
kāi mù cí
  • opening speech;opening address
  1. 表达这一悲观情绪的不是别人,正是布伦特•斯考克罗夫特(GeneralBrentScowcroft)将军,他回到以他的名字命名的这所学院,在美国国家情报委员会会议上致开幕词。

    This gloomy mood was captured by the opening address to the NIC 's conference , given by none other than General Brent Scowcroft himself , returning to the institute named after him .

  2. 这则评论是发生在欧佩克&石油输出国组织的开幕词上的。

    The remarks came during the opening address of OPEC .

  3. 美国总统奥巴马在亚太经合组织峰会第一阶段会议上的开幕词J.W.万豪酒店夏威夷檀香山2011年11月13日

    US President Obamas Opening Remarks at APEC Session One J.W. Marriott Resort Hotel Honolulu , Hawaii November 13 , 2011

  4. 经理致了简短的开幕词。

    The manager made a brief statement to open the meeting .

  5. 会上李教授致开幕词。

    Professor Li gave the opening address at the meeting .

  6. 她已同意在我们的大会上致开幕词。

    She has accepted to give the opening speech at our conference .

  7. 第二届全国泥石流学术会议开幕词

    An opening address to the second national scientific conference of debris flow

  8. 你是早在主席致开幕词前就来了的吗?

    Did you come early enough for the chairman 's opening speech ?

  9. 全国同位素工业应用会议开幕词

    An Opening Speech at the National Congress of Isotope Application in Industry

  10. 有人请他在会上致开幕词。

    He is asked to give an opening speech at the meeting .

  11. 他们起草了一份开幕词。

    They made out a draft of the opening address .

  12. 她用优美的开幕词给人留下很深的印象。

    She made her mark with a fine opening speech .

  13. 大学校长的开幕词鼓舞人心。

    The university president 's opening speech is encouraging .

  14. 有人邀请他致开幕词。

    He is invited to give an opening speech .

  15. 检查官可以进行开幕词了。

    The prosecution will begin its opening address .

  16. 杨同志致了开幕词。

    Comrade Yang delivered the opening speech .

  17. 电视节目主持人将在下午3点致开幕词。

    The TV presenter will take the floor for his own opening speech at3:00 pm .

  18. 在那之后,预定由董事长致词开幕词。

    After that , an opening address is scheduled to be given by the president .

  19. 主席致开幕词后,布莱克先生作了精彩的长篇演说。

    After the chairman delivered his opening speech , Mr Blake launched into a brilliant tirade .

  20. 谁致的开幕词?

    Who made the opening speech ?

  21. 第二等级的毕业生;在毕业典礼上致开幕词的毕业生。

    The graduating student with the second highest academic rank ; delivers the opening address at graduation exercises .

  22. 我一定接受各位的好意把开幕词尽量作得简短些。

    And I shall try to deserve your good opinion by opening the meeting as briefly as possible .

  23. 在这激动人心的时刻,有请公司董事长和总经理致联欢晚会开幕词。

    At this exciting moment , let 's invite our managing director and general manager to have a speech for us .

  24. 12名年轻的演员正在彩排《亨利五世》的开幕词。他们在三周半之前开始聚集。

    Twelve young actors the opening of " Henry the Fifth . " They started meeting three and a half weeks ago .

  25. 在开幕词中,辩护律师长和尼斯阔利部落律师托宾说:“风水轮流转”。

    In opening statement , lead defense counsel and Nisqually Tribal AttorneyBill Tobin said this was a case about riding a historical round .

  26. 大会开始时,组织者致了开幕词;结束时,主要发言人作了总结发言。

    The organizer made an opening speech at the beginning of the conference ; at the end the main speaker gave a summary talk .

  27. 为了让广大听众听到他1961年3月8日星期三的开幕词,他选定了马萨诸塞的波斯顿。

    He chose Boston , Massachusetts , for his opening address on Wednesday , March 8 , 1961 , in order to reach a wide audience .

  28. 国际刑警组织秘书长诺布尔星期一在香港亚洲地区会议上致开幕词时,称赞中国对奥运会进行的安全准备工作。

    Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble praised China 's security preparations for the Olympics , when he opened the police organization 's Asian meeting in Hong Kong , Monday .

  29. 赖斯在开幕词中说,削减对外援助和保护国内市场的行动在目前情况下是可以理解的,但是长期看,会产生相反效果。

    In her opening address , Rice said moves to trim foreign aid and protect home markets are understandable under the circumstances , but in the long run , counterproductive .

  30. 世界经济论坛2021年达沃斯议程已拉开帷幕。世界经济论坛创始人克劳斯·施瓦布在通过视频致开幕词,称今年对未来至关重要。

    The Davos Agenda 2021 of the World Economic Forum has WEF founder Klaus Schwab gave his opening remarks in a video message , saying this year is crucial for the future .