
  • 网络market concept;marketing concept;Market idea;Multi-domestic Market Concept
  1. 用“以客户为中心”的现场体验感觉代替传统“以产品为中心”的市场观念。

    With " customer-centric " experience the feeling of the scene to replace the traditional " product-centric " market concept .

  2. 在我国企业从生产观念向市场观念的转变过程中,市场营销被提高到了一个前所未有的高度。

    During the process of the transition from production concept to market concept , the marketing is highly outstanding never before .

  3. 经济观念包括:在生产领域,要树立市场观念;

    Economic conception includes : market conception in the industrial fields ;

  4. 加大电子商务人才的引进,不断更新人们的市场观念和交易行为。

    Employ more talents and renew the market ideas and transaction behaviors .

  5. 树立市场观念,以销定产等多个方面讨论了改善矿山经济效益的途径。

    Establishing market view and determing production in accordance with the sale etc.

  6. 论全面市场观念下的企业成本管理

    On the Enterprise 's Cost Management under the Total Market Economy Ideas

  7. 当前正统的经济观念是自由市场观念和无约束贸易观念。

    The current economic orthodoxy is of a free markdt and unregulated trade .

  8. 论市场观念下的审判权与诉权关系

    On the Relationship between Judicial Authority and Litigation Right under the Conception of Market-Economy

  9. 农民市场观念淡薄,农业生产面临市场风险;

    The agricultural production confronts the market risk .

  10. 强化市场观念;

    To enhance the market conception ;

  11. 由于该公司缺乏市场观念、管理不能与时俱进,导致自有品牌产品的销售连年亏损。

    Lacking marketing and management experience , Chengdu Shahe dairy company failed in market for years .

  12. 过去这种情况大多集中在石油公司身上,是由反市场观念推动的。

    In the past it was mostly focused on oil companies and driven by anti-market ideologies .

  13. 市场观念增强黄金产量稳中有升&2000年黄金生产经营形势述评

    Review on gold production in 2000

  14. 强化市场观念,增强电影的商品意识、精品意识;

    To strengthen the market notion , to increase the consciousness of movie merchandise and elaborate works ;

  15. 观念创新要树立开放观念、市场观念、经营观念、精品观念、服务观念等观念。

    The sense innovation sets up opening sense , market sense , running sense , plum sense and service sense .

  16. “本土化”包括了许多方面,比如生产经营的本土化,人力资源的本土化,市场观念的本土化。

    " Localization " includes many aspects , such as production management localization , human resources localization and marketing concept localization .

  17. 面向企业、面向社会、加强市场观念意识的灌输是实践性教学环节改革的基础;

    The foundation of reform in practical teaching links is to face enterprises , face society and strengthen the market conciousness .

  18. 联赛组委会市场观念陈旧,赞助营销意识较差。

    The Association committee still have an old - fashioned and the consciousness of the patronage and marketing is rather poor .

  19. 开办新专业关键需要建立教育市场观念和有效的教学模式。

    The key to offering a new major lies in setting up idea of educational market and carrying out effective leaching model .

  20. 果实品质正随着市场观念的深入和人们生活水平的提高而逐渐受到关注。果实中糖、酸含量和糖酸比是决定其风味最重要的指标。

    With the development of market economy and improvement of people 's living condition , fruit quality is gradually concerned by people .

  21. 对此,应通过推进体制创新、强化市场观念、调整地区产业结构等措施加以解决。

    As to this , should solve these questions through advancing system innovation , strengthening market idea , adjusting regional industrial structure , etc. .

  22. 针对我国会展业存在的问题,树立市场观念,加大促销力度,培养专门人才,加强基础设施建设,转变政府职能,是确保会展业健康发展的保证。

    We must establish market sense , give more attention to marketing , train specialized personnel perfect infrastructure construction and change government 's function .

  23. 西部地区投资软环境建设中存在着商品市场观念淡薄、资本市场观念缺乏及八重八轻问题。

    Some problems such as being short of market conception and capital conception and eight relationships consist in soft investment environment of Western China .

  24. 所以社考机构和从事社考工作的人员必须真正从思想上树立市场观念,在操作中遵循市场规则。

    Therefore , the exam institution and its members are expected to establish the market consciousness , and operate in accordance with the market rules .

  25. 以顾客为中心的市场观念逐渐取代以产品为中心的市场观念,顾客也被认为是企业最重要的一项资产。

    The concept of product-centered has been replaced by the product-centered marketing concept , and the customer turns to be the most valuable assets for firms .

  26. 树立市场观念、加大促销力度、培养专门人才、加强基础设施建设、转变政府职能是郑州市会展旅游顺利发展的保证。

    To ensure such development , a market sense , good marketing and training , infrastructure construction and transition of government function are our right choice .

  27. 同时,马帮通行各地,不仅转运各类货物,而且为落后的边远山区和边境地区送去了商品和市场观念。云南马帮与滇泰贸易

    And the ideas of commerce and market were spread to the remote and backward areas of Yunnan . On the Relationship between Yunnan Caravan and Yunnan-Thailand Trade

  28. 当前,在住宅开发热潮中,从住宅环境到住宅单体,设计水平与市场观念有很大提高。

    Nowadays , the levels of architecture design and market concept from housing environment to housing monomer have been increased a lot in the upsurge of developing commercial housing .

  29. 基于对项目材料管理的方式,探讨了施工单位搞好工程项目中材料综合管理的手段,以达到通过强化市场观念,优化资源配置和实现效益最大化的目的。

    Illustrate , to be a construction unit , how to gain the best profits by enhancing market concept , optimize source management and material control in construction project .

  30. 这有利于激发广大员工树立用户观念、市场观念和效益观念,从而增强企业的活力。

    This is good for stimulating the staff to erect the consumer concept , the market concept and the benefit concept so as to strengthen the enterprise ′ s vigor .