
  • 网络ENRON;Enron Corporation;Enron Corp
  1. 卖空家JamesChanos剥光了安然公司;

    James Chanos , a short-seller , disrobed Enron ;

  2. 我给安然公司(Enron)写了信

    I wrote to the Enron people .

  3. 例如,在安然公司(Enron)破产之后,各个商学院新增了一系列道德课程。

    After Enron 's collapse , for instance , schools added a slew of ethics classes .

  4. 安然公司(Enron)在印度的大博电厂项目就曾经遇到这种问题(当然还有其他问题)的困扰。

    Enron suffered from this problem ( among other things ) with its Dabhol power plant in India .

  5. 看看安然公司(Enron),这家明显完全致力于冒险的公司最终毁于此道。

    And look at Enron , a company apparently entirely devoted to risk-taking that was destroyed by it .

  6. SPE虽然是导致安然公司破产的罪魁祸首,但它本身并不需要对此负责,需要反省的是会计。

    Although SPE is the chief criminal which leads to the bankruptcy of Enron group , it is not responsible for the bankruptcy and accounting should be of self-examination .

  7. KMV模型是其中最适合度量上市公司信用风险的方法,KMV公司曾运用该模型预测了安然公司的破产。

    KMV model is the most suitable credit risk measurement approach for listed companies . The KMV Company has used the model to predict the bankruptcy of Enron .

  8. 你可以把演讲辞背下来,但还是要带上记事卡——要是你在1999年把朋友的养老金投进了安然公司(Enron)的股票,现在你面对他们的时候,大脑会很容易变成一片空白。马克?

    You can memorize the speech , but bring your cards anyway -- it 's easy to go blank in front of friends whose pensions you put into Enron stock in 1999 .

  9. 安然公司(Enron)倒闭后,其最大的公开存储数据包括60万封前安然员工的内部邮件,2012年有研究者对这些邮件进行了分析,发现其中近15%的邮件内容是八卦。

    A 2012 analysis of 600000 internal emails between Enron staff - among the largest publicly available caches following the company 's bankruptcy - discovered that almost 15 per cent was devoted to gossip .

  10. 苏尔钦主张,判马多夫入狱12年将是足够的惩罚这将是前世通公司(worldcom)和安然公司(enron)首席执行官等著名白领罪犯所获刑期的一半。

    He has argued that 12 years half as much time as was handed out to other high-profile white-collar criminals including former chief executives of WorldCom and Enron would be sufficient punishment .

  11. 许多机构都对直接投资尚未破工动工的所谓新建项目非常谨慎,担心会卷入导致安然公司(EnronCorp.)投资的大博(Dabhol)电厂项目彻底失败的类似争议之中。

    Many are wary of directly funding so-called greenfield projects that have yet to break ground , for fear of getting caught up in the kinds of disputes that torpedoed past investments such as Enron Corp. 's ill-fated Dabhol power project .

  12. 如曾经是世界上最大的能源公司安然公司(ENRON)破产,给美国这个世界上最发达的国家造成损失有700到800亿美元,由于安然事件安达信会计公司已经离开了会计师行业。

    For example , the bankruptcy of ENRON , which was once the largest energy company in the world , led to the loss as high as 70 to 80 billion dollars to the U.S.A. As a result , Arthur Andersen accounting firm had to depart from accountant industry .

  13. 那时,安然公司已经亏损了10亿美元。

    By then , Enron had lost about 1,000 million dollars .

  14. 安然公司破产原因之我见

    My Opinions on the Causes of Enron Corp. 's Bankruptcy

  15. 安然公司会计审计问题的剖析

    The Analysis of the Accounting Auditing Problems of Enron Company

  16. 如今,破产的能源企业安然公司也出现了类似局面。

    Now , bankrupt energy trader Enron is adding its own chapter .

  17. 安然公司破产的原因及启示

    Causes of Enron Corp. 's Bankruptcy and Its Revelation

  18. 他被判的刑期是所有卷入丑闻的前安然公司管理人员中最长的。

    His sentence is the longest handed out to disgraced former Enron executives .

  19. 前华尔街宠儿安然公司由于会计丑闻倒闭,宣告破产。

    Former Wall Street darling Enron collapses in accounting scandal , filing for bankruptcy .

  20. 安然公司的彻底垮台已经引起了立法行动:《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》。

    The Enron meltdown has prompted legislative action , the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 .

  21. 雪伦?华金丝是位于得克萨斯州休斯顿安然公司的电信专员。

    Sherron Watkins was a communications officer with Enron , based in Houston , Texas .

  22. 究其原因,主要是由安然公司实行混合一体化战略失误造成的。

    Tracing to its source was caused by strategic mistake of conglomerate integration of Enron Corporation .

  23. 这不是我的工作,我是个制片人是安然公司负责新闻的

    It 's not my job . I 'm a producer . General news . Enron .

  24. 我们的许多保单最终被证明并不比安然公司更值钱。

    Many of our insurance policies have turned out to be worth as much as Enron .

  25. 前年以来,在一向被认为公司治理结构规范的美国连续爆发了安然公司、世通公司等一系列公司丑闻,更使公司治理问题成为全世瞩目的焦点。

    Since two years ago a series of finance scandals of famous companies of America erupted .

  26. 安然公司破产案及其后的一系列公司财务欺诈案件,引起了美国社会各界对上市公司会计丑闻的关注。

    The Enron case and a series corporation financial scandals attract Americans ' attention to accounting scandals .

  27. 其次,本文引用美国安然公司破产引起的诉讼作为本文的案例。

    Secondly , this article refers to the litigation caused by Enron Corporation bankruptcy as its case .

  28. 笔者认为,我国企业必须吸取安然公司的经验教训,辩证地分析混合一体化战略对自身的适用性,并结合企业经营条件和发展现状谨慎地选择和实行此战略。

    We must draw a lesson from Enron Corporation , dialectical analysis of conglomerate integration are put forward .

  29. 按照该法案的标准,安然公司有一个模范的董事会,大多数成员是著名的专业人员。

    By the act 's standards , Enron had a model board ; most members were distinguished professionals .

  30. 钱德勒:我也不知道他们做了些什么,但依我看,该怪安然公司。

    Chandler : Well , I 'm not sure exactly what they did , but I 'm inclined to blame Enron .