
xiāo fèi mó shì
  • consumption pattern;pattern of consumption
  1. 本文指出当前对环境问题的认识需要提高到环境革命的新高度,讨论了环境革命的内容及其理论基础&自然资本论,强调环境革命要求实现生活方式的根本性变革以及中国建立可持续消费模式的意义。

    This paper discusses the content of this environmental revolution and its theory paradigm & Natural Capitalism , and suggests that a radical reform of lifestyle would follow this revolution and more attention should be paid to setting up a sustainable pattern of consumption in China .

  2. 可持续消费是一种新的消费模式,该模式既有利于经济的持续增长,又有利于环境的保护和改善。

    Sustainable consumption is a new pattern of consumption .

  3. 各个收入阶层都存在火箭式消费模式。

    Rocketing is occurring at every income level .

  4. 基于Web使用挖掘的用户消费模式发现研究

    Research on Web Usage Mining Based Users Consuming Patterns Discovery

  5. 消费模式和空间集聚&基于Swarm的仿真研究

    Consumption Pattern and Spatial Agglomeration-a Swarm Simulation Study

  6. 这样增强了UtilityJAR生产-消费模式,并迫使项目变成用户。

    This enforces the Utility JAR producer-consumer model , and forces projects to be the consumer .

  7. B2C模式的企业的快速发展为广大消费者带来了新的消费模式。

    The rapid development of B2C business brings the majority of consumers a new consumption mode .

  8. VSACapital分析师表示,进一步的支撑可能来自中国消费模式的转变以及整体增速下滑。

    Analysts at VSA Capital said further support could come from changing consumption patterns in China as well as the waning overall growth rate .

  9. 波士顿咨询集团(bostonconsultinggroup)对俄罗斯消费模式的研究表明,作为奢侈生活方式的两大堡垒,假日旅行和时尚饰品最容易受到经济低迷的影响。

    Research on Russian consumer patterns by the Boston Consulting Group shows that holiday travel and fashion accessories , two bastions of the luxury lifestyle , are most vulnerable to downturns .

  10. 广告公司智威汤逊(jwt)大中华区首席执行官唐锐涛(tomdoctoroff)为月光族的消费模式进行了辩解。

    Tom Doctoroff , Greater China CEO of JWT , the advertising agency , defends the Yue Guang Zu spending patterns .

  11. 本文从用户DIY的角度出发,认为产品的模块性是这个消费模式得以实现的条件;

    This paper starts the analysis from the perspective of DIY ( do it yourself ), which is attributed to the modularity of products .

  12. 在中国城市中,年轻的消费者告诉我们,他们偏爱一种名为展厅现象(showrooming)的消费模式。

    Urban , young Chinese consumers told us that they have a penchant for showrooming .

  13. 摩根士丹利的乔纳森加纳(jonathangarner)近期对中国宏观经济形势的转变进行了研究,得出以下结论:许多大型跨国企业的股票,有望从中国工资增长及消费模式变化中获益。

    Recent research from Jonathan garner of Morgan Stanley into macro - economic shifts in China points to a number of big multinational stocks that look set to benefit from rising wages and changing spending patterns in China .

  14. 形成健康文明、节约资源型消费模式

    An Expense Mode of Forming Health , Civilization and Economizing Resources

  15. 中港黄金市场消费模式比较

    Model comparison of gold consuming market between Hong Kong and China

  16. 其三,研究了不同销售及消费模式下的成本动因对客户成本构成的影响;

    It researches different cost components due to different cost drivers .

  17. 绿色消费模式与循环经济相关性的探讨

    Discussion on the Relativity of Green Consumption Mode and Circular Economy

  18. 中美消费模式与条件的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Consumption Mode and Condition between China and America

  19. 首先将客户的消费模式作为平面上的一个点随机分布于平面区域内;

    Firstly , customer consumption patterns are randomly projected on a plane .

  20. 经济发展和科学技术发展,影响着人们消费模式的选择。

    Consuming patterns are always affected by economy development and science advancement .

  21. 可持续发展视域下我国消费模式的路径选择

    Option on China 's Consuming Pattern from the Perspective of Sustainable Development

  22. 再次,详细地展开对中国消费模式的演变研究。

    Again , study the evolution of Chinese consumption patterns in details .

  23. 聚类分析在电信消费模式中的应用

    Analysis of Clustering Algorithm in Behavior Mode of Customers in China Telecom

  24. 对精益消费模式下供应链绩效评价的探讨

    The discussion of SCM performance evaluation based on Lean Consumption

  25. 甘肃省水资源足迹与消费模式分析

    Analysis of water footprint and consumption pattern in Gansu Province

  26. 走可持续城市交通之路论可持续发展的消费模式

    Toward Sustainable Urban Transport On the Sustainable Development Consumption Pattern

  27. 消费模式的变化在社会发展过程中有着重要的作用。

    Consumption Patterns play an important role in the development of society .

  28. 湖北城镇居民消费模式的实证

    The Positive Research of a Consumption Model of Cities and Towns in Hubei

  29. 消费模式变化对虚拟水消费的影响

    Effect of Consumption Patterns Change on Virtual Water Consumption

  30. 我国旅游者消费模式与行为特征分析

    An Analysis of Tourists ' Consumer Model and Behavior Feature in Our Country