
  • 网络Economics Theory;Economic Theory
  1. 新制度经济学理论认为制度是影响经济增长的内生要素,因此FDI对东道国技术外溢的效果需要有利的东道国制度的支持。

    New Institution Economics Theory thinks institutions are endogenous factors that can affect economic growth .

  2. 本论文选择人民币有效汇率作为主要分析对象,从实证角度回答人民币汇率变动的FDI效应及其对贸易结构各层面的影响,运用数量经济学理论进行科学的研究,找出具体的相关因素及作用机制。

    This dissertation chooses effective exchange rate of RMB ( REER ) as the main analyzing object , using quantitative economics theory , makes research on the FDI effect and foreign trade structure effect under the RMB exchange rate change in empirical way .

  3. 该书的目的是要让经济学理论更加简单易懂。

    The book 's aim was to make economic theory more digestible .

  4. 经济学理论指出贬值的英镑将会促进经济的发展。

    Economic theory suggests that the devalued pound will boost the economy .

  5. 随后详细介绍了知识产权保护的四个经济学理论,分别是新古典学派的外部性理论、新制度学派的交易费用论、产品生命周期论以及《TRIPS》协定。

    Then we introduce four economics theories in details which contained the externality theory , transaction costs theory , product life cycle and TRIPS .

  6. 本文结合中国签署的各项与IT产业相关的WTO协议研究以及创新经济学理论,试图对我国IT产业的创新政策的四方面问题进行探讨。

    Combining researches of the agreements about IT industry China has subscribed and the theory of innovation economics , this paper tries to discuss on some four issues of innovation policy of Chinese IT industry .

  7. 为了能够真正实现全赢,引入了基于Nash均衡、Pareto最优的微观经济学理论与方法,模糊数学与非合作纯策略二人博弈等相结合的机制。

    To implement " all-win " in deed , a combinative mechanism should be proposed , including Nash-based and Pareto optimum-based microeconomic theory and method , fuzzy mathematics and non-cooperative pure-strategy-based two-player game .

  8. 根据信息经济学理论、信贷配给理论、共生理论、长期互动假说等知识,发现成都FX公司融资案例实际上是中小企业通过共生关系解决融资难题的一个典型案例。

    According to knowledge from information economic theory , credit rationing theory , intergrowth theory and long term interactive hypothesis , the paper discovers the Chengdu FX company financing case is the typical case of solving financing trouble through intergrowth relationship .

  9. 收入、学历、捐款经历、环境态度等社会经济信息变量对支付意愿具有显著的影响水平,符合经济学理论,CVM的可靠性得到较好的验证。

    Socio-economic variables of the respondents such as income , education degree , donation experience and environmental attitude significantly influence the values of the WTP of the respondents and this is consistent with the economic theory and verifies the reliability of the CVM .

  10. 运用经济学理论对竞技体育物品进行了分类。

    The economic theory was used to classify competitive sports goods .

  11. 中国经济现象与传统西方经济学理论出现了矛盾。

    The reality in China conflicts with the west economics theory .

  12. 让我给你列出相关的经济学理论和证据吧。

    Let me lay out the relevant economic theory and evidence .

  13. 特色农业发展的经济学理论研究

    Study on the Economic Theory of the Characteristic Agriculture 's Development

  14. 经济信息化对传统经济学理论的十大影响

    Ten Great Effects on Traditional Economics Theory by Economic Informationization

  15. 创建社会主义政治经济学理论体系的几点思考

    Reflections on Theoretical System of Establishment of Socialist Political Economy

  16. 第五章主要运用交易费用经济学理论分析遗产保护组织。

    Chapter 5 analyzes the conservation organization with the transaction cost theory .

  17. 市场经济和现代经济学理论中的系统思想

    On Market Economy and Systematic Thoughts in the Theory of Modern Economics

  18. 本文运用经济学理论对高速公路的基本属性进行了分析,理清了高速公路特有属性对高速公路管理体制选择的影响。

    This essay analyzed the basic attributes of expressway bases on economics theory .

  19. 本章首先介绍了自愿性披露理论基础,即有效市场假说、企业契约性质理论、信息经济学理论。

    It is efficient market hypothesis , enterprise contract and information economics theory .

  20. 中国经济体制改革的实践对经济学理论的检验

    To Test Economic Theories against the Practice of China 's Economic System Reform

  21. 用生态经济学理论指导生态省建设

    Using Eco-economics Theory to Guide Ecosystem Province Developing

  22. 竞争法律制度的完善,又需要经济学理论的支撑。

    The perfection of the competition legal system needs the support of economic theory .

  23. 关于会计舞弊行为的经济学理论分析

    The analysis of economic theory about accountant cheating

  24. 地质灾害经济学理论基础

    Basic of Economic Theory in Geo - hazards

  25. 嘲笑经济学理论并非难事。

    It is easy to mock economic theory .

  26. 西方新制度经济学理论在城市规划中的运用和启示

    Application of new institutional economics in the domain of urban planning and Its Enlightenment

  27. 政治经济学理论动态的分析评述

    Commentary on the Theoretical Trend of Political Economy

  28. 本文首先运用西方经济学理论分析财政政策与经济增长之间的关系,指出在经济转型时期,财政政策对于推动一国经济增长与经济发展具有重要的作用;

    One is to summarize the relationship between fiscal policy and economic development in China .

  29. 政府环境审计的经济学理论分析

    Economic Theoretical Analysis of Governmental Environmental Audit

  30. 问题之一在于经典金融经济学理论对交易者同质、完全理性的前提假设。

    One of the questions is the homogeneity and rationality assumption about traders in financial market .