
Using VISUAL BASIC to Develop A Process-Control Expert Systen Tool
Having a defined FPGA design process helps reduce the number and impact of design errors on a rapid development project by providing a development control mechanism .
The development process control of this project mainly adopts clipping RUP . It is increment iteration . It embodies that user examines driving increment iteration during the moment of demand study and system analysis design .
Flexible Development Process Control Model Based on Task Route Condition
Design Method and Controlling
More than 500 CRO companies play an important role in operation control , cost control and risk control of drug development all over the world .
Some of the mechanisms that may be put in place to establish and maintain control include design guidelines , official design procedures , configuration control , and design reviews .
In the process control session , it is pointed out that the design stage is the most critical for cost control , and the target cost of the project should be determined based on the balance of design perspectives and costs .
The key of the automatic control level is the process controlling of the control software design and develop_in another words , we will gain better effect only developing and managing the control software system utilizing the software engineering ideas and according to the system principle .
In western automobile industry at present , a complete project cost control system has been formed . The project cost management has been widely applied in development process control and management of new product , as well as actual cost follow-up after new product has launched .
Development of the qualified-rate statistical software based on VB in processes control
Putting forward the CMM is for directing improvement the software process for the software organization , for enhancing the controlling and management of the software development process .
The process control system developed by us is used on new 3 500 mm Shougang plate mill . In this system , the plate tracking function is included .
Projects to develop IT process controls resulting in enhanced IT processes .
Design and development process control at iron and steel enterprises
Flexible Object Modeling for Procedure Control in Product Development
According to different features , corresponding measures are applied to control and improve the software development process effectively .
IT Process Control Automation Projects : These projects are at the junction between developing IT Process Controls and Application Controls .
The ideal effect with low cost only can be gained through developing enterprise management information system by modern project management controlling .
With the development of advanced manufacturing technology , many enterprises utilize and develop Computer Integrated Supervision and Control System to increase product quality and production efficiency .
Software measurement is applied measure universal law to software engineering , which can scientific evaluated software quality , quantitative control and management on software development process .
Consequently , the risk of system project is bigger than the total risk of sub-projects , and then more difficulties are added to the control and evaluation for system project .
Whether a project succeeds or not is highly depends on the control of the development process , including quality , source code , procedure , capital , personnel and so on .
Since the integrated quality management system is conducted , the company makes a great progress in product development , process control and sub-supplier management , the implementation of system promotes the operation performance .
This paper introduces how to develop batch process computer control through the modularized program of PLC ladder diagram design in some engineering project . It gives a new ideal to develop the software of batch process control system .
The experiments show that the growth of software defects can be restricted or controlled well , and the controlled effect is very obvious if some effective measures are adopted to control the process of developing software from the beginning .
The running effects from practical production in many years indicate that the control system based on framed-structure not only decreases difficulties in development and the subsequent maintenance cost , but also makes the system stable , reliable and easy to maintain .
For production of technology , foreign-funded enterprises have the more advanced technology in the pre-development , process control , as well as dealing with the latter issues , so their out rate is relatively lower than private enterprises with poorer technical conditions .
Study of Process and Quality Controlling Based on Researching Secure Linux OS
Process Validation Plan defines a set of tests that can be used to validate that an automated software development process fulfills control objectives .