
  1. 另外,网上书店还可省下一笔可观的店面租赁费、促销人员开支等。

    In addition , the online bookstore can save a substantial amount of store rental fees , marketing expenses , and other staff .

  2. 在充分认识到资产使用权积极意义的前提下,企业的整个经营过程都可以使用租赁开展经营创新,包括投资阶段的租购决策、生产阶段的回租和销售阶段的租赁促销。

    On the premise of fully realizing the affirmative meanings of right of assets , the whole management process could use lease to develop management creation , including leasing and purchasing policies in the investment stage , the leaseback of the production period and leasing promotion in the marketing phase .