
  • 网络CAIRO University;University of Cairo
  1. 爱资哈尔(Al-Azhar)一千多年来一直是一座伊斯兰学术的灯塔,开罗大学(CairoUniversity)一百多年来一直是埃及发展的源泉。

    For over a thousand years , Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic learning , and for over a century , Cairo University has been a source of Egypt 's advancement .

  2. 但是开罗大学的科学系助理教授YusufAl-Demerdash认为这不是那么简单。

    But Yusuf Al-Demerdash , an assistant professor at the Faculty of Science , Cairo University , thinks it will not be easy .

  3. 我在开罗大学自然科学学院学习化学。

    I joined the Faculty of science at Cairo University to study chemistry .

  4. 埃及的开罗大学主校区发生三起爆炸事件。

    In Egypt , three bombs exploded outside Cairo University 's main campus .

  5. 他就读于开罗大学。

    He studied at Cairo University .

  6. 塔哈·侯赛因与开罗大学

    Taha Husayn and Cairo University

  7. 他在开罗大学求学的六年,是他一生中最重要的阶段。

    His six years ' study in Cairo University was the most important period in his life .

  8. 在开罗大学发表讲话时,他呼吁美国和全世界的穆斯林之间有一个新的开始。

    At Cairo University he called for a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world .

  9. 1987年,哈南从开罗大学毕业,她进入中国建筑埃及经理部工作。

    Hanan began her career in the management department of the company after she graduated from Cairo University in 1987 .

  10. 他在开罗大学医学院获得医学博士学位,并在联合王国获得哲学博士学位。

    He received his MD degree from the Faculty of Medicine , Cairo University and obtained his PhD in the United Kingdom .

  11. 它始于冬天结束及春天的开始,”开罗大学历史学家希亚·艾拉维说道。

    It starts at the end of the winter season and the beginning of the spring season , " said Yehia Elghazzawy , a historian at Cairo University .

  12. 除开设各种语言班之外,开罗大学孔子学院还将举办中国文化月、孔子学院之家等活动。

    In addition to the variety of language courses , the Confucius Institute will also hold activities , such as the Chinese Culture Month , the Confucius Institute Family , etc.

  13. 他还获得了埃及开罗大学计算机和信息学院的计算机科学信息系统专业的理学学士学位和硕士学位。

    He received his BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Science from the Information Systems department at the Faculty of Computers and Information in Cairo University in Egypt in 2000 and 2003 respectively .

  14. 开罗大学赋予这位盲人青年学子一双明亮锐利的双眸-知识与厚爱,这成为塔哈征服黑暗最有力的武器。

    It is Cairo University that gave this young blind scholar a pair of bright and sharp eyes : knowledge and affection , which become the most powerful weaponry for conquest of the darkness .

  15. 例如,优素里将参加在开罗美国大学(americanuniversityincairo)举办的一个为期5周的课程,以改善自己的基本商业技能。

    MS youssry , for instance , will attend a five-week course at American University in Cairo to improve her basic business skills .

  16. HodaRashad是开罗美国大学社会研究中心主任和研究教授。

    Hoda Rashad is Director and Research Professor of the Social Research Center of the American University in Cairo .

  17. 开罗美国大学的AbdallahAl-Ashaal教授称这种形势使伊拉克和美国均陷入困境。

    Professor Abdallah Al-Ashaal of the American University in Cairo says the situation poses a for both the Iraqis and the United States .

  18. 开罗美洲大学的政治科学教授ManarShorbagy说,美国应重审对待埃及的方式,她说,美国将自己的利益定义为石油和保护以色列。

    Manar Shorbagy , a professor of political science at the American University in Cairo , says the United States should re-examine how it deals with Egypt . She also says the United States has defined its interests as in oil and protection of Israel .

  19. 开罗美国大学&埃及开罗

    American University in Cairo & Cairo , Egypt

  20. 包括埃及初级商业协会和开罗美国大学。

    These include the Egyptian Junior Business Association and the American University in Cairo .

  21. 开罗美国大学的萨伊德·萨德克表示埃及的难民并不是这种情况。

    Said Sadek of the American University in Cairo said that is not the case with refugees in Egypt .

  22. 2008年,开罗美国大学针对遍布阿拉伯世界的600名新闻记者,做了项调查,四分之三的受访者认为,新闻要旨在于促进政治与社会变革。

    In a 2008 survey of 600 journalists across the Arab world by the American University in Cairo , three-quarters said they thought the point of journalism was to promote political and social change .

  23. 但开罗美国大学的米娜·哈利勒担心给议会中多数席位或人民留下的太多,带来了创造权力中不论政治观点滥用的可能性。

    But Mina Khalil of the American University of Cairo is concerned that too much is left to a simple majority in parliament or among the people , creating the possibility of abuse by whichever political viewpoint is in power .

  24. 开罗美国大学政治理论家克里斯蒂安·多纳特说道:“有很多极端的元素反抗阿萨德,然而美国是否相比阿萨德政权从这些团体中将得到更好的结果并不明朗。”

    Political theorist Christian Donath of the American University in Cairo said , " There are a lot of extremist 's elements in the resistance against Assad , and it is not clear if the U.S. is going to get a much better outcome from those groups compared to the Assad regime .

  25. MohamedAbdel-Mottaleb是埃及开罗的尼罗河大学的助理教授,也是该大学纳米技术中心主任。

    Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb is an assistant professor at Nile University , Cairo , Egypt , and director of the university 's Centre for Nanotechnology .

  26. 卡特在开罗的美利坚大学发表演说,听众至少有一千人。

    Mr. Carter spoke to an audience of at least 1000 people at the American University in Cairo .

  27. 他们成功了。”在开罗的美国大学政治社会学教授赛德·萨德克说道。

    They succeeded , " said Said Sadek , a professor of Political Sociology at the American University in Cairo .

  28. 设在开罗的美利坚大学教授萨伊德。萨迪克认为奥巴马总统可以通过采取两个关键步骤来改善关系。

    Said Sadek of the American University in Cairo believes Obama could go far to improve relations with two key steps .

  29. 但是,在埃及开罗的美国大学,其合作学校将为第一批500名女性提供初级和高级商业课程。

    But at the American University in Cairo , Egypt , the partner school will offer beginning and higher-level business classes to the first five hundred women .

  30. 尽管本星期早些时候,卡特在以色列受到冷冰冰的接待,但他在埃及受到热烈的欢迎。星期四晚上卡特在开罗的美利坚大学发表演说的时候,听众大都表示支持他。

    Although he received a cold welcoming in Israel in recent days , he was warmly received by Egyptian officials and a large supportive audience during a speech at the American University in Cairo late Thursday .