
  • 网络tech stock;technology stock
  1. 在许多美国科技股境遇不佳的大环境下,Facebook的业绩提供了一个亮点。

    Facebook 's results offer a bright spot in a tumultuous climate for many American technology stocks .

  2. 总部位于旧金山的收购集团FranciscoPartners最近发表了一份精辟的分析,它对于任何揣测科技股未来的人都很重要。

    The San Francisco-based buyout firm Francisco Partners recently published a delicious analysis relevant to anyone wondering about what the future holds for technology stocks .

  3. 昨日科技股遭受重挫。

    Technology shares plunged yesterday .

  4. 唯一一只PEG比率更低的大型科技股是谷歌(Google),为0.59。

    The only major tech stock with a lower peg ratio is Google ( GOOG ) at 0.59 .

  5. 摩根士丹利唯一表现良好的业务是股票承销,特别是科技股IPO。

    The one business that has been working for Morgan is equity underwriting , in particular tech deals .

  6. 虽然2011年有几十宗科技股IPO,宏观经济状况仍决定着何时科技公司能成功IPO。

    While 2011 saw dozens of Tech IPOs , macroeconomic conditions still dictate when companies can successfully complete an offering .

  7. 因此在科技股中,我们谈到的是微软(Microsoft)、谷歌(Google)和思科(Cisco)这样的公司吗?

    So in tech , are we thinking Microsoft ( MST ) , Google ( GOOG ) , Cisco ( CSCO ) & those names ?

  8. 我相信如果从中长期角度看,科技股IPO市场正在逐步正常化,但短期波动仍可能出现。

    While I believe the tech IPO market is normalizing when taking the mid-long term view , short term disruptions are still likely to occur .

  9. 素有“小虎”之称的拉方特是老虎基金(TigerManagement)经理朱利安•罗伯逊的门生,他曾表示,投资科技股实际上相当简单。

    Laffont , known as a " tiger cub " because he is a protege of legendary hedge fund manager Julian Robertson of tiger management , said that investing in tech is actually pretty simple .

  10. 艾派克在科技股云集的深圳证交所上市。该公司董事长汪东颖(JacksonWang)表示,利盟与艾派克有“很高的文化契合度”。

    Jackson Wang , chairman of Apex Technology , which is listed on the technology-focused Shenzhen stock exchange , said Lexmark was a " tremendous cultural fit . "

  11. 上证综合指数已较其去年10月份创下的峰值水平下跌31.6%其跌幅超过了科技股泡沫破裂后纳斯达克综合指数(nasdaqcomposite)在相同时间段内的跌幅。

    The Shanghai composite is down 31.6 per cent from its October peak more than the Nasdaq composite had dropped at the same stage after the tech bubble burst .

  12. JohnSegal但在当时,有些科技股投资者可以得到50%甚至100%的年回报率。

    But that was a time when some investors were earning 50 % or even 100 % returns in tech portfolios .

  13. 亚洲其它股市也有不错的涨幅,银行股和科技股得益于美国行业领先者高盛(goldmansachs)和英特尔(intel)令人鼓舞的盈利消息。

    There were healthy gains elsewhere in the region as banks and technology stocks benefited from encouraging earnings news from us bellwethers Goldman Sachs and Intel .

  14. 8月份这轮主要由科技股拉动的涨势以成交量偏小为特征,苹果公司(apple)股价创出历史新高每股674.88美元,目前其在标准普尔指数中所占权重已经接近5%。

    Low equity volumes have typified the August rally led by technology shares , with apple touching a record high of $ 674.88 and now alone accounting for nearly 5 per cent of the S & P.

  15. 在全球范围内还出现了一轮抛售科技股的浪潮,而此前的一段时期,IPO市场上对于尚未盈利的科技企业的股票需求则几乎没有上限。

    There has also been a global sell-off in technology stocks after a period in which demand in the IPO market for shares in companies that made no money knew no bounds .

  16. 而随着团购服务提供商groupon也将上市,热门科技股的供应已所剩无几。

    With Groupon , an online coupon service , also about to float , the supply of hot stocks is running low .

  17. Facebook的走势虽惨,戴尔(Dell)、思科(Cisco)等历史悠久的科技股上个月的表现也很惨淡。

    As bad as Facebook has fared since its IPO , old-line tech brands like Dell ( DELL ) and Cisco ( CSCO ) have fared just as poorly this month .

  18. 下周之后,Windows7/8.1/10用户只能收到微软公司(MSFT,科技股30指数板块)针对IE11推送的安全更新程序及配套补丁。

    After next week , Microsoft ( MSFT , Tech30 ) will push security updates and bug fixes to Internet Explorer 11 only , on machines running Windows 7 , 8.1 and 10 .

  19. WhatsApp和CandyCrush最近加入了成功高科技初创企业的行列,这推动通常回避科技股的投资者开始寻找未来的数字巨擘。

    WhatsApp and Candy Crush recently joined the big leagues of technology start-ups done good , prompting tech-shy investors to join the hunt for the digital giants of the future .

  20. 对于一直离场观望的投资者而言,全球科技股的回调提供了一次重新评估市场现状的机会,但对于正准备进行IPO的中国互联网公司公司来说很可能不是好消息。

    The global tech correction is a welcome return to reality for investors who have been sitting on the sidelines , but probably not for the other Chinese Internet wunderkinder lining up to the IPO plate .

  21. 美国股市周三“忐忑”经历弱势震荡,戴尔公司(Dell)下调盈利预期,致使科技股承压,而在最新一批零售商发布财报之后,零售股涨跌不一。

    Stocks churned through an uneven session Wednesday , as a shaky outlook from Dell pressured tech stocks while retail names were hit or miss after the latest batch of industry earnings .

  22. 韩国股市在科技股和金融股带动下走高,kospi指数2.6%,报1420.86点。

    Seoul was led higher by techs and financials , with the Kospi index rising 2.6 per cent to 1420.86 .

  23. 在韩国,科技股和金融类股票疲弱,压低了kospi指数,使其下跌3%。

    In Korea , weakness in technology stocks as well as the financial sector weighed on the Kospi , which dropped 3 per cent .

  24. 总的来说,包括冬青基金(WintergreenFund)经理戴维•温特斯和来自GardnerRusso&Gardner公司的汤姆•罗素在内,所有与会投资者都认为大盘股的机会更大,好过小盘股或科技股。

    Generally , all the investors , which also included David winters of the wintergreen fund and Tom Russo of Gardner Russo & Gardner , thought there was more opportunity in large capitalization stocks , than smaller or technology companies .

  25. GTX公司是5月份表现最佳的生物科技股。该公司生产的一种药物可预防癌症病人出现肌肉萎缩。

    GTX , a company that is making a drug to prevent muscle wasting in cancer patients , was the best-performing biotech stock in May .

  26. ipo回暖的希望受到了两个因素的刺激:今年春季以来科技股强劲反弹,以及硅谷大型盈利公司队伍的不断壮大ipo停滞期间,其中许多公司被迫束手旁观。

    Hopes for a revival have been spurred by the strong rebound in technology shares since the spring , as well as the swelling ranks of large and profitable Silicon Valley firms , many of which have been forced to sit on the sidelines during the IPO drought .

  27. Copley的数据显示,科技股的配置比例总体上大幅上升,3月触及创纪录的20.6%,而对能源、材料类股的配置则伴随大宗商品价格的暴跌而锐减(如下面的图二所示)。

    Allocations to technology stocks in general have risen sharply , hitting a record 20.6 per cent in March , according to Copley , while holdings of energy and materials stocks have slumped in line with plunging commodity prices , as the second chart shows .

  28. 与此同时,其他大牌科技股也出现了意想不到的下跌。

    Meanwhile , others big-name tech stalwarts have also declined unexpectedly .

  29. 例如,科技股,正常情况下很少分红。

    Technology stocks , for example , rarely pay dividends .

  30. 眼下,科技股投资者再一次失去了理智。

    And , for now , tech investors have gone mad again .