
lán pí shū
  • blue book;blue paper
蓝皮书 [lán pí shū]
  • [Blue Book] 一种政府发表的文件,用蓝色封皮,性质与白皮书相同

蓝皮书[lán pí shū]
  1. 该蓝皮书指出,中国已超过美国成为AI专利申请量最多的国家,日本位列第三。

    China has , however , surpassed the US to become the country with the largest number of AI patent applications , while Japan took third place , the blue paper said .

  2. 根据本周一发布的一份蓝皮书显示,目前我国人工智能(AI)企业已达1040家,位居全球第二,仅次于美国的2039家。

    China is now home to 1040 artificial intelligence ( AI ) enterprises , ranking second in the world , beaten only by the US with 2039 such companies , according to a blue paper published Monday .

  3. 世界互联网大会发布的蓝皮书指出,根据最新发布的世界互联网发展指数,中国在全球的排名仅次于美国,且发展形势处于稳步上升状态,排名前五的其他三个国家分别是德国、英国和新加坡。

    China has been ranked second in the latest Global Internet Development Index , after the United States , and has steadily , with Germany , the United Kingdom and Singapore in the top five , according to the Blue Book for the World Internet Conference .

  4. 内拉德是新旧车辆信息供应公司凯利蓝皮书(KelleyBlueBook)的市场分析员,他一直在密切关注着汽车工业。

    Jack Nerad is a marketing analyst for Kelley Blue Book , which keeps close watch on the auto industry .

  5. FME在武汉市地理信息蓝皮书中的应用

    The application of FME in the geo-information Blue Book of Wuhan

  6. 就如《凯利蓝皮书》的JackNerad指出,混合技术继续取得巨大进步。

    And as Jack Nerad of Kelly Blue Book points out hybrid technology continues to make big strides .

  7. 而据《医疗蓝皮书》(HealthcareBluebook)统计,美国国家实验室检测公司的标准收费为45美元。

    That 's a fraction of the standard $ 45 cost for a national lab testing company , according to the Healthcare Bluebook .

  8. 但美国空军方面却坚持认为:自蓝皮书计划终止后,没有任何事件可以支持重启UFO调查行动。

    The US Air Force , however , insisted : Since the termination of Project Blue Book , nothing has occurred that would support a resumption of UFO investigations .

  9. 马里奥:我要买的是McQ跑车,车主要价一万二千美元,比蓝皮书上的标价少三千美元。

    Mario : It 's a McQ Racer and the owner is asking $ 12000 , $ 3000 below blue book value .

  10. 由中国社科院(简称CASS)发布的2013年《中国社会蓝皮书》显示,葛东华与大多数同龄人可谓同病相怜,纷纷遭遇毕业低谷。

    Ge 's graduation blues is shared by the majority of his peers , according to the 2013 Blue Book of China 's Society released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ( CASS ) .

  11. 1957年日本政府发表了首部《外交蓝皮书》,提出了著名的外交三原则:以联合国为中心(UN-Centric)、与西方国家保持协调、坚持亚洲一员。

    Japanese government issued its first Diplomacy Blueprint in 1957 , releasing the well-known three principles for Diplomacy : UN-Centric , coordinating with the West and the member of Asia .

  12. 什么时候一本蓝皮书不是蓝皮书?

    When is a blue book not a blue book ?

  13. 这个价钱已经远远低于蓝皮书的报价了。

    It 's already prided way below blue book .

  14. 为议会报告称为“蓝皮书”?

    Why are parliamentary reports called " Blue Books "?

  15. 来源:中国租赁蓝皮书;

    Source : China Leasing Blue Book ;

  16. 从1992年开始,每年出版的《经济蓝皮书》都对我国宏观经济走势进行预测分析。

    From 1992 , forecasting analysis has been undertaken in the Economic Blue Book published annually .

  17. 1952年,美国空军开始着手实施蓝皮书计划,这是一项针对不明飞行物的研究项目。

    In 1952 , the US Air Force began Project Blue Book , a study program on UFOs .

  18. 蓝皮书还指出,中国还是世界上最大的有色金属产品生产国和消费国。

    According to the paper , China is the biggest nonferrous producer and the biggest consumer as well .

  19. 该蓝皮书称,买房观念的变化与高房价有关。

    The change in attitude about buying houses is related to high property prices , the blue paper said .

  20. 蓝皮书还显示,公众要求政府应给公务宴请费用更高的透明度。

    The bluebook also found that public opinion demands greater transparency with regard to government expenditure on entertaining guests .

  21. 汽车实际价值的查询是在“蓝皮书”中,蓝丝带则代表优秀。

    Actual automobile values are found in a " blue book ," and a blue ribbon represents the award of excellence .

  22. 这辆车在蓝皮书上的标价是多少?如果有的话,我要蓝皮乳酪。

    What 's the blue book value of this car ? I 'd like a blue-cheese dressing , if you have it .

  23. 这项报告是由中国社会科学研究院公布的,名为“城市竞争力蓝皮书”。

    The report , entitled the Blue Book of Urban Competitiveness , was released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ( CASS ) .

  24. 《凯利蓝皮书》的高级分析师卡尔·布劳尔表示,目前没有证据表明S型车存在结构性问题。

    Karl Brauer , a senior analyst at Kelley Blue Book , says there is no evidence yet of structural problem with the Model S.

  25. 蓝皮书提出建议,要加强对“裸官”的监管,包括以必要的法律手段来控制这种现象。

    Recommendations published in the bluebook state that increased supervision of high-level officials , including implementing necessary legal measures , could curb the phenomenon .

  26. 昨日,在沈阳市沈河区文化产业工作会上,一本关于沈河区文化产业发展规划的“蓝皮书”引起了各方关注。

    At the Shenyang working conference on cultural industry , a blueprint about the development of the district 's cultural industry drew people 's attraction .

  27. 无独有偶,中国社科院近日发布的《2005年社会蓝皮书》指出,子女教育费用在居民总消费中被排在第一位,超过养老和住房;

    The2005 Blue Paper : Chinese Society also revealed that education topped the list of Chinese citizens'expenses , exceeding even old-age-pension contributions and housing expenses .

  28. 根据蓝皮书,2008年和2009年,中国网络购物交易额占社会消费品零售总额的比重分别为1%和2%。

    According to the blue paper , China 's online shopping accounted for1 percent of total retail sales of consumer goods in2008 and2 percent in2009 .

  29. 2010年05月21日中国社会科学院19号发布了《商业蓝皮书:2009年至2010年中国商业发展报告》。

    2010-05-21 The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on Wednesday ( May19 ) released the " Business Blue Paper : China Business Development Report ( 2009-2010 )" .

  30. 本次“社会蓝皮书”覆盖国内最发达的三大城市—北上广的中层收入人群概况。

    The " social blue paper " features the profiles of middle class citizens in three of the country 's most developed cities -- Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou .