
  • 网络economic field;economical field
  1. 组织试验、经济场域与企业技术创新

    Organizational Test , Economic Field and Business Technological Innovations

  2. 博士后实际处于政治场域与经济场域的共同影响之中。

    Postdoctoral in fact is under the common influence of the Political Field and Economic Field .

  3. 同时,对企业互动经济场的基本特性和意义也进行了简要论述。

    In addition , this paper addresses briefly the basic characteristics and significance of the business interaction field .

  4. 第二,城市群内政府间合作的状态是经济场域、政治场域和文化场域交织作用下形成的。

    The second is that the governmental cooperation is formed completely in the field-habitus of economics , politics and culture .

  5. 在国家所有的知识转移中,最引人关注的是高校进行的一种典型的跨场域知识转移,即知识从科学场域中的高校流向经济场域中的企业的过程。

    All knowledge transfer in the state , what most attracts attention is the universities carry on a typical cross-field knowledge transfer .

  6. 本文借用布迪厄的场域理论,将企业博士后工作站分别定位于科学场域和经济场域中,并分别讨论了其在科学场域和经济场域中应该发挥的功能。

    This paper in virtue of the Bourdieu'filed theory , respectively discussed the functions of the enterprise postdoctoral working station in economical filed and scientific filed .

  7. 其中所体现的,是可扩展的自生自发秩序,是学术场域中的大学和经济场域中的企业之间的共生共荣。

    Such a process embodies the extendible spontaneous order , and mutualistic symbiosis between the university in the academic field and the firm in the economic field .

  8. 文学媒介场与外部场的系统关系,主要体现为与政治场、经济场、文化场的冲突与制衡。

    The literary media field with the exterior field system relations , mainly manifests with the political field , the economical field , the cultural field conflict with keeps in balance .

  9. 中国当代文学经历了从与政治场紧密相关到获得自主性再到与经济场相关联的发展阶段。

    Chinese contemporary literature has gone through three stages of development : the literary field is closely related with the political field , obtaining autonomy and associated with the economic field .

  10. 科层场域和经济场域逻辑在大学场域的运行,既扭曲了学术职业的本质,也误导了参与这个场域游戏的青年教师的发展轨迹。

    The using of logic of bureaucratized field and economic field in university field has distorted the nature of academic profession and misled the development of young teachers participating in this field game .

  11. 首先建立了环京津贫困带经济场梯度模型,并用经济统计学中的聚类分析方法验证了梯度模型的可信程度。

    Firstly , the economic field gradient model of the poverty belt around Beijing and Tianjin has been set up . The clustering method has been used to test the degree of reliability .

  12. 针对企业博士后工作站坐落于经济场域中的企业的特点,又进一步探讨了在对企业博士后工作站的评价和管理中,如何促进科学场域和经济场域的结合,使其功能能够有效地发挥。

    Against the characteristic of enterprise postdoctoral working station in economical filed , more discussions , which how to promote the combination of the economical filed and scientific filed , are made in the estimation and management of enterprise postdoctoral working station , and make its functions effectively exert .

  13. 河北省高校知识与区域经济耦合场建设对策研究

    Study on the Constructing Countermeasures to Field of University Knowledge Coupled with Economy in Hebei Province

  14. 而我国证券市场的畸形发展必然会对整个国家的经济发展场产生巨大的阻碍作用。

    While the securities market of our country lopsided development is bound to the economic development of the whole country field generated enormous hindrance role .

  15. 具体思路为,把中国农村的基本单元&村庄视为一个完整的场域,其中包括村庄的政治子场域、经济子场域和社会生活子场域。

    Concretely speaking , villages , the basic unit of China rural areas , could be as a complete field , including the political sub-field , the economic sub-field and the social life sub-field .

  16. 其次主要介绍了经济空间场理论、生产函数和产业关联理论以及经济空间场理论的国内外研究综述,并且回顾相关内容的研究进展,以及存在的问题等。

    Second mainly introduces the economic space field theory , the production function and industry relevance theory and economic space field theory in both at home and abroad , and review the research progress of content , and the problems that exist .

  17. 世界经济不是一场零和博弈。

    The world economy isn 't a zero sum game .

  18. 本文认为,建立社会主义市场经济是一场历史性的伟大变革。

    The article holds that setting up socialist market economy is a great historic change .

  19. 湖南主要经济蛇类养殖场的设计与建造调查研究

    Investigation and Research on Design and Construct of Breeding Main Economic Snakes Fields in Hunan

  20. 他在华盛顿举行的中美战略性经济对话第一场会议上发表讲话。

    He was addressing the first meeting of the new US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue held in Washington .

  21. 那时,中国的经济经历一场困难的考验,将会显示出更强大的生命力。

    After we standing this difficult trial , I believe that the Chinese economy will display even stronger vitality .

  22. 他警告说,这些亚洲国家并没有能力推动世界经济摆脱一场新的衰退。

    He warns these countries will not be able to push the world economy out of a renewed slump .

  23. 他呼吁立法者抵制保护主义(“在世界贸易中画地为牢对美国经济来说是场灾难”)。

    He urged lawmakers to resist protectionism (" Walling off America from world trade would be a disaster for our economy ");

  24. 今年,美国经济在五场极端气候事件中受创,每一次都至少造成了10亿美元的损失。

    America has suffered five incidents of extreme weather this year , each inflicting at least $ 1 billion in damage .

  25. 正在形成过程中的知识经济是一场无声的革命,它预示着经济增长方式将实现由资金密集型向知识密集型的重大转变。

    The formative knowledge economy is a silent revolution forecasting that the economic growth is changing from capital density to knowledge density .

  26. 再者,为了完成上面所设计的微调行动,很可能需要大幅调整利率,这可能会让实体经济面临一场浩劫。

    Further , the sharp interest rate adjustments likely to accompany this attempted fine-tuning exercise could wreak havoc on the real economy .

  27. 现在经济需要一场企业消费盛宴,这将会提高就业率和消费者收入。

    What the economy needs now is a business spending spree that will lead to a hiring boom and rising consumer incomes .

  28. 现在,我又要预言下一场崩溃了,我还会告诉你是什么导致这场崩溃,以及为什么这将是全球经济的一场灾难。

    Today , I 'm predicting the next crash , what I believe will cause it , and why it 'll be a severe blow to the global economy .

  29. 作为一种信息时代国际通行的商务模式,电子商务的深入发展引发了自工业革命以来经济领域一场最广泛、最深刻的革命性变革。

    Accepted as an information age International business model , the further development of E-commerce sparked since before the industrial revolution economic field a most widespread , the most profound revolutionary transformation .

  30. 发展循环经济是一场经济、环保和社会的重大变革,迫切需要在上层建筑的法律领域也进行一次重大的变革,来支持这个伟大的变革。

    Developing cyclic economy is significant transformation in economy , environmental protection and society , therefore , needs to carry on transformation in the legal area of overtop structure to support this great transformation .