
  • 【体】concept of competition
  1. 首先,要树立适合WTO规则的教育理念,包括教育市场化观念、服务观念、国际标准观念、教育竞争观念等。

    First , we should set the proper conception of instruction adapting the rules of WTO , including the educational market concept , service concept , international standard concept , and compete concept .

  2. 必须树立市场竞争观念和创新意识;

    Must set up the concept of the market competition and innovation ;

  3. 汽车企业个案报道突出竞争观念、彰显理性思维;

    Automobile case report emphasizes on competition and rational thinking .

  4. 转变竞争观念,倡导价值竞争&谈工程机械产品竞争观念的转变

    Transforming the Competition Concept . Spark-plugging the Competition Value

  5. 从竞争观念演变看图书馆领域的竞争态势

    The Development of the Concept of Competition and the Competitive Situation in Library Field

  6. 饲料行业中竞争观念的现状及分析

    The current competitive idea in feed industry

  7. 在交换领域,要树立竞争观念;

    Competitive idea in the exchange areas ;

  8. 渗透竞争观念;

    The concept of infiltrating into competition ;

  9. 近代,随着西方思想的传入,竞争观念被人们公开接纳。

    The competition idea was openly accepted with the introduction of western thoughts in modern times .

  10. 缺乏正确的竞争观念。

    Lacking proper concept of competition .

  11. 企业并购现象反映了企业传统竞争观念的战略性转变。

    Mergers and acquisitions ( M & As ) reflect strategic transformation in traditional conception of competition .

  12. 商业生态系统理论打破了传统的企业之间“单赢”的竞争观念。

    The theory of business ecosystem breaks through the traditional competition opinion of single-win between the enterprises .

  13. 市场竞争观念,具体划分为行业竞争、类别竞争、产品竞争和品牌的竞争;

    The third is market competition idea that is industry , category , product and brand competition .

  14. 带有明显计划经济特征的职务等级工资制度具有强烈的平均主义色彩,工作业绩和贡献,竞争观念和激励机制均在此环境中被弱化。

    With characters of planned economy , this position-grade wages system is of strong colour of equalitarianism .

  15. 树立合作竞争观念,充分发挥核心企业的作用,以更好地实现企业的目标。

    Set up cooperation and competition sense , exert action of core enterprise , further more realize the goal of enterprise .

  16. 市场经济的发展、成熟,使得你死我活的传统竞争观念不再适应时代发展。

    With the development and maturity of market economy , the traditional concepts of life-and-death competition are far behind the times .

  17. 这不仅是对纯粹排他性、对抗性竞争观念的超越,而且是对利己性合作观念的抛弃。

    This not only goes beyond the ideas of absolute exclusion and contradictory competition but also abandons the idea of selfish cooperation .

  18. 那广告公司明白,如果仍死抱公平竞争观念不放,将无法在竞争激烈的市场中生存。

    The advertising company knows that it 's not going to survive the competitive market if it still clings to a sense of fair play .

  19. 这种环境的不确定性在推动传统的竞争观念向竞合转移的同时,更在改变事关企业制度设计与权力制衡的公司治理边界。

    This promotes the traditional competitive concept to cooperative concept , and has also changed the boundary of corporation government involving the design of system and power balance .

  20. 首先,它是发展社会主义市场经济的要求。市场经济的健康发展要求公民具有独立个性、公平竞争观念、权利义务观念和法治观念。

    Firstly , it is an objective necessary of the development of socialist market economy which asks citizen for independence , awareness of fair competition , right and duty , rule-by-law .

  21. 这种功利主义的认识态度导致国人无法深入了解英美体育文化中的公平竞争观念,并对英美体育中的个体中心观念进行了曲解。

    The utilitarian attitude of understanding made chinese people did not understand anglo-American sports culture in the concept of fair play , and distort the Anglo-American concept of individualism in sport .

  22. 建立现代企业制度,增强成本意识与竞争观念,促进企业经营管理水平的提高,从而提高国际竞争能力,这是企业发展的根本途径。

    It is a fundamental way for business development to improve international competitiveness by building modern business system , strengthening the sense of cost and competition and raising the management standard .

  23. 同时,从竞争观念的转变,企业合作关系的建立,合作企业界面协调、战略联盟的建立等方面,提出了制造业企业间界面协调的措施;

    Meanwhile , propose interfirm coordinate measures such as the transition of the competition idea , setting-up of enterprise 's cooperation , interface coordination of cooperative enterprise , foundation of strategic alliance ;

  24. 供应链管理的基本概念是建立在合作竞争观念之上的,它能够通过共享信息和共同计划提高整个物流系统的效率。

    The basic concept of the supply chain management is established on the idea of cooperation & competition ; SCM can enhance entire Logistics system efficiency by sharing information and the Joint Plan .

  25. 进步的信仰是竞争观念的前提,人与人的竞争靠的是力,力本论是竞争观念的形上之维,竞争的主体是群。

    Progress is the premise of competition , the competition between people relys on the power , the theory of power is the metaphysical dimension of competition , the subject of competition is group .

  26. 从这个角度来反思中国企业的经营理念、竞争观念和营销策略,是维护企业合法权益,实现反倾销和反倾销对策统一的基本选择。

    In this sense , to review the principles of management , competition idea and marketing strategy is a basic choice to uphold legal rights , and realize the integration of anti-dumping and dumpting strategies .

  27. 简要介绍了在知识经济时代企业领导者应具有的市场观念、创新观念、新竞争观念、文化观念、人才观念和信息观念。

    This paper briefly introduces the concepts an enterprise leader should have in knowledge economy era such as market concept , innovation concept , new competition concept , culture concept , talents concept and information concept .

  28. 本文以梁启超《新民说》中的竞争观念作为诠释对象,目的在于对《新民说》在新的视域内进行价值重估。

    In this paper , concept of competition in The New Citizen written by Liang Qichao is the object of interpretation , the purpose of which is to revalue The New Citizen in new field of view .

  29. 而湖南许多企业由于仍然受计划经济体制的阴影笼罩,缺乏竞争观念,品牌观念不全面,把品牌资产仅仅看作是品牌的知名度,品牌意识淡薄,导致品牌难上档次,知名品牌缺少。

    However , in Hunan Province many enterprises there are so deeply affected by planned economic system , they think little of competition with weak consciousness of brand , they simply hold brand assets as the popularity it .

  30. 在知识经济时代,要想取得成功,就要树立创新观念,即知识价值观念、人力资本观念、竞争观念、可持续发展观念、文化与形象观念。

    Setting up concept of innovation such as concept of value of knowledge , concept of human capital , concept of competition , concept of sustainable development , concept of culture and image is the key to success in knowledge eonomy era .