
  • 网络Consumer Credit
  1. 富国银行首席财务官霍华德阿特金斯(HowardAtkins)表示,该行此前预测,消费者信贷损失将在今年上半年见顶,但最近的数据显示,它们可能在这之前就开始下降。

    Howard Atkins , Wells ' finance chief , said that Wells had predicted consumer credit losses would peak in the first half of this year but recent results suggested they might start falling before then .

  2. 周五有最重要的就业报告及消费者信贷。

    Friday rounds out the week with the all-important employment report and consumer credit .

  3. 就拿银行业来讲,银行以往只做信贷和核实的工作,现在它们提供每一个可以想象的金融产品,甚至一些零售商TESCO也在提供消费者信贷服务。

    At one point , banks used to only do lending and checking , now they provide every conceivable financial product and some retailers ( TESCO , for example ) are offering consumer-banking services .

  4. 小型企业和消费者信贷需求持续增加。

    Demand is growing for credit for small businesses and for consumers .

  5. 其他名称有私人信贷公司或消费者信贷公司。

    Other names for them are personal finance companies or consumer finance companies .

  6. 消费者信贷未结清余额

    Outstanding balance of consumer credit

  7. 制造业采购经理人指数将于周一公布,之后是周二的消费者信贷及消费者信心指数。

    PMI manufacturing starts things off on Monday and this will be followed by consumer credit and consumer confidence on Tuesday .

  8. 首先,正如摩根大通的业绩所显示的,美国银行体系仍须消化大量消费者信贷亏损。

    As JPMorgan 's results revealed , the US banking system still has to process a lot of consumer credit losses .

  9. 与现有文献不同,本文不仅在企业家市场上考虑信贷市场的发展而且把消费者信贷市场也加进本文的分析框架中。

    In contrast to existing literature , which only considers entrepreneur credit markets , this paper incorporates consumer credit market into our model .

  10. 这些投行许多都属于全能银行,它们的零售银行和消费者信贷业务继续表现强劲。

    Many of these investment banks are part of universal banks that continue to see a solid performance in retail banking and consumer credit .

  11. 经济衰退只能使形势更加黯淡,继消费者信贷紧缩之后,接下来要削减的很有可能就是矮树丛和吊篮。

    The arrival of economic recession only deepened the gloom : to credit-crunched consumers , shrubs and hanging baskets seemed obvious candidates for cuts .

  12. ZestFinance和中国网络零售巨头京东宣布成立一家合资公司,在中国市场上提供消费者信贷评分服务。

    ZestFinance and JD.com , a Chinese online retail giant , are announcing a joint venture to provide a consumer credit scoring service in China .

  13. 桑坦德银行在一份监管申报文件中表示,回购计划涵盖抵押贷款、消费者信贷和商业贷款支持的27种不同债券。

    The bank said in a regulatory filing that the offer covered 27 different issues of bonds backed by mortgages , consumer credits and business loans .

  14. 但消费者信贷需求相当疲软,特别是在信用卡和抵押贷款方面,虽然银行预计这一状况不久就会出现反弹。

    But demand for loans from consumers is weak , especially in areas such as credit cards and mortgages , although banks hope that these will soon start to rebound .

  15. 现在,美国联邦储备委员会又说,将再拿出6000亿美元来抵御房贷市场的下滑,另外还要拿出2000亿美元来帮助消费者信贷市场解冻。

    Now , the Federal Reserve says it will devote an additional $ 600 billion to combat the mortgage meltdown , and another $ 200 billion to unfreeze consumer credit .

  16. 汇丰银行在美国以外的所有地区都实现了盈利。而在美国,由于继续为在消费者信贷方面时机不当的扩张收拾残局,汇丰出现了约8000万美元的亏损。

    HSBC was profitable in every region except the US , where it posted an underlying loss of about $ 80m stemming from the continued clean-up of its mistimed expansion into consumer credit .

  17. 如果美国财政部增加资产出售,银行对企业的贷款将减少,随后消费者信贷也将缩减&这两项副作用将不利早已疲弱的美国经济。

    If Treasury asset sales increase , bank lending to companies will decrease , followed by a shrinking of credit lines to consumers & two side effects that will stall an already sluggish economy .

  18. 追捧者认为,数据勾勒出来的面貌,应该可以让风险分析变得更加精准,因此有助于以更低的成本把消费者信贷提供给额外的人,而其中涉及的人数成百上千万。

    The picture that emerges from the data , enthusiasts say , should result in more accurate risk analysis , thus opening the door to extending consumer credit to millions more people at lower cost .

  19. 但该行强调称,不会全面停止放贷,将继续为在建项目、小企业、消费者信贷及重点产业和重点区域即享受中央政府明确政策支持的部门和地区提供资金。

    But the bank stressed it did not intend to stop all lending and would continue to fund projects already under construction as well as small businesses , consumer credit and key industries and areas a reference to sectors and regions that enjoy explicit policy support from the central government .

  20. 幸运的是,消费者的信贷报告转化成通俗易懂的形式。

    Luckily , consumer credit reports are translated into easy-to-read formats .

  21. 当时巴西消费者处于信贷推动下的消费狂潮,而中国消费者正奋起直追。

    Its consumers were on a credit-fuelled binge and Chinese consumers were rushing to catch up .

  22. 但随着经济低迷深入,以及消费者获得信贷难度加大,一些零售商开始将分期预付作为一种市场营销工具。

    But as the downturn takes hold and consumers find credit harder to obtain , some retailers are taking advantage of layaway as a marketing tool .

  23. 在2007年至2008年全球金融危机之前的10年里,西方富有消费者在信贷热潮期间大量买入奢侈品。

    In the decade leading up to the financial crisis of 2007-08 , rich consumers in the west gobbled up luxury goods amid the credit boom .

  24. 他们理所当然地担忧自己会无力支付账单,银行也同样合理地不愿向消费者提供信贷。

    They justifiably worry they will not be able to pay their bills . Banks , with equal justification , are reluctant to lend to them .

  25. 美国的政策制定者必须设法增加国内储蓄,缩小联邦赤字,降低美国消费者对信贷的高度倚赖,约束石油进口。

    US policymakers will need to find ways to increase domestic savings , shrink the federal deficit , reduce the heavy reliance of American consumers on credit and curb oil imports .

  26. 英国央行昨日称,贷方已减少了提供给消费者的信贷数量,因其根据危机状况进行调整,改变了自己的风险偏好。

    The Bank of England reported yesterday that lenders had reduced the amount of credit being offered to consumers as lenders have adjusted to the crisis and changed their appetites for risk .

  27. 此外,我还呼吁国会通过车队现代化立法,为消费者提供信贷,帮助他们上缴旧车,购买更清洁更省油的新型汽车。

    And that 's why I 'm calling on Congress to pass fleet modernization legislation that can provide a credit to consumers who turn in old cars and purchase cleaner , more fuel-efficient cars .

  28. 伯南克指出“消费者面临的信贷状况仍然紧张”。

    Mr Bernanke noted " credit conditions for consumers remain tight " .

  29. 持久地寻找逾期贷款。消费者分期付款信贷

    Persistently ask for overdue payment . consumer installment credit

  30. 一股又一股流动性洪流从发达经济体涌向发展中经济体,为基础设施和企业投资提供资金,还让消费者陶醉于信贷助燃的消费梦想。

    Tides of liquidity have flowed from developed to developing economies , financing infrastructure and corporate investment and allowing consumers to indulge credit-fuelled retail dreams .