
ān quán wěi yuán huì
  • safety committee
  1. 中国交通部的代表团参加了海上安全委员会在伦敦举行的会议,并对北斗系统做了介绍。

    The Chinese Ministry of Transportation sent a delegation to the Maritime Safety Committee meeting , held in London , to introduce the Chinese system .

  2. 中科院研究员、国家农业转基因安全委员会成员吴孔明在上周三的一次发布会上告诉与会者,在转基因生物的安全性检测工作上,全世界只有中国拥有这种“五步测评法”。

    The five-phase evaluation system is the only such system in the world , Wu Kongming , a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a member of the country 's agricultural GM safety committee , told attendees at a conference on last Wednesday .

  3. 另一半的建造不得不暂停,因为美国联邦航空管理局和国家运输安全委员会的有关部门正在研究哪里出了问题。

    The other half will have to wait , as authorities of America 's Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) and National Transportation Safety Board work out what went wrong .

  4. 美国国家运输安全委员会发现,它的民航数据库中有73%的事故发生在机组人员一起飞行的首日。

    America 's National Transportation Safety Board found that 73 % of the incidents in its civil-aviation database occurred on a crew 's first day of flying together .

  5. 美国国家运输安全委员会(NationalTransportationSafetyBoard)正在调查这次坠机事故,但调查结果不会被美国法院采纳。

    The findings of the National Transportation Safety Board , which is investigating the crash , aren 't admissible in court .

  6. 按照管理规定,它不能禁止盖乐世Note7上飞机,除非消费产品安全委员会(ConsumerProductSafetyCommission)命令召回。

    Under the regulatory rules , it cannot ground the Galaxy Note 7 until the Consumer Product Safety Commission orders a recall .

  7. 美国消费品安全委员会(USConsumerProductSafetyCommission)也就这个问题发出了警告。自上月发布以来,已有逾30部Note7突然起火。

    The US Consumer Product Safety Commission also issued a warning after three dozen of the phones burst into flames since their release last month .

  8. 美国国家运输安全委员会(NationalTransportationSafetyBoard)代主席克里斯托弗•哈特(ChristopherHart)表示,全面报告可能会耗时一年。

    A full report could take a year , said Christopher Hart , acting chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board .

  9. 美国全国运输安全委员会(USNTSB)说,他们对上周FAA吊销他们执照的决定提起上诉。

    The NTSB says they have appealed the FAA 's decision last week to their license .

  10. 美国国家运输安全委员会的调查者SteveChealander说,该飞机偏离它应降落的跑道。

    National Transportation Safety Board investigator Steve Chealander says the plane was pointed away from the runway where it had been cleared to land .

  11. 高价值囚犯审讯小组将独立于FBI,但是国家安全委员会将对其进行监管。

    The high value detainee interrogation group will be based out of the FBI , but the National Security Council will oversee it .

  12. 美国国家安全委员会(NationalSecurityCouncil)网络事件响应(CyberIncidentResponse)前主任安东尼?费兰特(AnthonyFerrante)表示:“周一上午,当人们上班后,我们可能会看到一些活动。”

    Anthony Ferrante , a former director for Cyber Incident Response at the US National Security Council , said : " We could see activity on Monday morning when people show up for work . "

  13. 英国议会情报与安全委员会(IntelligenceandSecurityCommittee)未能找到华为被用作网络间谍活动载体的证据,但表示英国政府未能采取足够措施管理由海外承包开发的系统中存在的潜在风险。

    The intelligence and security committee found no evidence that Huawei was being used as a vehicle for cyber espionage , but said British authorities were not doing enough to manage the potential risks from systems sourced from abroad .

  14. 英国议会情报和安全委员会(IntelligenceandSecurityCommittee)出具的这份报告标志着华为数月内在欧洲遭遇第二次挫折。在美国和世界其它地区遭到政治阻力之后,欧洲市场对华为的重要性增加。

    The report by the Intelligence and Security Committee marks the second setback in as many months for the company in Europe , a market that has become more important as it runs into political roadblocks in the U.S. and elsewhere .

  15. 参与合作的政府机构美国消费品安全委员会(ConsumerProductSafetyCommission)表示,将向阿里巴巴提供被召回产品名录,而阿里巴巴则表示将确保不面向美国的企业或个人销售相关产品。

    The agency , the Consumer Product Safety Commission , said it would provide Alibaba lists of recalled items , and in turn , Alibaba said it would ensure that those products were not for sale to companies or individuals in America .

  16. 安全委员会发布的召回令将允许美国联邦航空委员会(FAA)禁止乘客携带该手机登机。

    The recall by the safety commission will allow the US Federal Aviation Administration to ban passengers from carrying the phones on planes .

  17. 全国运输安全委员会(NTSB)正在调查昨夜发生于康乃迪克州的一起列车撞毁事故。

    The NTSB is starting its investigation into last night 's commuter train crash in Connecticut .

  18. 据NPR新闻的布莱恩·奈勒报道,美国国家运输安全委员会就这起造成3人死亡的坠毁事件举行了长达一天的听证会。

    NPR 's Brian Naylor reports the National Transportation Safety Board is holding a daylong hearing on the crash that led three people died .

  19. 该计划呼应上月(最近的争吵爆发之前)美国众议院国土安全委员会(Househomelandsecuritycommittee)主席迈克尔麦克考尔(MichaelMcCaul)和参议院情报委员会(Senateintelligencecommittee)成员马克茠纳(MarkWarner)提出的类似商谈建议。

    The plan echoes a similar proposal for talks last month , before the latest row began , from Michael McCaul , chairman of the House homeland security committee , and Mark Warner , a member of the Senate intelligence committee .

  20. 法哈德:最后,本周最大的科技新闻之一事关韩国技术巨头三星,在美国消费品安全委员会周四发布正式的召回令后,三星的GalaxyNote7智能手机进一步陷入声名狼藉的深渊。

    Farhad : Finally , one of the biggest tech stories this week is about the Korean tech giant Samsung , whose Galaxy Note 7 smartphone descended further into infamy when the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a formal recall on Thursday .

  21. 那里指明,收信人中还包括美国国家安全委员会(NationalSecurityCouncil)网络安全协调员J·迈克尔·丹尼尔(J.MichaelDaniel)、美国副贸易代表罗伯特·霍利曼(RobertHolleyman)、美国知识产权执法协调员的幕僚长亚历克斯·尼杰洛(AlexNiejelow)。

    Noted as receiving copies were J. Michael Daniel , the cybersecurity coordinator at the National Security Council ; Robert Holleyman , the deputy United States trade representative ; and Alex Niejelow , the chief of staff to the United States intellectual property enforcement coordinator .

  22. 但是安全委员会理事Lamamra表示,总统的辞职给几个方面的发展带来了希望。

    But Security Commissioner Lamamra says the resignation provides an opening for several hopeful developments .

  23. 这两位官员分别是近东事务执行副部长JeffreyFeltman和在国家安全委员会负责监督中东事务的DanielShapiro。

    The officials are Jeffrey Feltman , the acting assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs and Daniel Shapiro , who oversees Middle East issues at the National Security Council .

  24. 虽然这次事故没有人员伤亡,但是NTSB(美国国家运输安全委员会)认为需要采取措施,建立一个邻街轨道来用于未来发生事故时的人群疏散。

    While there were no injuries this time , the NTSB want to see the creation of a track-adjacent walkway for use in future evacuations .

  25. 周三,美国消费产品安全委员会(ConsumerProductSafetyCommission)宣布,将召回伊万卡个人品牌IvankaTrump生产的2万条围巾,因为它们没有达到美国联邦纺织品阻燃标准,对佩戴这些围巾的人构成了“烧伤风险”。

    On Wednesday , the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced it was recalling 20000 scarves made by Ms Trump 's fashion line , Ivanka Trump , because they did not meet the federal flammability standards for clothing in the US and posed " a burn risk " for the people wearing them .

  26. 非洲联盟和平和安全委员会的RamtaneLamamra正在纽约和联合国秘书长以及安理会大使进行讨论,探讨防止索马里过渡政府在埃塞俄比亚撤军后崩溃的方法。

    AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra is in New York for talks with U.N. secretary-general and Security Council ambassadors about ways of preventing a collapse of Somalia 's transitional government after Ethiopia leaves .

  27. 美国国家安全委员会和五角大楼的争斗愈演愈烈。

    Turf wars blazed with the NSC and the Pentagon .

  28. 美国国家运输安全委员会正在和康涅狄格州官员一同调查这起事故。

    The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating along with Connecticut officials .

  29. 当时他参加了国家安全委员会在白宫西翼的报告会

    He was attending NSC briefings at the West Wing .

  30. 罗伯特·苏瓦特是国家运输安全委员会的成员。

    Robert Sumwalt is a member of the National Transportation Safety Board .