
jiǎn bào
  • briefing;bulletin;brief report;sketch
简报 [jiǎn bào]
  • [bulletin;brief report] 简单扼要的报道

  • 他负责简报的编写

简报[jiǎn bào]
  1. 预先安排好的节目将临时换成特别新闻简报。

    The scheduled programme will be pre-empted by a special news bulletin .

  2. 更多信息,请查看世界卫生组织简报中的“ReportingtheFindingsofClinicalTrials”(临床试验结果报告)。

    For more information please refer to " Reporting the Findings of Clinical Trials " in The Bulletin .

  3. 那个日期没有刊在我们的通讯简报上。

    That date wasn 't down on our news sheet .

  4. 下面是今日新闻简报。

    Here 's a summary of the day 's news

  5. 总统收到用电报发来的一份简报。

    The President received a briefing by telegram .

  6. 连续看上几个小时枯燥的技术简报后,他会不自觉地钻起牛角尖来。

    Reading from a tedious technical brief for hours on end , he would stray into difficult territory .

  7. 这是按季出版的简报。

    It was a quarterly newsletter .

  8. 佩克姆将军谈到清洁和拖延的那些简报,使梅杰少校感到自己象一个邋遢的、作风拖拉的家伙。

    General Peckem 's communications about cleanliness and procrastination made Major Major feel like a filthy procrastinator .

  9. 半夏SOP研究与GAP基地建设简报

    Briefing of pinellia Tuber 's SOP research and GAP base construction

  10. 欧洲气候基金会(europeanclimatefoundation)的一份简报显示,各国在哥本哈根会议前所作的承诺不足以填补这一差距。

    A briefing paper from the European Climate Foundation shows that the pledges made in advance of Copenhagen would not close it .

  11. 24%PlateauLC防除花生田杂草研究简报

    Control of Weeds in Peanut Field with 24 % Plateau LC

  12. 脱落酸对Bt基因抗虫棉产量和品质的影响(简报)

    Effect of ABA on Yield and Quality of Bt-Cotton ( Bulletin )

  13. Dy柑桔保鲜剂应用情况简报

    A brief report of the application of Dy orange preserving agent

  14. Inventor在复杂钣金件展开中的应用(简报)

    Inventor of complex metalwork displays functionality ( bulletin )

  15. SPF鸡群多种维生素饲料辐照灭菌技术研究简报

    Radiation Sterilization of Multi-vitamin Fodder SPF for Poultry

  16. 数万份内部资料被公布在网上,其中包括来自另一家公司endgamesystems的简报资料。

    Tens of thousands of internal documents were published on the web , including presentations from another company , endgame systems .

  17. 雅虎(Yahoo)在其简报中坚称,今年是移动网络服务年,而非家庭网络电视年。

    Yahoo insisted this was the year of mobile internet services , not living room ones , in its briefings .

  18. Scrum会议不同于项目会议,对团队来说,它起到了快速简报的作用。

    Scrum meetings should not become project meetings , but instead serve as quick briefings for the team .

  19. 注册ND,您只需键入电邮地址即可。您将定时收到网站内容更新的简报以及最新一期的ND电子杂。

    You will receive notifications about news , updates and new ND magazine issues by email . Furthermore , your email address is your username as well .

  20. 2001年春,白宫邀请我加入一个四人专家小组,在乔治w布什总统首次欧洲之行开始前,为他做简报。

    In spring 2001 , the White House invited me to join a group of four experts to brief President George W Bush before his inaugural trip to Europe .

  21. 在呈交给约翰•麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)或是巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)的一摞摞简报文件中,会有一份对未来15年地缘政治前景可能概况的评估。

    Amid the stacks of briefing papers presented to John McCain or Barack Obama will be an assessment of the likely contours of the geopolitical landscape over the next 15 years .

  22. 在给G20的简报中,IMF承认最近的指标显示,数个发达经济体的经济基本面因素更为强劲,而关键的几个新兴经济体有所放缓。

    In the note for the G20 , it admits , recent indicators point to stronger underlying activity in several advanced economies while key emerging economies have slowed .

  23. 高香型优质乌龙茶新品系瑞香选育简报乌龙茶种质资源种群遗传多样性AFLP评价

    Breeding Report on Strong Aroma and Good Quality Newly Bred Oolong Variety Rui Xiang Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Oolong Tea Germplasms by AFLP Fingerprinting

  24. 经济学人的那篇简报对个中的简单性却加以鞑伐,好像EMH只能适用于这些假想性的案例。

    This simplicity was criticised in The Economist 's briefing , as though the EMH applied only to these hypothetical cases .

  25. Marko向Potokar和他的团队做了半小时有关ActiveDirectory之利益与挑战的简报。

    For a half an hour , Marko made a presentation to Potokar and his team about Active Directory and its benefits and challenges .

  26. 出口放缓显示外部需求面对不确定性,野村证券(Nomura)经济学家张志伟在一份简报中写道。

    [ The ] export slowdown shows external demand faces uncertainty , Zhang Zhiwei , an economist with Nomura , wrote in a note .

  27. 面向本周出席圣彼得堡20国集团(G20)峰会的领导人制作的这份简报,敦促他们采取行动以减少贫穷国家的虚弱所带来的风险。

    The note , produced for world leaders attending the G20 summit in St Petersburg this week , urges them to act to mitigate risks from weakness in poorer countries .

  28. 汇丰(HSBC)在最近发给客户的简报中指出,随着资金流入当地股市,印度卢比和台湾台币等股市导向程度较高的货币表现更好。

    In a recent note to clients , HSBC said the more equity-oriented currencies such as the Indian rupee and the Taiwanese dollar had outperformed as money had flowed into local stock markets .

  29. 白杨天社蛾MelalophaanachoretaFabricius的生活史和防治研究简报

    A preliminary study on the life history of melalopha anachoreta Fabricius and its control

  30. 我们目前并不预期会有降息或中央政府明确放松房地产政策,但如果经济没有起色,此类措施将在第三季度出台,渣打银行(StandardChartered)经济学家在一份简报中写道。

    We do not currently look for interest rate cuts or explicit central government loosening of real estate policy but these will come in the third quarter if the economy is not responding , Standard Chartered economists wrote in a note .