
zū lìn quán
  • lease;right of lease;leasehold
  1. 关于港口码头租赁权拍卖模型的探讨

    The Study of Auction Model for the Lease of Port Terminal

  2. 我们在出售租赁权方面没有成功。

    We have no success in trying to sell the lease .

  3. 农业,商业和工业土地的租赁权在30年。

    Leaseholds for agriculture , commercial and industrial land is30 years .

  4. 文章通过一系列的考察和分析认为:租赁权物权化是确实存在的法律现象,它有自身产生、发展的原因和过程。

    The author think that the development trend of leasehold is existing .

  5. 港口码头租赁权的竞投实质上是一个拍卖模型。

    The essentials of lease of port terminal are an aution model .

  6. 论光船租赁权的物权性质

    The Nature of Right in Rem of Bare-Boat Charter Droit

  7. 房屋租赁权物权化若干问题

    Several Questions about Housing Leasehold concerning the Effect of Jus In Rem

  8. 在支付法定费用的条件下他们可获得租赁权。

    They were granted the lease on condition that they paid the legal costs .

  9. 同一主体在同一物上设立租赁权与抵押权的法律研究

    The Legal Study of a Subject Leased and Mortgaged by the Same Principal Part

  10. 论租赁权的本质&占有权

    On the Essence of Leasehold & Occupancy Right

  11. 对房屋租赁权进行经济法保护的思考

    The Economic Law Ponders of Renting ' Right

  12. 本文讨论的是租赁权的性质问题。

    The treatise discusses the nature of leasehold .

  13. 商事经营场所租赁权研究

    Right to Lease of Commercial Operation Sites

  14. 第四章是对租赁权物权化现象及其原因的分析。

    The fourth chapter concerns the phenomenon and reasons of the real right of theleasehold .

  15. 论租赁权的性质

    On the Nature of Right of Lease

  16. 传统物权理论,无法对租赁权本质做出合理圆满解释;

    The traditional property theorys cannot explane the question of the essence of leasehold perfectly .

  17. 香港出售了租赁权,先是一点点,接着是大量出售。

    Hong Kong sold leaseholds , first for a little , then for a lot .

  18. 小熊猫佝偻病的诊治与探讨文章进一步论述租赁权在物权性方面的权利归属。

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Lesser Panda The right to the lesser of leasehold is restricted .

  19. 我们对地产有租赁权。

    We own the property leasehold .

  20. 就其性质而言,主要将转租与租赁权之让与加以区分;

    Firstly , it distinguishes between the sublet of leasehold and transfer of right of lease .

  21. 土地租赁权的价格评估

    Valuation of Land Lease Right

  22. 业界高管表示,政府对租赁权的审批可能需要数月、甚至数年时间。

    Government approval of leases can take months , if not years , according to industry executives .

  23. 承认房屋租赁权一定程度的物权化效力是各国的通行做法。

    Most countries accept that housing leasehold has some effect of jus in rem to some degree .

  24. “物权二元结构论”清楚地剖析了租赁权的法律关系。

    But the theory of dualistic framework of property explane the legal relation of the leasehold explicitly .

  25. 行政包括,高度分散的登记体系和登记公示查询困难及租赁权对抵押权实现的影响三方面。

    The three aspects of administration , including the decentralized registration system , difficult registration and leasehold hinder .

  26. 目前得到普遍认可的是土地抵押权和土地租赁权。

    Land mortgage right and land lease right are the two generally accepted hetero-property rights on land now .

  27. 首价密闭形式常用于投标,特别是在政府项目和矿产租赁权拍卖中。

    Sealed first-price auctions are commonly used in tendering , particularly for government contracts and auctions for mining leases .

  28. 之所以一物之上同时存在抵押权与租赁权,是因为抵押权与租赁权在性质上是相同的。

    The mortgage right and the renting right coexist on the same matter because they are the same in nature .

  29. 我国不动产租赁权为债权且不具有登记能力,不应成为预告登记的客体。

    Our leasehold of real estate is an obligatory right without registration ability and cannot become the object of notice registration .

  30. 不动产租赁权性质初探买卖不破租赁与租赁权的善意取得

    On the Nature of the Leasehold of Real Estate Law Does Not Differentiate Chattels from Real Estates and Leasehold of Bona Fide Acquisition