
  • 网络Red brick university;Red brick;Redbrick University
  1. 红砖大学20世纪早期,二战前建立的大型市立大学。

    Red Brick universities - large civic universities chartered at the beginning of the 20th century before World War II .

  2. 它们的校舍通常在混凝土结构中大量使用平板玻璃,和以维多利亚风格为主的红砖大学以及更古老的古典大学形成对比。

    They often contains wide expanses of plate glass in steel or concrete frames . This contrasted with the ( largely Victorian ) red brick universities and the older ancient universities .

  3. 1900年,英国维多利亚女王通过宪章建立了伯明翰大学,它是英国第一所红砖大学。

    The University of Birmingham was established by Queen Victoria by Royal Charter in 1900 and was the UK 's first civic or ' redbrick ' university .