
  • 网络Decathlon
  1. 工作地点:前期我们将安排您在迪卡侬杭州店工作并培训,之后将长期在宁波工作。

    Working location : with the first a few months training & working in one of decathlon 's Beijing stores , then work in the ningbo .

  2. 比如法国迪卡侬旗下的Artengo品牌专门销售中端价位的球拍和其它运动产品,现在Artengo推出了一款可以附着在球拍手柄之外收集数据的设备(也是由Movea公司研发的)。

    Artengo , a French brand specializing in modestly priced racquet sport equipment , now sells a gadget that attaches to the outside of a handle and gathers data ( also developed by Movea ) .