
  1. 收集有关同类项目的信息,建立完善的信息数据库和信息共享机制以规避同类市场竞争风险。

    Collection of information relating to similar projects and Information-sharing mechanisms reduce similar market competition risk .

  2. 但是在这种巨额的利润、高额的回报和激烈竞争的背后也充满了风险,包括战争风险、政治风险、政策风险、经济风险、市场竞争风险、信用风险等。

    High profit and investment return also bring risks , such as war risk , political risk , economic and policy risks etc.

  3. 我国中小企业较大的自身风险主要表现在三方面:市场竞争风险、信誉风险和政策风险。

    The major self risk of our country 's small and big sized enterprises mainly shows in three respects : market competitive risk , credit risk and policy risk .

  4. 但因缺乏乳业人才等关键资源,加之自身管理存在较多问题,所以它进入乳业存在较大的并购、整合及市场竞争风险。

    Due to some managerial problems and lacking of talents , experience and technology in the dairying industry , they run a big risk of M & A in cruel competitive market .

  5. 对于市场竞争风险的控制,本文应用网络外部效应理论探讨风险的控制模型,文章的最后还提到了一些市场风险控制的建议。

    Based on the network externality theory , a market competition risk control model was discussed . At the end of this paper , some advices of controlling market risk are given .

  6. 国内生源市场的竞争风险;

    Market risk of domestic student ;

  7. 有效的报酬激励制度、充分的市场竞争以及风险抵押金制度将有助于从根源上消减这一不和谐的因素。

    Effective system of rewarding motivation , full market competition , and security fund for risks will be helpful to weaken this discordant factor from the source .

  8. 尤其是对于风险进取的供电公司,可中断负荷合同将成为其进行市场竞争和风险管理的有力工具。

    Especially , the proposed model would be a powerful tool for risk-taken distribution companies in the participation of market competition and in the management of the risk .

  9. 本文运用实证分析的方法,初步剖析了新时期中国律师执业5大风险:法律服务市场竞争无序风险;

    Applying the method of proof analysis , this article analyses the five great risks faced by Chinese lawyers when carrying out their duties at present time : The risk of disordered competition in law service market ;

  10. 医院自身发展需要加强内部经济管理,增强内部控制,面对医疗市场竞争具备风险抵御能力,提高医院经营管理水平。

    The development of hospital itself needs to strengthen the internal management of the economy , and to enhance internal control , and it can face the risk of competition of medical market , according to these to improve the hospital management level .

  11. 中小型高新技术企业怎样在激烈的市场竞争中获得风险投资的青睐,正是文章的主要研究课题。

    The main research topic in this paper is how to gain venture capital 's favor in the fierce market competition for small and medium-sized high-tech enterprises .

  12. 企业内部控制体系的构建已成为目前企业应对日益激烈的市场竞争、防范风险、实现战略目标普遍采用的管理方法和手段。

    The internal control system has become enterprises to cope with the increasingly fierce market competition , risk prevention , management methods and means to achieve the strategic objectives commonly used .

  13. 人们逐渐认识到,现代银行制度的核心是商业银行公司治理机制,其优劣直接决定了银行的市场竞争能力和风险抵御能力。

    It has been realized that the key point of modern bank system is the corporate governance , and it decides the competitiveness in market and the ability to resist the risk .

  14. 最后,针对集成电路设计项目的风险进行了详细识别,主要风险是市场风险、竞争风险、管理风险、技术风险、人员风险和资源风险。

    Finally , the thesis assesses the risks of the processes of the IC design project ; they are market risk , competitive risk , management risk , technique risk , human resource risk and resource risk .

  15. 第二,提高国内零售企业的资产聚合度,增强整体市场竞争能力和抗风险能力。

    Improve the whole industry abilities of competition and against risks .

  16. 在市场竞争中,没有风险就没有回报。

    In the competitive market , there is no reward without risk .

  17. 激烈的市场竞争使许多高风险证券公司处于破产边缘、举步维艰。

    Fierce market competition caused many high risk securities corporation were facing the dangerous of bankruptcy .

  18. 合作技术创新已经成为当前企业应对激烈市场竞争和规避创新风险的重要方式。

    Cooperation in technological innovation has become enterprises deal with the fierce market competition and an important way to avoid the risk of innovation .

  19. 自主研发创新优势明显,但技术开发、市场竞争的不确定性风险较高;

    Independent research and development boasts the obvious innovation advantage , but with higher risks due to the uncertainty in technological development and market competition .

  20. 海外工程具有金额大、问题多、语言不通、市场竞争激烈及潜伏风险较大等特点。

    There are many characteristics , like big amount , more problems , language barrier , fierce competition , enormous risk , existing in overseas project .

  21. 开发和利用煤制甲醇项目有利于大同煤矿集团公司实现由资源优势向经济优势的转变,并逐步建成煤电化协调发展的大型煤化工基地,以提高集团公司的市场竞争能力和抗风险能力。

    Development and utilization of coal methanol is favour of changing of the superiority , and the enterprise will be a large-scale base with coal , power and chemical industry and increases the market contest ability .

  22. 首先,要通过建立市场竞争机制、构建风险分担机制、建立国家政策支持体系、完善农村金融监管制度等措施完善农村金融基础制度。

    Firstly , the rural financial infrastructure institution should be improved through establishing the mechanism of market competition , building risk-sharing mechanisms , establishing support system of national policy , improving the rural financial supervision system and other measures .

  23. 在商法领域,应当树立行为自治的理念,由商事主体在市场竞争中对商业风险自主进行识别、判断,并自负其责,法律只需为这一判断过程构建辅助机制。

    In the commercial field , the idea of behavior self_governing should be established , with which the commercial subjects discern and burden commercial risks in market competitions by themselves . What law can do is to design an auxiliary system for the course of judgment .

  24. 同时,构建贷款市场竞争模型,探讨不同的贷款市场竞争程度对银行风险承担的影响机制;再次,实证分析。

    And then we build the competition model of loan market and discuss the mechanism of different competition extent of loan market to bank risk-taking . The forth chapter is empirical analysis .

  25. 在基本的存款市场竞争模型基础上进行修正,分析存款市场竞争对银行风险承担的影响机理。

    We modify the competition model of deposit market and analyze the mechanism of the competition of deposit market to bank risk-taking .

  26. 加之建筑市场本身有待规范,信用程度也较低,建筑市场竞争存在着巨大风险,有些甚至还是人为的陷阱。

    Additionally , the construction marketing , with low credit level and great risk , needs to be standardized .

  27. 它的出现大大提高了农民的市场竞争地位和交易效率,在一定程度上还减少了农民参与市场竞争的风险性。

    It appears the market has greatly enhanced the competitive position of farmers and trade efficiency , to a certain extent , the farmers also reduced the risk of competition in the market .