
  • 网络Red Chip
  1. 而中国移动(chinamobile)是若干表示有意在沪上市的红筹公司之一。

    China Mobile is among a number of Hong Kong incorporated and listed mainland groups to express a desire for a Shanghai listing .

  2. “红筹公司”大部分是在海外成立公司并在香港上市的大型中国国有公司,比如中国移动(chinamobile)和中国海洋石油总公司(chinanationaloffshoreoilcorporation)。

    " Red chips " are mostly large state-owned Chinese companies , such as China Mobile and China National Offshore Oil Corporation , that have incorporated abroad and sold shares in the Hong Kong stock market .

  3. 安永表示,回家的中国企业发行数量下降的影响,将被红筹公司在上海的发行所抵消。红筹公司是指在港上市、但是在海外注册的内地公司,它们尚未获准在内地上市。

    E & Y said the fall in the number of returning home Chinese offerings would be offset by the listing in Shanghai of red chips , Hong Kong-listed companies based on the mainland but incorporated overseas that have not yet been allowed to list domestically .

  4. 上海的国际板可能会吸引目前在港上市的“红筹”公司(及其它公司)前往上市。

    Such a board might attract ( among others ) " red chip " companies currently listed in Hong Kong .