
shì chǎnɡ zhènɡ cè
  • marketing policy
  1. 他是自由市场政策和多党派制度的坚决拥护者。

    He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system .

  2. 他们支持开放的自由市场政策。

    They favour liberal free-market policies .

  3. 促进重庆市汽车零部件产业进入OEM市场政策研究

    Research of Promoting the Policy of Chongqing Automotive Components Industry to Enter the OEM Market

  4. 订价主任根据公司市场政策,定出个别客户之服务价格。

    Supervisor Responsible for pricing and quotations according to market policy .

  5. 中国股票市场政策市现象之研究&一个制度分析框架

    On Phenomenon of " Policy Market " in China 's Stock Market

  6. 中国股票市场政策演进:公共选择视角

    Institutional evolution in Chinese stock market : View Point of public choice

  7. 关于完善我国外汇市场政策环境的探讨

    Discussion of Improving Policy Environment in China Currency Markey

  8. 银行间债券市场政策性功能日益突出。

    The IBBM 's policy function becomes evident .

  9. 2006年证券市场政策展望

    Outlook for Policies of Securities Market in 2006

  10. 荷兰、瑞士,甚至还有法国都推行了更加积极的劳动力市场政策。

    The Netherlands , Switzerland and even France have introduced more active labour market policies .

  11. 市场政策演变与土地绩效评价

    Changes of Market Policy System and Assessment of Urban Land Performance & An Empirical Analysis of Urban Land Input-output

  12. 再次是协调形式相对较弱的政策领域,包括劳动力市场政策、产品和资本市场政策、工资政策等。

    The weak coordination is the labour market policy , product and capital market policies , wage policy , etc.

  13. 中国城镇劳动力市场政策:覆盖、瞄准与成效&以失业严重地区为例

    The Labor Market Policy in Urban China : Coverage , Target and Effect The Case of Heavier Unemployment Area

  14. 通过对省级面板数据的考察,验证了二元性劳动力市场政策的改变对经济增长的影响。

    By exploring the panel data of provinces in China , we test the effect of labor market policy on growth .

  15. 但是更广泛而言,其它国家影响贸易的非市场政策存在复杂的问题。

    But , more broadly , there are complex issues with respect to other countries ' non-market policies that affect trade .

  16. 香港采取一系列自由市场政策,对外汇没有任何控制,不限制任何外国投资。

    Hong Kong exercises a range of free-market policies , imposing no controls on foreign exchange and no restrictions on foreign investment .

  17. 他们已足够聪明,来修正和改善、而非抛弃前一个政权的一些自由市场政策。

    They have been smart enough to modify and improve rather than scrap some of the free-market policies of the previous regime .

  18. 虽然外部环境变化在短期会产生重大影响,但新兴市场政策制定者不应因此而夜不能寐。

    A changing external environment , while significant in the short run , should not be what keeps emerging market policy makers awake at night .

  19. 市场政策和竞争模式的确立,将使中国通信产业向着健康、有序的方向蓬勃发展。

    The establishment of the market policies and competition mode will enable the telecom industry in China to develop vigorously in a healthy and orderly way .

  20. 重点研究了运行模式、可再生能源竞争力、市场政策和需求侧管理等因素对于能量优化调度出力的影响。

    Operation modes of MG , the competitiveness of renewable sources , market policies factors and demand-side managements have been focused on for energy optimal scheduling results .

  21. 为此,我国确立了实施更加积极的劳动力市场政策来促进就业、再就业工作的方针。

    In order to turn the scale , our country decides to carry out the Active labor Market Policies ( ALMPs ) to accelerate the employment and reemployment .

  22. 我们会继续坚定不移地推行自由开放市场政策,以及保持本港的货币和金融市场稳定和完整。

    We remain firmly committed to uphold our free and open market policy as well as to protect the stability and integrity of our currency and financial markets .

  23. 实证研究发现,各商业银行债券投资的范围经济存在较大差异,四大国有商业银行债券投资的范围经济比股份制商业银行明显;银行间债券市场政策性功能日益突出。

    From the empirical research , the Scope Economy of bond investment of the four state-owned commercial banks is more obvious , as compared with the stock commercial banks .

  24. 从证券市场政策博弈的分析不难发现,政府调控证券市场往往无法实现自身效用的最大化。

    In a word , the stock market policy game analysis tries to illustrate that influencing the market might not be a wise choice for government 's utility maximization .

  25. 其中技术创新政策、产业结构政策、投融资政策、税收政策、贸易政策、市场政策、人才政策等政策环境对高新技术的发展至关重要。

    Policy enviroment that should contain technology innovation policy , commerial trade policy market policy and hunan resources policy , is essential to the development of high techology industry .

  26. 赠款资金来源于一个多捐赠机构信托基金。该基金将加大研究支持力度,帮助各国建立劳动力市场政策制定能力,对可能有效的方法进行试点。

    The grants are funded by a multi-donor trust fund that will scale up research , help countries build capacity to develop labor market policy , and pilot promising approaches .

  27. 大多数联储观察员认为低通货膨胀,高失业率,经济增长缓慢会使联邦公开市场政策委员会推迟缩减每月850亿美元的债券购买计划,即量化宽松计划。

    Most Fed watchers think the mix of low inflation , high unemployment and slow growth will lead the FOMC to delay scaling back its 85-billion-dollar monthly bond-buying or quantitative easing .

  28. 世界上各主要国家都在进行传媒市场政策的重建,以适应国际信息传播新秩序的发展需要。

    The main states of the world are reform - ing their policies that regulate media markets to adopt to the requirements of the new inter - national information transforming order .

  29. 通过抑价分析,阐述了在我国利用两阶段竞价发行方式的意义,分析了目前证券市场政策环境所存在的问题。

    On the basis of price control , this paper expatiates the meaning of using the two-phases biding issue mode and analyzes the existent problems of the policy environment in the securities market .

  30. 市场政策方面应重点建立有条件支持的和有利于林业规模经济增长的林业产品竞争政策、价格政策与购销政策等。

    In the aspect of market policy , policy making should support and benefit the growth of economic scale of forestry , the focus should be competitive policy of forestry products , price policy and purchase-sale policy .