
  • 网络Rental Yield;R.O.I
  1. 此外,一旦美联储(fed)上调基准利率大多数经济学家预计将在年内施行抵押贷款利率与租金回报率之间的对称性就将不复存在。

    Furthermore , when the Federal Reserve raises base rates a move most economists expect by the end of the year the symmetry between mortgage rates and rental yields may be blown away .

  2. 5%的租金回报率与抵押贷款利率大致相当。

    Rental yields at about 5 per cent are about the same as mortgage rates .

  3. 据巴恩斯介绍,投资型买家应会享受到超过5%的租金回报率。

    According to Barnes , investment buyers would have been able to enjoy rental returns of more than 5 per cent .

  4. 在租金回报率正常、抵押贷款利率有望上调的情况下,源源不断希望成为地产大亨的购房者,在匆忙入市之前应三思而行。

    So with rental yields at normal levels and mortgage rates itching to rise , the never-ending supply of would-be property barons should be wary of dashing into the market .