
  • 网络Dubai World;Dubai World Group;Dubai Group
  1. 迪拜世界集团的一些业务仍然业绩良好,尤其是作为全球第三大港口运营商的迪拜环球港务集团(DPWorld),该集团于2006年收购了P&O集团。

    Some parts of Dubai World remain strong , in particular DP World , the third-largest international ports operator , which bought P & O in 2006 .

  2. 而这一切都与迪拜世界集团下属的棕榈岛集团(Nakheel)有关。

    All of it is linked to Nakheel , which is part of Dubai World .

  3. 迪拜世界集团归政府所有,因此政府将控制其重组过程。

    The government owns Dubai World and will its restructuring .

  4. 迪拜世界集团正在寻求就260亿美元的债务进行重新谈判。

    Dubai World Group is seeking to renegotiate on twenty-six billion dollars in debt .

  5. 政府所有的迪拜世界集团寻求重组高达260亿美元的债务。

    A government-owned group of companies , Dubai World , has been seeking to twenty-six billion dollars of debt .

  6. 在迪拜世界集团宣布暂停还贷一周之后,所引起的金融恐慌似乎以迅雷不及掩耳之势消失了。

    WEEK after Dubai World announced its debt standstill , the financial panic seems to have disappeared as quickly as a desert squall .

  7. 不过银行家表示,该集团投资子公司迪拜国际资本(dubaiinternationalcapital)和迪拜世界集团(dubaigroup)可能面临比商业部门横跨餐旅业、商业园区和地产业更多的财务问题。

    Still , bankers say its investment arms , Dubai International Capital and Dubai group , could face more financial problems than its commercial wing , which spans hospitality , business parks and real estate .