
lán chóu ɡǔ
  • blue chip;blue-chip stock
  1. 我觉得它最像是一直蓝筹股:相当稳定,大多数时候上涨少有跌宕,并随着时间的推移逐渐呈上涨趋势。

    I suppose it has most resembled a blue-chip stock : fairly stable , more ups than downs , and gradually trending upwards over time .

  2. 蓝筹股一路飙升,但股市其他股票却在当天收盘时稍有走低。

    Blue chip issues were sharply higher , but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day .

  3. 伯克希尔是一个例外,它已投资于通用电气(GeneralElectric)和高盛(GoldmanSachs)等蓝筹股。

    Berkshire is one of the exceptions , having already invested in blue chips such as General Electric and Goldman Sachs .

  4. 因此,该蓝筹股指数的历史市盈率(p/e)仅为12.9,而中型股指数为18.9,小型股指数为40.7。

    Consequently the historic price / earnings ratio of the blue-chip index is just 12.9 , compared with 18.9 for the mid-cap index and 40.7 for the small caps .

  5. 但一年前他为了安全,转向了IBM、美林、通用汽车和德尔塔航空等蓝筹股。

    But a year ago , he dove for safety in blue-chip stocks like IBM , Merrill Lynch , General Motors , and Delta Air Lines .

  6. 雷曼兄弟(lehman)破产引起了金融恐慌,银行停止了彼此放贷,也不再向蓝筹股公司放贷。

    A financial panic ensued after the Lehman collapse , with banks ceasing to lend to one another or to blue-chip companies .

  7. 伦敦证交所正在与turquoise这类交易平台争夺蓝筹股交易的市场份额。

    The LSE is battling platforms such as Turquoise for its share of trading in blue-chip stocks .

  8. 不过许多人都忽略了一点:股民们不仅对最近IPO的几支网络股反应冷淡,而且近来不少老牌蓝筹股也出现了暴跌。

    But overlooked in all the coverage about the cold shoulder investors have given to recent Web IPOs is the slump that good old-fashioned , blue-chip tech giants have faced .

  9. 香港恒生指数(HangSengindex)——包括香港蓝筹股和中国内地领先企业的红筹股——本月已上涨逾10%,今年1月以来累计上涨25%。

    Hong Kong 's Hang Seng index - comprisingHong Kong blue-chips as well as leading China " red " chips - has rallied by more than one-tenth this month , and returned one-quarter since January .

  10. 巴菲特是一位保守型投资者,通过伯克希尔o哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)进行投资,他增持了一系列蓝筹股。

    Buffett , a pillar of conservative investing through his company Berkshire Hathaway ( BRKA ), bumped up his stakes in a number of blue chip stocks .

  11. 执掌这家香港蓝筹股企业的郭氏兄弟昨日凌晨获准保释,一同获释的还有香港前第二高官前政务司司长许仕仁(rafaelhui)。

    The brothers , who run the Hong Kong blue-chip , were released on bail early yesterday morning , together with Rafael Hui , formerly the second-most senior official in the government of the territory .

  12. 香港蓝筹股昨日大幅下挫,推动恒生(HangSeng)指数再度跌破20000点关口。亚洲投资者继续担忧不断放缓的全球经济增长和金融业前景。

    A sharp sell-off in Hong Kong blue chips drove the Hang Seng index back below 20,000 yesterday as investors across the region continued to fret about slowing global growth and the outlook for the financial sector .

  13. 负责管理中国逾3万亿美元外汇储备的国家外汇管理局(SAFE),将斥资15亿至20亿美元,买下GM在一些蓝筹股私人股本基金的头寸,这些基金的管理公司包括凯雷集团(CarlyleGroup)、黑石(Blackstone)和CVCCapitalPartners。

    The State Administration of Foreign Exchange , which manages China 's more than $ 3tn in foreign exchange reserves , will pay $ 1.5bn - $ 2bn for GM 's positions in blue-chip private equity funds managed by firms including Carlyle Group , Blackstoneand CVC Capital Partners .

  14. 技术企业Infosys在一代人的时间内就从一家刚刚新建的小公司一跃称为一只由机构投资者所有的世界级蓝筹股,其表现由西方世界最普遍的衡量标准股价来度量。

    Infosys , a technology firm , leapt in a generation from a start-up to a global blue chip , owned by institutional shareholders and measured against that most Western of yardsticks , the stock price .

  15. 汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)统计的分析师预测认为,在截至6月份的3个月中,标普500指数蓝筹股公司的利润将延续两年来的下降趋势,较去年同期下降逾35%。

    Earnings for blue chips in the SP 500 index will extend a two-year losing streak in the three months to June , with a fall of more than 35 per cent over the same period in 2008 , according to analysts ' forecasts collected by Thomson Reuters .

  16. 瑞士蓝筹股电子平台virt-x首席执行官吉姆戈伦(jimgollen)表示,最近几个月,有数间基金管理公司跟他进行了联系,并提出了允许他们绕过经纪人直接交易的建议。

    Jim Gollen , chief executive of virt-x , the electronic platform for Swiss blue-chip stocks , says several fund managers have contacted him in recent months with proposals that would allow them to bypass their brokers and deal directly .

  17. 杰普逊先生持有的有价证券全都是蓝筹股。

    Mr Jeppson has a portfolio of nothing but blue-chip stocks .

  18. 这些新兴公司正在成为全球的蓝筹股。

    These new companies are becoming global blue chip companies .

  19. 明智的投资人通常会选择蓝筹股。

    eg.Wise investors will show great interest in blue chips .

  20. 一方面,证券市场需要蓝筹股群众的支撑;

    These markets need a support of blue chips .

  21. 中远投资:国企在新加坡的第一个蓝筹股

    The first Blue Chip of Chinese SOEs in Singapore

  22. 从美国蓝筹股可借鉴的?

    What can we learn from the blue-chips in the US stock market ?

  23. 蓝筹股和内地金融股领涨。

    Blue chips and mainland financials led those gains .

  24. 他买进了大量蓝筹股。

    He has bought a lot of blue chips .

  25. 香港蓝筹股出现近10年以来最大单日涨幅。

    Hong Kong blue-chips enjoyed their biggest one-day gain in nearly a decade .

  26. 她将金钱投资在蓝筹股上。

    She put her money into blue chips .

  27. 今天的华尔街数据,股市处于动荡期,但是蓝筹股收盘走高。

    On Wall Street , the volatile session but the blue chip ended higher .

  28. 我觉得购买蓝筹股永远是一种好的投资。

    I think buying shares in blue chip companies is always a sound investment .

  29. 向蓝筹股公司提供了3000多亿美元的短期贷款;

    It made short-term loans of more than $ 300 billion to blue-chip companies .

  30. 当天,道指成份股波音下跌拖累蓝筹股走低。

    The same day , the Dow component Boeing shares drag down blue chips lower .