
  • 网络Microeconomics environment;microeconomic contexts
  1. 我国在实施金融改革中,需要运用帕累托改进(PARETOIMPROVEMENT)的方式,循序渐进,协调进行,以提高资源分配的效率和微观经济环境的改善。

    China 's finance reform needs to use " PARETO IMPROVEMENT " theory , which can improve efficiency of resource distribution and microeconomic environment .

  2. 大学生就业属于新的增量就业,因此,宏观与微观经济环境变化对其影响很大。

    Therefore , college graduates employment , as a new incremental employment , has been greatly influenced by changes in macro-and micro-economic environment .

  3. 在我国,无论是宏观经济环境还是微观经济环境,实施环境会计都面临了种种困难。

    In our country , regardless of the macroeconomic environment or micro-economic environment , the implementation of environmental accounting has been confronted with difficulties .

  4. 其从,依据政策、法规环境、微观经济环境、煤冰市场和电力图需形势四个方里,剖析了电力上市儿司运营所里临的外部威宽险。

    Secondly , we summarize the external risk listed company will face in practice , according to the policy and law environment , macro-economic environment and so on .

  5. 中央银行在实施货币政策过程中,由于受微观经济环境限制,货币政策传导机制不够顺畅,特别是在基层的实施效果不够理想。

    In the process of Central Bank carrying out monetary policy , the transmission mechanism of monetary policy is not smooth enough for being limited by microeconomic environment . The implementary effect isn good enough especially at the basic level .

  6. 鉴于此,我们从投资银行业务入手,说明并购业务是投资银行的核心业务,重点论述投资银行在企业并购中的作用,并通过对中国宏观、微观经济环境的分析,提出相应的政策建议。

    So here Explain that merging business is kernel professional of investment bank . According to the analysis of macro and micro economy enviroment of China , Especially discuss the role of investment during the course of business merger , and at the same time give some counterpart advice .