时代。

    With the rapid development of Internet technology , GIS enters the Internet age .

  3. 互联网时代GIS设计的新观念&以数据为中心的GIS

    The New Concept of GIS Design on Internet Age-GIS Centralized on Data

  4. 基于Web的监控管理技术是互联网时代的主流应用开发体系构架。

    Web-based monitoring and management technology is the mainstream application Development Framework of the Internet application development system .

  5. 在IP互联网时代,我们主要关注网络带宽;

    In the IP Internet era , main attention is paid to network bandwidth .

  6. 分布式GIS将成为互联网时代人类生存所依赖的一种基础设施。

    Distribute GIS will become an infrastructure , on which human depends in Internet times .

  7. 随着互联网时代的到来,很多的机关、企业、学校以至个人用户都希望在Internet上进行信息检索与查询等。

    Come in with internet , too many institutions , establishments , schools , up to personal customers are hoping proceed information retrieval and query in internet .

  8. 分布式GIS数据的安全管理是互联网时代地理信息系统技术发展面临的一个重要课题。

    The security management of distributed Geographic Information System is an important research as the technology of Geographic Information System of Internet in time .

  9. 以3G网络的大规模商用为标志,移动互联网时代已然全面开启。

    Marked by large-scale commercial uses of 3G network , the mobile internet era has been fully opened .

  10. 分布式移动地理信息系统是传统GIS在21世纪移动互联网时代发展的新方向。

    Distributed Mobile Geographic Information System ( DM-GIS ) is the new development of the mobile Internet in the 21st century based on traditional GIS .

  11. 自称网络社区运动的发源地的TheWell创立于1985年,时值互联网时代的黎明。在它的电子公告论坛上,曾有一众颇具影响力的杰出网络人物出没。

    Founded in 1985 , at the dawn of the Internet , the Well , the self-proclaimed birthplace of the online community movement , hosted an influential cast of dot-com luminaries on its electronic bulletin board discussion forums .

  12. 戴蒙得说,wiki是互联网时代的一个全新概念,它完全有资格进入这本有120年历史的英语字典。

    Diamond said new Internet-age concept of " wiki " fits well with the120-year-old dictionary .

  13. 自称“网络社区运动的发源地”的TheWell创立于1985年,时值互联网时代的黎明。在它的电子公告论坛上,曾有一众颇具影响力的杰出网络人物出没。

    Founded in 1985 , at the dawn of the Internet , the Well , the self-proclaimed " birthplace of the online community movement , " hosted an influential cast of dot-com luminaries on its electronic bulletin board discussion forums .

  14. 我国建设社会主义市场经济,加入WTO,信息传播进入互联网时代,给思想政治工作既带来机遇,更带来了挑战。

    We developments socialism market economy , affiliate to WTO , the in - formation spreads into the Internet ages , giving ideological and political work since bring the opportunity , even brought the challenge .

  15. 计算机继大型机时代、小型机时代、PC时代、互联网时代后,已经开始进入第五个时代,即移动互联网时代。

    Computer following the era of the mainframe , the minicomputer era , the PC era , the age of the Internet , has begun to enter the fifth era of mobile Internet era .

  16. 互联网时代的新兴公司的IPO就像是坐公共汽车,你等啊等等来一辆,然后一下子来了好几辆。

    INITIAL public offerings ( IPOs ) of internet start-ups are like buses : you wait ages for one to arrive , then several turn up at once .

  17. 在互联网时代的今天,他们转向了社交媒体,通过Kickstarter网站来集资。

    In the Internet era , they turned to social media , initiating a Kickstarter campaign .

  18. 虽然已经进入了移动互联网时代,但国内的大部分CRM系统没能适应这种变化,即不能支持移动客户端的访问。

    Though China has entered the era of mobile Internet , the most CRM system could not adapt to this change , for that it can not support the access of mobile clients .

  19. 我一度认为,如同Linux和Web服务在八、九年前起到的作用一样,安卓系统(Android)将成为后PC设备互联网时代的中流砥柱,扮演集成各种元素的核心角色。

    I used to think that , as with Linux and web services in the early part of last decade , Android was going to be the mortar for the Internet of post-PC devices & an essential ingredient to put stuff together .

  20. 网页是互联网时代传播信息的重要手段之一,在网页视觉传达设计中合理的引入3D元素,可以有效增强网页的视觉表现力,突出主题,提高网页互动效果。

    The web page is one of the most important methods to disseminate information . It will amplify the sense of visual expression , accent the main points , and enhance the interactivity of the webpage if the designers apply 3D elements appropriately to web designing .

  21. 随着移动互联网时代的来临,以智能手机和平板电脑为代表的智能移动终端的日趋普及,移动LBS逐渐受到用户的青睐。

    With the mobile Internet coming , smart phones and tablet PCs as the representative of smart mobile devices growing popularity , mobile location services gradually becomes more and more popular .

  22. 移动互联网时代的来临是一个崭新的开始,它将移动通信和互联网整合在一起,使移动设备可以通过Wifi、3G技术随时随地访问互联网资源和应用。

    Mobile Internet age is a new start . It combines mobile communication and Internet together . Mobile devices can access to the Internet resources and application through the WIFI , 3G anytime and anywhere .

  23. 对于gec,其愿景是指将一家乏味的电信和防务企业,转变为一家互联网时代的电气公司。

    The vision for GEC was to transform a boring telecoms and defence business into the electrical company of the Internet age .

  24. 在互联网时代,把网站的服务封装成一系列计算机易识别的数据接口开放出去,供第三方开发者使用,这种行为就叫做OpenAPI,提供开放API的平台本身就被称为开放平台。

    In the Internet era , the web service is packaged into a series of computer recognizable data interface for the third-party developers to use . This behavior is called the Open API . The platform , providing an open API , is called an open platform .

  25. 在蒂姆•伯纳斯-李(TimBerners-Lee)放弃数火车,发明万维网之前,房地产经纪人早就遭人怨恨了。随着互联网时代的到来,房地产经纪人本应是第一批消失的人。

    Estate agents , who were hated long before Tim Berners-Lee gave up train spotting to invent the world wide web , were always going to be the first to go , come the internet age .

  26. E-Learning是互联网时代一种全新教学模式,它使教学资源、教学管理和师生交流获得了更好的发展空间,但其在高校教学中的应用还处在初级试验阶段。

    E-Learning is a new teaching model in Internet . It provided a better developing space for teaching source , teaching management and the communication between the teacher and the student , while it remains in the primary testing stage in higher school teaching .

  27. 互联网时代信息技术R&D(ITRD)资源配置的特点

    Features of R & D Resources Allocation on Information Technology ( ITRD ) in the Internet Age

  28. 互联网时代,电子商务正在改变人们的消费习惯,电子商务对传统企业经营造成了很大的冲击,传统企业也开始大规模的开展电子商务活动,参与B2C电子商务市场的竞争。

    While Electronic Commerce is changing consumer habits in the age of the Internet , it has a great effect on traditional enterprises . Traditional enterprises begin to develop electronic commerce in a large scale , and participate in the competition of B2C market .

  29. Emoji以及其他相关的一些表情符号正迅速被网络广泛传播,慢慢转变成了互联网时代的非官方语言。据政府部门的数据显示,目前已经有越来越多的表情符号被用于跟踪、骚扰、威胁或诋毁他人,该案正是其中之一。

    As emoji and their relative the emoticon have rocketed from web slang to the unofficial language of the Internet age , the case is one of a growing number where authorities contend the cartoonish symbols have been used to stalk , harass , threaten or defame people .

  30. 智能手机是移动互联网时代一个标志性的客户端工具。

    Smart phones are landmark client tools in mobile Internet times .