
  • Anta;Adidas;FILA;New Balance
  1. 中国运动品脾安踏的多啦A梦主题休闲鞋被炒至4599元,已经是原价499元的8倍之多。

    The price of Chinese sportswear producer Anta 's Doraemon-themed casual shoes on the platform was sold at 4599 yuan - eight times higher than the original price of 499 yuan .

  2. 还有一个本土竞争对手——在香港上市的安踏(AntaSports)。

    There is a local contender : Hong Kong-listed Anta Sports .

  3. 在匹克的本土竞争对手中,最为成熟的当数李宁(LiNing)和安踏(Anta)。

    Peak 's most mature local competitors are Li Ning and Anta .

  4. 安踏将其内地全资子公司的单据包括工资账单和原材料发票提交给中国国家外汇管理局(safe)。

    Anta takes bills from its wholly owned Chinese subsidiaries invoices for wages and raw materials , among other things and presents them to the State Administration of foreign exchange ( SAFE ) .

  5. 除此之外,安踏去年还开始赞助“安踏CCTV体坛风云人物”。

    Also , the company last year began sponsoring'Anta Sports Personality , 'a program on national broadcaster China Central Television .

  6. 安踏还从之前的市场宠儿李宁(LiNing)的失误中吸取教训,李宁曾试图进军高端市场,结果度过了惨淡的几年。

    It has also learned from the mistakes of former market darling Li Ning , which tried to take its brand up market , resulting in several poor years .

  7. 当耐克公司(NikeInc.)、阿迪达斯和李宁在更高端市场上争得不可开交之际,安踏能在这个领域占据主导地位。

    With Nike , Adidas and Li Ning vying for a more affluent market , Anta can dominate this sector , the analysts say .

  8. 安踏拥有一些优势,包括在二三线城市的强势地位,据咨询公司贝恩(Bain&Co)的说法,这些地区的零售增长最为强劲。

    Anta has some advantages , including a strong presence in second - and third - tier cities , where retail growth is strongest , according to consultant Bain .

  9. 随着人民币升值,安踏体育用品有限公司(AntaSports)去年7月份上市招股说明书中的一个小细节,给这家中国公司带来了一个当初未曾意料到的头痛问题。

    A small detail in Anta Sports ' listing prospectus last July has yielded an unexpected headache for the Chinese sportswear company as the value of the renminbi rises .

  10. 在香港上市的匹克和安踏,为姚明在休斯顿火箭队(HoustonRockets)的队员提供赞助,确保了NBA赛事在中国播出时,它们能够吸引到数百万眼球。

    Peak and Anta , which are both listed in Hong Kong , sponsor Mr Yao 's teammates at the Houston Rockets , guaranteeing the companies millions of eyeballs when the NBA games are televised in China .

  11. 安踏主要依靠旗下斐乐(Fila)品牌进军高端市场,该品牌一直表现不错。

    Anta 's high-end foray is focused on its Fila brand , which has been doing well .

  12. 与更专注于中国国内市场的安踏不同,李宁一直在努力提升在国外的形象,曾签下沙奎•奥尼尔(ShaquilleO'Neal)和西班牙国家篮球队为其代言。

    Unlike Anta , which is focusing more on the domestic market , Li Ning has been trying to raise its profile abroad , reaching deals with Shaquille O'Neal and Spain 's national basketball team .

  13. 安踏还与休斯顿火箭队建立了密切联系。

    There are many links between Anta and the Houston Rockets .

  14. 安踏去年的平均存货周转天数是38天。

    Anta held inventory for an average of 38 days last year .

  15. 不过,在这场马拉松式的竞争中,安踏不会长期处于领跑位置。

    But Anta will not be a frontrunner in this marathon for long .

  16. 但安踏的最大优势是,它引领了中端细分市场。

    But Anta 's biggest advantage is that it leads the mid-market segment .

  17. 安踏于7月份公开上市,火箭队持有该公司1.8%的股份。

    The Rockets own1.8 % of Anta , which began trading publicly in July .

  18. 安踏在这方面或许有能力迎头赶上。

    Anta can probably afford to catch up .

  19. 安踏公司和匹克公司应适度增加负债,发挥财务杠杆效应。

    Anta and Peak should accordingly increase liabilities to play the financial leverage effect .

  20. 安踏,一个中国品牌的故事

    Anta , a story of a Chinese brand

  21. 放心吧,我们安踏品牌都是有质量保证的。

    Stop worrying , we are peaceful to step brand all contain what quantity guarantee .

  22. 活动影响力与赞助品牌的关系&以联想和安踏为例

    The Relationship of Effect Impact and Sponsoring Brand & Taking Lenovo and Anta as Example

  23. 我安踏的朋友们,保持无畏向上!

    Keep Reaching Higher my Anta Friends .

  24. 安踏的首次公开募股价格为5.28港元。

    In its initial public offering , Anta priced its shares at HK $ 5.28 .

  25. 安踏的首席执行官丁世忠及其家族在2011年福布斯全球亿万富豪榜上位列1140名。

    1140 on the2011 Forbes Billionaires List .

  26. 幸运的是,位于福建的安踏一个角落,让我们看到了希望。

    Fortunately , Fujian is located in one corner of the Anta Let us see the hope .

  27. 抵达安踏总部后,我终于有机会见到了安踏集团总裁丁世忠先先生。

    When I arrived at Anta , I finally got to meet the chairman of Anta , Mr.

  28. 据上月公布的数据,安踏今年上半年收入增长了四分之一。

    In the first half , announced last month , the top line rose by a quarter .

  29. 金州勇士队后卫克雷.汤普森与另一家中国运动鞋企业安踏签有10年的合同。

    Golden State guard Klay Thompson has a 10-year deal with another Chinese shoe company , Anta .

  30. 中国销量第四大的运动服装品牌安踏是阿迪达斯的劲敌。

    Anta , China 's fourth-largest sportswear brand by volume , is a David to Adidas 's Goliath .