
  • 网络competitors;market players
  1. 假设垄断者测试须与市场竞争者识别区别开,前者考虑的是需求替代性,后者考虑的是供给替代,对此各国富有争议而规定不一。

    Suppose monopolist test to identify and distinguish between market players , the former needs to consider the alternative , which is considered an alternative supply , which the countries of the dispute have different rules .

  2. 而对美国消费者而言,Robomow剪草机及其市场竞争者都面临着长期可靠性的问题。

    For American consumers , one big question for Robomow and its competitors is long-term reliability .

  3. 截至目前,价格已经成了平板电脑市场竞争者与iPad争夺市场份额的唯一手段。根据市场研究公司StrategyAnalytics的数据,苹果今年第一季度的市场份额为63%。

    Thus far , price has been the only way rival tablets have been able to take market share away from the iPad-which commanded 63 % share in the first quarter , according to Strategy Analytics .

  4. 随着信息的碎片化、市场竞争者的增多、消费者选择空间的变大,品牌传播已经进入到定位时代。

    Brand communication of position era is approaching along with more information , competitor and choice .

  5. 联想集团建立隔绝机制以抵挡市场竞争者对其已有竞争优势的削弱或对其竞争优势的模仿。

    Legend Group Limited sets up some isolating mechanisms to resist other competitive firms'weakening or imitating of its competitive advantage .

  6. 在横向合并中,市场竞争者可获得的是提高市场的集中程度及增加串谋的可能性。

    In a horizontal merger , the acquisition of a competitor could increase market concentration and increase the likelihood of collusion .

  7. 然而,印度工商联合会的研究显示,相对于新兴市场竞争者而言,印度企业正逐步失去美国市场的份额。

    However , Ficci 's research shows that Indian companies have been losing relative share to emerging market competitors in the US market .

  8. 拥有先进生产力的市场竞争者,因为拥有强大的可持续创新的动力,从而具备了开拓更大的市场的潜质,也因此巩固了其早已拥有的垄断地位。

    Market competitors with advanced productive forces own the driving force of sustainable innovation , so they have the potential to expand the market and consolidate the monopoly position .

  9. 电子产品市场的竞争者国美(Gome)日前表示,其网络部门是造成去年首次全年亏损的因素之一。

    Gome , which competes in electronics , recently said its online unit was one factor in its first full-year loss last year .

  10. 换句话说,其仍然是其他发展中亚洲国家世界发达市场的竞争者。

    Instead , it remains a competitor to other developing Asian countries for rich-world markets .

  11. 中国科技公司乐视(LeEco)成为最新一家挤入市场的竞争者,在4月18日宣布了全电动概念车LeSEE。

    LeEco , a Chinese tech company , became the latest to enter the space , last week [ of Apr 18 ] announcing a new all-electric concept car christened LeSEE .

  12. 本文通过研究中国电解铝工业的发展现状、特点和趋势,分析国内电解铝市场主要竞争者的发展变化,寻找云南电解铝工业存在的差距。

    This thesis analyzes the development diversification of main competitors in domestic electrolysis aluminum market and looks for difference existed in Yunnan Aluminum industry through the study of present electrolysis aluminum development situation , characters and trends in China .

  13. 作者在介绍了小米手机的行业特点与现状后,比较了小米手机与市场主要竞争者的特点差异;根据小米手机的细分市场,作者分析了小米手机的目标市场策略。

    First , the paper introduces the characteristics and status of the millet mobile phone industry ; then compares the characteristics of differences of the of millet mobile phone market competitors ; Then , the paper analyzes the millet mobile phone market segments , and millet phone target market strategy .

  14. 那家公司已崭露头角,成为伦敦物业市场的主要竞争者。

    The company has emerged as a major player in the London property market .

  15. 理特咨询(arthurdlittle)的分析师认为,跨国企业至少必须在本国市场战胜新竞争者,以回应来自金砖四国的威胁。

    Analysts at Arthur D little believe that multinationals must respond to the BRIC threat at least by beating these new competitors in to their home markets .

  16. 同时,还介绍了国内、外机车市场需求和竞争者。运用SWOT分析方法着重分析了ZYJC厂在新产品研发能力方面的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。

    At the same time , it will introduce the market demand and competitors , by SWOT analysis the opportunities , threats , strengths and weaknesses .

  17. 大众汽车公司(Volkswagen)则凭借特别设计的全新的帕萨特(Passat)异军突起,成为这一细分市场的有力竞争者,誓与日本最佳汽车一较高下。

    Volkswagen ( vlkpy ) is also suddenly a factor in the segment thanks to an all-new Passat specifically designed to contend with the best Japan can offer .

  18. Potter的竞争理论,对醋酸市场的现有竞争者、潜在竞争者、替代品竞争者、供应商的讨价还价能力和购买者的讨价还价能力等五种竞争作用力进行了研究。

    Potter , this paper studies the five forces of acetic acid industry including the current rivals , the threats of entry , the threats of substitutes , the bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of buyers .

  19. 市场定位;竞争者网站的挖掘

    Market orientation ; Mining of Competitor Websites

  20. 同时,实现产品间兼容对处于不同市场地位的竞争者具有不同的意义。

    At the same time , achieving compatibility between products has a different significance for competitors at different market status .

  21. 应市速度&迫使组织对客户更快地作出反应,更快地将产品推向市场,对竞争者和客户更加负责。

    Speedto market-forcingorganisations to respond to customers morequickly , bring products to market morequicklyand to bemoreresponsiveto both competitors and customers .

  22. 文章结合案例,分析了中小型超市的市场环境、竞争者及消费者,提出了相应的定位策略。

    The paper analyses marketing environment , competitor and consumer of the supermarket , and then proposes countermeasures of marketing positioning .

  23. 当前我国保险市场新的竞争者不断加入,市场格局都在由寡头垄断向垄断竞争演变。

    Nowadays , new competitors unceasingly join in China insurance market , market pattern changed from monopoly all by oligarch to monopoly competition .

  24. 许多小企业无法获得信贷,人们不能使用其财产作为抵押,市场上没有竞争者所以价格难以降低。

    Many small businesses cannot get credit , people cannot use their property as collateral , competitors are not available to lower prices .

  25. 而市场流行及竞争者分析可以成为设计信息获取的一种参考和一个渠道,但不是设计的第一出发点。

    And the analysis on fad and competition can be regarded as information for creating design , but not the most important one .

  26. 造就一个个叫得响的品牌农民工,可以使务工农民在劳务的转移过程中显示出其独特的魅力,成为市场有力的竞争者。

    Creating brand of migrant workers , farmers can display their unique charm in course of transfer and become a powerful competitor in the market .

  27. 建立完善的法人治理机构,能够使我国营利性医疗机构真正发展壮大并成为医疗市场重要的竞争者,推动我国医疗体制改革的顺利进行。

    They can become important competitors in the medical market and promote the smooth progress of current medical system reform through the establishment of corporate governance structure .

  28. 掠夺性定价行为具有非常明显的危害性,它的直接目的就是为了排挤同一市场上的竞争者,谋求市场上的垄断地位。

    Predatory pricing behavior has obvious dangers , its immediate purpose is to crowd out competitors in the same market , seeking a monopoly on the market .

  29. 发展迅速的中国市场一直受到竞争者脸书的青睐,也是苹果公司的第二大市场。因此,谷歌的退出引起了众多争议。

    The controversial move cut Google off from the fast-growing Chinese market , one that 's been courted by rival Facebook and constitutes the second-biggest market for Apple .

  30. 经过实证主义的分析后,本文认为,品牌扩张尤其是水平方向的品牌扩张,具有明显的阻碍市场上其他竞争者进入,控制市场结构的意图,其垄断性质明显,应该受到反垄断法的规制。

    After analyses of the positivism , the brands explosion , especially the horizontal brand expanding , has obviously hindered other competitors entering , controls market intention of structure .