
jīnɡ jì fēnɡ xiǎn
  • economic risks;economic exposure
  1. 第二个策略则是企图改良第一个,而这很可能已经出了很大的问题,因为它造成了更大的经济风险。

    The second move-and the one that may have gone badly wrong-was an effort to ameliorate the first hedge , providing more economic exposure .

  2. 经济风险,即汇率波动通过影响跨国公司的投入和产出而使未来一定时期内的收益和现金流减少的可能性,是一种潜在的汇率风险。

    Economic exposure , the degree to which TNC 's present value of future cash flows can be influenced by exchange rates fluctuations is referred to as economic exposure .

  3. 他们不愿让货币贬值,并非只与经济风险有关。

    Their reluctance is not simply to do with economic risk .

  4. 去年,经济风险管理在各个层面都遭遇了失败。

    Last year economic crisis management failed at all levels .

  5. 污水处理BOT项目投资中的经济风险分析

    Analysis on economy risk of investment for BOT project of sewage treatment

  6. 总部位于香港的政治经济风险顾问公司(politicalandeconomicriskconsultancy)在2003年的一份报告称,在东亚12个国家中,韩国人英语交流技能最差。

    South Korea ranked lowest among 12 countries in East Asia for communication in English in a 2003 report by the Hong Kong-based Political and economic risk consultancy .

  7. 有效性评价一结果评价:用利用/需要比、MFA抗疾病经济风险系数K等指标评价MFA的有效性。

    Use / need ratio and the coefficient of share economic risk of illness were used to assess the effectiveness of MFA .

  8. 稠油资源丰富,蒸汽辅助重力驱(SAGD)是开采稠油、特稠油的有效方法,但是其技术难度大,经济风险高。

    Heavy oil has abundant reserves . Steam assisted gravity drainage ( SAGD ) is an efficient way of developing heavy and ultra-heavy oil , but it has problems of technical difficulties and high economy risk .

  9. 企业技术创新项目的经济风险研究

    On the economic risk of technology innovation project of enterprise

  10. 因为企业在海外投资经济风险方面的防范比较重视,而且已经成熟。

    Attention has been paid to prevent economic risks in overseas investment .

  11. 就医经济风险比较指标的探索

    The Study of Indexes to Compare Economical Risk of Hospitalization

  12. 外汇风险有交易风险、折算风险和经济风险三种类型。

    Foreign exchange risks include transaction risk , conversion risk and economic risk .

  13. 经济风险分析主要集中在防洪费用效益的风险分析;

    Economic risk analysis centres on cost benefit risk analysis of flood control .

  14. 该培训还将包括经济风险评估。

    The training will also include economic risk assessment .

  15. 基于经济风险分析的防渗设计标准研究

    Study on the Criteria for Design on Anti - seepage with Economical Risk Analysis

  16. 注重防范国际经济风险。

    We must guard against international economic risks .

  17. 农村大病医疗保险方案中就医经济风险测量(Ⅰ)

    The Measurement of Economic Risk for Medical Service in Rural Area ( I )

  18. 准确的市场预测,可避免供过于求的经济风险。

    A correct market forecast can avoid the economic risk of supply outstripping demand .

  19. 新型农村合作医疗缓解疾病经济风险的效果评估

    Evaluation of effectiveness of disease economic risk alleviation of new rural cooperative medical system

  20. 但是在经济风险方面,金砖四国也不尽相同。

    But the BRICs are also not homogenous when it comes to economic risks .

  21. 网络经济风险及其防范

    Risks on Network Economy and Its Prevention

  22. 研究表明,随着家庭收入的增加,疾病经济风险逐渐降低。

    Studies show that disease economic risk is diminished with the increase of family incomes .

  23. 新型农村合作医疗降低就医经济风险的作用

    Application of measuring method of economic risk for medical service in new-type rural cooperative medical system

  24. 企业风险管理必须注意地缘政治与经济风险之间的强相关性。

    Corporate risk management must be mindful of the close correlation between geopolitical and economic risks .

  25. 它的抗风险能力与筹资水平和家庭疾病经济风险有直接关系。

    The risk resistance capabilities and financing abilities are closely linked with family disease economic risks .

  26. 农村老年人是一个疾病经济风险较大,而自身抗风险能力却很弱的群体。

    High disease economical risk and weak anti-risk power are the traits of the rural elderly .

  27. 可能产生这类损失的意外事故被称为经济风险。

    The chance that a loss of this kind may occur is called an economic risk .

  28. 如模式运作中的经济风险、安全风险,人身保险等问题。

    If the pattern operates hit the target economy risk safer personal insurance waits for a problem .

  29. 医疗救助试点城市贫困人群疾病经济风险分析

    Analyses the Disease Economic Risk of the Urban Poor in the City Which Medical Aid is Piloting

  30. 对他竞选连任来说,主要的经济风险是美国重新陷入衰退。

    The main economic risk to his re-election is that the US plunges back into a recession .