
  • 网络KELON;krone;Koelon
  1. 对制得的PP合金材料的力学性能、耐老化性能进行了研究,并在广东科龙电器股份有限公司成功地进行了应用试验。

    The mechanical and ageing-resistance properties of this PP alloy material were studied , and the PP composites successfully passed the test at Guangdong Kelon Electrical Co.

  2. 海信科龙,用科技为人类带来关爱和希望。

    Hisense Kelon brings love and hope to the mankind with technologies .

  3. “哎呀,我的天啊,”科龙齐斯呻吟道。

    ' Oh , my God , ' Korontzis moaned

  4. 科龙在新乡地区的市场营销处于两头受到夹击的困境之中。

    So in the XinXiang area , marketing of KELON is very diffcult .

  5. 如何选择竞争战略以使自己在新一轮竞争中取得优势,是科龙面临的重要课题。

    How to choose suitable strategy to get advantages of competition should come first .

  6. 科龙集团品牌:通过创新和对人们生活的影响来强化领导品牌的地位。

    Kelon Enterprises : Build more leadership via innovation & what it means to your life .

  7. 分析的结果表明,科龙公司存在着大量的盈余管理行为和财务造假行为。

    The analysis result shows that there are a lot of earnings management and accounting forgery .

  8. 并结合科龙公司的具体情况,就营销战略的实施等策略进行了探讨。

    And discusses the implementing tactic .

  9. 每逢有重要的考试,汤普林夫人总不忘那科龙香水。

    On days there would be an important test , Mrs. Thompson would remember that cologne .

  10. 产权安排、治理机制、政企关系与企业效率&以科龙和美的为例

    Property Rights Arrangements , Control Mechanism , the Relationship between Governments and Enterprises , and the Efficiency of Enterprises

  11. 科龙公司是中国最大的制冷家电制造企业之一,其发展和变化一直受到人们的广泛关注。

    Kelon was ever among Chinas largest manufacturers of refrigerating appliances , whose evolution widely drew peoples attention all along .

  12. 新《证券法》和新《公司法》对注册会计师实务的影响&从科龙股东诉德勤案说开去

    How the New Securities Law and Corporate Law Influence CPAs ' Work & From " Kelon minority shareholders sue Deloitte "

  13. 广东科龙集团无氟生产线中的预混站是使用环戊烷危险物品配制发泡剂的重大危险源,燃烧爆炸事故风险较大。

    Because cyclopentane is a flammable and explosive substance , the station with large quantity of it belongs to major hazard installation .

  14. 让作者相信找到了一些解决科龙公司在区域市场上多品牌渠道运作的方法。

    The author believe that he can find some settlements of Kelon channel operation of multiple brands to solve region market problems .

  15. 由于历史等原因,品牌管理和品牌发展问题一直困扰着科龙。

    As a result of reason and so on history , the brand management and the brand development question is puzzling the branch dragon continuously .

  16. 本文通过分析德勤科龙一案,提出了完善法律制度,公司制度的方法并提出了提高注册会计师素质的途径。

    By analyzing the Deloitte Kelon case , by improving the legal system , the system approach and proposed ways to improve the quality of certified public accountants .

  17. 特别是冰箱产品,作为公司主要的利润来源,如何在新形势下保持持续的竞争优势,以实现公司成为世界主流制冷家电商的战略目标,是科龙公司面临的重要问题。

    Especially refrigerator product , as the main source of the profit , how to keep competition strength and development lasting and health is a very important question .

  18. 此外,民营企业如德隆、科龙等,还有一些外资控股并购企业等也存在违规、违法现象。

    In addition , privately operated enterprise like De Long , Ke Long and so on , but also some foreign capital stock-holding and buying enterprise have some illegal phenomenons .

  19. 因此,本文对科龙实施多品牌战略的研究将为中国家电业的品牌管理和品牌发展提供借鉴作用。

    Therefore , this article will implement the multi - brands strategy to the branch dragon the research provides the model function for the Chinese domestic electric appliances profession brand management and the brand development .

  20. 它的桅杆是从日本海岸的什么地方砍来的,因为原来那一根就在日本海岸的一次大风中折落到海里去的。它的桅杆挺直高矗,宛如古代科龙三王的三根背脊骨。

    Her masts -- cut somewhere on the coast of Japan , where her original ones were lost overboard in a gale -- her masts stood stiffly up like the spines of the three old kings of Cologne .

  21. 近两年来,中国的零售业正向专业化、连锁化终端快速转移,科龙的高重心结构,既难控制市场秩序,也难对终端进行精耕细作。

    In recent two years , China 's retail trade is becoming specialized and chainlike . The high center of gravity structure is hard not only to control the order of the market , but also to manipulate the terminal .

  22. 近年来,我国相继出现了一系列重大的会计造假案件,如银广夏、蓝田股份、科龙电器等等,严重影响了我国注册会计师行业的公信力。

    In recent years , a series of distorted accounting cases appeared in our country , such as " Qiongminyuan ", " Lantian stock ", " Kelong electrical equipment " etc ; it has seriously affected the profession prestige of our CPAs ' Industry .