
  • 网络Internet companies;internet enterprises/companies
  1. 这些大型互联网企业和BuddhaSteel使用的是几乎一模一样的协议。

    The big internet companies have the same agreements that were used by Buddha Steel .

  2. 这是否意味着中国互联网企业的美国IPO之窗即将被关闭呢?

    Does it mean that the IPO window is closing for Chinese Internet companies ?

  3. 从事中国互联网企业IPO的一位银行家表示:等待上市的企业非常多。

    The pipeline is very strong , said one banker who is working on Chinese internet IPOs .

  4. 相比之下,Facebook决定接受来自面向东欧和俄罗斯的互联网企业DigitalSkyTechnologies的2亿美元投资。

    The move contrasts with Facebook 's decision to take $ 200m of investment from Digital Sky Technologies , an eastern European and Russian internet business .

  5. 但在中国互联网企业中,新浪微博的低IPO价格给投资者提供了一个更为稳妥的介入点。

    But among Chinese Internet plays , Weibo 's deflated IPO price gives investors a more comfortable entry point .

  6. 特别是中国互联网企业的发展,一直采用复制(Copy)欧美企业模式的方式,很多企业在复制中失败。

    Especially the development of Chinese Internet enterprise , they always copy European and American enterprise mode , but many of them failed in replication .

  7. 从某些方面来看,这些变化表明阿里巴巴从上一次巨型互联网企业即Facebook的IPO中吸取了教训。

    In some ways , the shift represents a lesson learned from the last giant Internet I.P.O. , that of Facebook .

  8. 全文以互联网企业的特殊性为逻辑起点,围绕应用EVA估价模型评估互联网企业价值问题展开。

    The paper starts with the specificities of internet companies , and focus on applying EVA valuation model to internet companies .

  9. 印度政府通知包括facebook和谷歌(google)在内的互联网企业,关闭了它们300多家网站,其中有些相对无害。

    The government told Internet companies , including Facebook and Google , to close more than 300 websites , some of which were relatively harmless .

  10. AI人才稀缺被认为是由许多互联网企业不惜重金争夺AI专业人才这一现实情况所致。

    The scarcity of talents is attributed to the fact that many internet enterprises scramble for AI professionals , offering high salaries .

  11. 高层换人之际,阿里巴巴集团正准备进行首次公开发行(IPO),这可能成为史上规模最大的互联网企业IPO之一。

    The change at the top comes as the group is preparing what could become one of the largest-ever internet initial public offerings .

  12. 周四,这家婚恋网站以股票代码DATE在美国纳斯达克申请上市,正式加入越来越多的利用投资者的强劲需求进行上市的中国互联网企业的行列。

    The matchmaker on Thursday applied to list on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol DATE , joining a growing queue of Chinese internet companies eager to cash in on strong investor demand .

  13. 至于谷歌为什么失去头把交椅,《财富》说,这家位于加州山景城(MountainView)的互联网企业没有什么不好的,就是它取消了下午茶和年度滑雪旅行这些花架子。

    Asto why Google lost its usual No.1 spot , Fortune says nothing bad about the Mountain View , Calif. - based Internet concern-except that it hascut frills like afternoon tea and an annual ski trip .

  14. web2.0背后的一些企业家及资金提供者表示,尽管相关企业已经对网上行为产生了重大影响,但迄今为止,很多web2.0一代的互联网企业尚未能带来多少收入。

    Many members of the Web 2.0 generation of Internet companies have so far produced little in the way of revenue , despite bringing about some significant changes in online behaviour , according to some of the entrepreneurs and financiers behind the movement .

  15. 其他获准在华经营的外国互联网企业——如领英(LinkedIn)——都遵守中国严厉的审查制度。

    Other foreign internet companies allowed to operate in China , such as LinkedIn , comply with the country 's draconian censorship regime .

  16. 观察人士也表示,groupon应该研究其它西方互联网企业在中国失败的教训。

    Observers also said Groupon should look to the failures of other Western Internet companies in China as a lesson .

  17. FTC正在审查的,是那些在交通运输、住宿和电子商务领域帮助开展个人对个人(P2P)交易的互联网企业。在世界各地,这类企业的爆炸性增长引发了种种问题。

    The Federal Trade Commission is examining internet businesses that facilitate peer-to-peer transactions for transport , accommodation and ecommerce as their explosive growth creates friction around the world .

  18. 类似Facebook、淘宝等社交类和在线商城类互联网企业,随着用户量和业务的发展,企业存储系统中的图片数量呈指数级增长,如何有效的存储和管理这些海量数据成为企业面临的巨大挑战。

    With the amount of user increased and business development , the number of enterprise image growth in the exponential such as Facebook , Taobao Mall and other social networking or online internet business .

  19. 自从2000年中国互联网企业第一次IPO以来,中国希望到境外上市的初创企业,一直通过设立VIE架构的离岸公司,绕开外资所有权限制。

    Since the first Chinese internet IPO in 2000 , Chinese start-ups wanting to list abroad have skirted ownership restrictions by setting up offshore companies known as VIEs .

  20. 华纳音乐集团(WarnerMusicGroup)和中国最大的互联网企业之一腾讯在周四宣布,双方签署了一项广泛的授权协议。这是音乐产业为从中国赚钱而做出的最新动作。

    In the music industry 's latest effort to make money from China , the Warner Music Group has signed an extensive licensing deal with Tencent , one of China 's biggest Internet businesses , the companies announced on Thursday .

  21. 按市值计算为中国最大互联网企业的腾讯(Tencent),也已开通了一个搜索引擎,预期将从明年起产生影响。

    Tencent , China 's largest internet company by market capitalisation , has also started a search engine and is expected to make an impact from next year .

  22. 本研究的目的就是找出影响用户接受SNS的因素,并为互联网企业改善SNS提供建议。

    The objective of this research is to find the significant elements influencing users ' adoption of SNS and provide suggestions to Internet enterprises about how to improve SNS .

  23. 11年前,当网景(Netscape)的浏览器刚刚投放市场,触发互联网企业的混乱竞争时,他们二人还在中学读书。

    Both were still in high school at the seminal moment 11 years ago when Netscape 's browser was launched , triggering the dotcom scramble .

  24. 乌镇距离电商巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)总部不远。他表示,许多国际政要以及中国三大互联网企业——百度(Baidu)、阿里巴巴和腾讯(Tencent)——的董事长都同意参加此次大会。

    Key government figures , as well as the chairmen of China 's three largest companies - Baidu , Alibaba , and Tencent - had all agreed to attend , he said .

  25. 中国最大互联网企业之一的董事长承诺向慈善事业捐赠逾20亿美元,此举将使他加入高科技领域最大慈善家马克•扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)和比尔•盖茨(BillGates)的行列。

    The chairman of one of China 's largest internet companies is looking to join the ranks of the technology world 's big philanthropists Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates , by donating more than $ 2bn to charity .

  26. 周鸿燊曾任雅虎(YahooInc.)中国区负责人,是中国科技界最敢直言的巨头之一,常常与中国最大几家互联网企业的其他领导人吵架。

    Mr. Zhou is the former head of Yahoo Inc. in China and one of the most outspoken of China 's tech tycoons , frequently at odds with other leaders of China 's biggest Internet companies .

  27. 分析师表示,阿里巴巴的行为并无违法之处。他们指出,该公司网站上的敏感商品问题与其他互联网企业存在的第三方问题类似,比如谷歌(Google)的盗版音乐问题,以及eBay上的易制毒化学品问题。

    Analysts say Alibaba has done nothing illegal , noting that the availability of sensitive merchandise on its sites is similar to other third-party issues faced by internet companies , from pirated music on Google to drug precursors on eBay .

  28. 现在为了适应更快的数据传输速度,各家公司都在不断更新移动应用程序。爱立信公司决意与互联网企业携手,保障4G网络尚未覆盖的新兴市场客户也能使用这些应用程序。

    As companies continue to update their mobile applications for faster data speeds , Ericsson has decided to partner with Internet companies to help applications stay accessible for non-4G speed customers in emerging markets .

  29. 这不仅仅是因为谷歌数据中心的规模或其宽带网络的能力,还因为这家互联网企业能够轻易地将Nest设备收集的数据转化为极有价值的情报。

    It is not just the scale of its data centres or the capacity of its broadband networks : the internet company could also be in a good position to turn data collected by Nest 's devices into valuable intelligence .

  30. 但中国低端智能手机市场的竞争正在日益加剧。阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroupHoldingsLtd.)和百度(BaiduInc.)等中国互联网企业正与电子产品制造商联手推出廉价智能手机,纷纷加入这一市场的竞争。

    But the low-end segment of the smartphone market is now getting even more crowded , as Chinese Internet companies such as Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd. and Baidu Inc. jump on the bandwagon by teaming up with electronics makers to launch inexpensive smartphones .