
  • 网络market share effect
  1. 较系统的分析了企业并购的效应:首先是协同效应,它包括管理协同效应、经营协同效应和财务协同效应,其次是市场份额效应,最后是战略转移效应。

    They are management synergy , operating synergy , financial synergy , market share effect and strategy transfer effect .

  2. 内部科学管理机制、市场份额大小以及品牌效应影响程度都是衡量管理体系发展先进水平的重要内容和标志。

    The scientific inner management systems , the size of the market and the effect of the famous brand are of important signs to the development level of the management systems .

  3. 当今,随着全球经济一体化趋势的进一步加强,企业并购作为迅速扩大市场份额、形成规模效应、优化资本结构的一个有效手段,正日益受到人们的关注。

    Today , as the global trend of economic integration the further strengthening of M & A as a rapidly expanding market share , the formation of scale , optimize the capital structure of an effective means are increasingly subject to attention .