
  • 网络rental economy
  1. 介绍了租赁经济评价指标和租金的计算方法。

    Recommends the economic evaluating methods of lease and the methods ofcalculating rent .

  2. 文章论述了医疗设备融资租赁经济分析的必要性,并通过一个具体的例子对经济分析的方法及其中要注意的问题进行了详细阐述。

    This paper discusses the necessity of economic analysis for medical facilities lease financing . Furthermore , with a concrete example , it expounds the methods for economic analysis and the matters needing attention in economic analysis .

  3. 同时对于解决4050人员的就业难问题应当大力的发展农村不动产的租赁经济,进而促进农业劳动力的就地转移和农民收入的提高,实现北京城市和乡村的一体化发展。

    For solving the employment problem 4050 personnel should vigorously develop the rural economy , the real estate leasing and promote the agricultural workforce and peasants ' income increase . Realizing the integration of Beijing urban and rural development .

  4. 航空备件共享与租赁的经济意义

    The Economics of Spares ' Pooling and Leasing

  5. 医疗设备融资租赁的经济分析

    Economic Analysis for Medical Facilities Lease Financing

  6. 在我国,融资租赁对经济发展的促进作用远没有体现出来,在经济中的重要性也还没有被充分认识。

    But it hasn 't demonstrated its promotive functions in our economic development and its importance in economy hasn 't been fully recognized yet in China .

  7. 事实与数据证明,融资租赁对经济的促进作用很大,不仅是在经济发展时期,在经济衰退时期也是如此。

    Proof of facts and figures , financial lease of a large economic role , not only in economic development during the economic recession is also true .

  8. 为企业经营者进行某项交易时,更好地了解杠杆租赁的经济特征,制定决策提供帮助。

    When enterprise 's operators carry on a certain trade , we could understand the leveraged lease economic attributes better and even offer help in order to make decision .

  9. 租赁是经济发展到一定阶段的产物,其中,融资租赁是现代租赁业务中使用最广泛、最普遍的一种形式。

    Lease is the result that the economy develops into certain stage , in most kinds of leasing , financing lease is the most extensive , most general kind of form in the modern lease business .

  10. 对房屋租赁权进行经济法保护的思考

    The Economic Law Ponders of Renting ' Right

  11. 工程起重机租赁业务的经济分析

    Economy analysis of rental business of mobile crane

  12. 融资租赁与重庆经济发展

    Financing Rent and Chongqing Economy

  13. 和中小企业合作可以走出目前的困境,扩大融资租赁在国民经济中的作用,提高整个行业的地位。

    It can improve the role of finance lease in the national economy and expand the influence of the lease industry .

  14. 由于租赁的规模经济等原因,商铺的租金水平与其自身规模是负向关系。

    Because of leasing economics of scale , a negative correlation is found between the retail rent and the store size .

  15. 由于该融资方式是基于真实资产买卖和使用发生的投融资服务,因此金融租赁业在经济发展的各个时期均可以发挥融资、促销等功能。

    Because financial leasing is based on the trading and using of real assets , financial leasing can take the function of finance and sales in any economic cycle .

  16. 租赁对于从事经济金融活动的人并不陌生,但真正了解租赁的独特功能优势,并掌握其运作规则的人并不多。

    Leasing is not unfamiliar for those who are engaged in economic and financial activities , but the people who really understand the unique functional advantages of leasing and grasp its operational rules are not many .

  17. 现代租赁对世界经济的发展起到巨大的作用,在世界发达国家以及许多发展中国家,每年设备租赁交易额一般占到设备总投资的15%左右,这一比例在美国更是高达30%。

    The lease industry plays an important role in the global economy . The average total transactions value in many countries amounts to 15 percent of total equipment investment in the countries . This proportion is even above 30 percent in America .

  18. RVIA的詹姆斯•艾舍斯特(JamesAshurst)认为休闲车租赁市场是美国经济的一只领头羊。

    James Ashurst of RVIA sees the RV market as a sort of bellwether of the American economy .

  19. 本文将以西安市当前的酒店业及写字间租赁市场的整体经济环境为背景,首先分析西安钟楼邮政酒店所处的外部环境,以及现实面临的机会与威胁;

    This paper is based on economy circumstance of Xi'an bell tower post hotel .

  20. 其次,大力发展公共租赁住房,对经济适用房租售结合,以租为主。

    Second , develop public rental housing . And proposal for economically affordable housing to sell for rent .

  21. 租赁作为一种经济行为与信用形式,无论中外,自古以来就有之。

    As an economic conduct and credited form , lease has a long history both in and outside China .

  22. 融资租赁是现代市场经济条件下出现的一种兼具融资与融物双重职能的新型交易。

    Financial leasing is a novel type of transaction which merges in the modern finance market with double functions of financing and leasing .

  23. 租赁关系随着市场经济的不断发展,成为一种越来越重要的民事法律关系。

    With the development of the market economy , the relation of lease has become a more and more important civil legal relation .

  24. 处理合并、投资、租赁等公司重要经济活动的法律事务;办理公司登记、商标、专利和商业秘密保护等事务。

    Participate in important business activities such as merger , investment , lease and settle relevant legal affairs ; responsible for the corporate registration , trademark , patent and business secret information protection and so on .

  25. 这场席卷全球的世界金融创新潮流在融资方面的重要表现之一就是融资租赁,它是经济发展过程中金融资本与产业资本相互渗透与融合的衍生产物,是市场经济竞争日益激烈的结果。

    Financial leasing is one of the important displays of finance in this global financial innovation trend . It is not only a derivative of the combination of financial capital and asset capital but also a result of the increasing strenuous competitive market economy .

  26. 中国融资租赁发展时间不长,融资租赁对于经济发展的促进作用也不明显,相应的融资租赁理论研究也开始的比较晚。

    Developing time of financial lease in China is relatively lacking , its facilitation on economic development is not obvious yet , accordingly , the relevant study of financial lease theories begins relatively late .

  27. 近年来,租赁业务在世界范围内日益发展并为人接受,租赁在经济事务中发挥的作用越来越重要。

    In recent years , leasing business is growing quickly and accepted by more people in the worldwide . Leasing business plays an increasingly important role in economic affairs .

  28. 租赁协议可包括租用空间、因各种设施供优惠而租赁给他人,经济发展租赁,或项目建设临时租赁。

    Lease agreements may include leases of space , leases to others for concessions at various facilities , economic development leases , or interim leases pending construction of projects .

  29. 融资租赁作为一种企业融资手段,已逐渐为我国企业所认识与接受,但对固定资产融资租赁这一特殊经济行为的会计处理,仍是我们值得研究和探讨的问题。

    Financial lease as a means of financing has been adopted gradually by the enterprises in this country and it needs to go further into the method of accounting transaction for financial lease .

  30. 我国租赁市场渗透率(通过租赁实现的设备投资占设备总投资的比例)只有2%左右,远低于17%世界平均水平,而现代租赁经济最为发达的美国已达到33%。

    The penetration of lease market of China is about 2 % which is much lower than that of world average level as 17 % , but in USA the penetration of lease market has arrived at 33 % .