
hónɡ tóu wén jiàn
  • government confidential document
红头文件 [hóng tóu wén jiàn]
  • [red document] 党、政机关下发的文件,刊头的名称常印成红字,俗称红头文件

  1. 老罗觉得他什么都不信,只认红头文件。

    Old Luo said he only believes in official documents .

  2. 红头文件违法之原因及对策论析

    On the Reason and Solution of the illegal " Red Heading Documents "

  3. 那是因为红头文件的关系吗?是不是每项决议都需要通过批准。

    Is that because of red tape , and everyone has to approve every decision ?

  4. 如果在公共机构工作则可能经历延期或者额外的红头文件。

    You can expect to experience delays or additional red tape if you deal with institutions .

  5. 分析红头文件的从属性、执行性、抽象性等特征和制定程序。

    Analyse characteristics such as secondary attribute , implementation , abstract " making a document red " and work out procedure .

  6. 我国案例公布制度经历了红头文件下发案例和公报发布案例阶段。

    Case publishing system in our country went through stages of case publication by red header documents and gazette case publication .

  7. 红头文件是行政机关发布的规范性文件的俗称,是公共管理的重要手段与依据。

    " Red head documents " issued by the executive called normative documents is an important means of public management and the basis .

  8. 错综复杂的红头文件意味着,每一笔进口和出口货物、以及进出口价格,都必须得到高层的批准。

    Thickets of red tape meant every individual import and export shipment , plus the price at which the transaction took place , required high-level approval .

  9. 根据全国独立企业联盟的说法,唯一最严重的问题就是,16%的小企业沿用了“政府要求和红头文件”。

    Asked their single biggest problem , 16 % of small businesses cited " government requirements and red tape ", according to the National Federation of Independent Business .

  10. 论红头文件开放的理论与实践意义如果在公共机构工作则可能经历延期或者额外的红头文件。

    On the Theory and Significance of " Official Documents " Opent to the Public ; You can expect to experience delays or additional red tape if you deal with institutions .

  11. 从实体政府到虚拟政府、从红头文件到无纸办公是政府改革面临的新问题。

    Hence , the restructuring of the government is encountering a new problem , which is from the entitative government to the virtual government , from red tape to the paperless office .

  12. 违法红头文件常以法律之名行干扰法律实施之实,已成为影响法制统一的一大隐患。

    In the name of the law , the illegal " red heading documents " actually disturb the execution of the law , having been a great hidden danger to the socialist legal system .

  13. 本文主要内容包括三部分,第一部分是探究红头文件的概念、定位、分类和制定程序。

    This article mainly consists of three parts , Part I is the basic research of " red head documents ", the concept , allocation , characteristic sum probing into " the red head document " work out degree .

  14. 白宫近日宣布,在进行的一项政府范围内对可能阻碍经济发展的红头文件的复审中,环保局取消了一项要求将乳制品泄漏与石油泄漏同等处理的规定。

    The White House recently announced that the agency had scrapped a rule requiring leaks of dairy products to be treated as oil spills , as part of a government-wide review of red tape that may be impeding economic growth .

  15. 工程量清单能否顺利推广和实施,施工企业是否具有编制企业定额和定价的能力是关键,否则,推行清单计价只是一句空话,只是一本红头文件而已。

    The key that BOQ can be carried out successfully or not is whether construction enterprises have ability to workout enterprises ration and make a price , or carrying out BOQ is only bosh and a piece of official documentation nothing more .

  16. 因此,要实行最严格的行政审批准入制,对于不符合法律规定、利用红头文件设定的管理、收费、罚款项目,要一律取消。

    Therefore , we should have the strictest enforcement of a threshold for items requiring administrative approval . Items established via official documents to impose administrative management or to collect charges and fines must be abolished if they do not conform with laws and regulations .