
zū chuán yùn shū
  • transport by charter
  1. 分析了处于保安等级3下的港口的安全性认定问题,论述了实施ISPS规则对租船运输业务的影响;

    This paper analyzes the assessment and cognizance of the safety status quo of those ports under the security level of 3 , and includes the influence of the ISPS Code upon vessel chartering .

  2. 租船运输业务与法律课程专业双语教学调查问卷评析

    Study on the Bilingual Education Questionnaire of Chartering Business

  3. 随着航运经济的复苏,租船运输在航运市场再度活跃。

    With the recovery of shipping economic , tramp shipping revivals again in the shipping market .

  4. 由于船舶利用的特殊性,定期租船运输是经常被采用的租船运输方式。

    As the particularity of ship utilization , time charter parties are regularly used in transportation .

  5. 为提高学生英语水平,突出我院办学特色,对管理系国航专业租船运输业务与法律课程双语教学进行问卷调查。

    To improve the English level of students , highlight our college 's characteristics , the bilingual education questionnaire of chartering business was carried out .

  6. 租船运输下签发租约提单会更使问题复杂化,常常是使租约问题与提单问题绞织在一起。

    The signing of charterparty bills under charters make the matter even more complicated , which will interwave the problem of charters and bills of lading .

  7. 租船运输是国际海上货物运输中重要的运输方式之一,而提单则是国际贸易和国际海上货物运输中的重要单证,其条款的效力直接影响着有关当事方的权利和义务。

    The bill of lading is an important document to the international trade practice and the international transportation industry , the effectiveness of its provisions directly affect the rights and obligations of the parties .

  8. 谷物运输航次租船合同谷物运输航次租约租船人必须对滞期负责。

    Grain Voyage Charter Party Chatterer must be responsible for demurrage .

  9. 我国由于受《海商法》编排体例设置的影响,很多学者认为定期租船合同兼具运输合同和租赁合同的特点。

    In China , because of the arrangement style of Maritime Code , many scholars thought that the time charter parties both have the transport contract character and lease contract .

  10. 该部分也是将租船业务按承揽运输和财产租赁两大类进行分析。

    This part is also analyzed according to the two types : hire-transportation and property leasing .

  11. 租船合同是租船运输中签订的合同,可以分为航次租船合同、定期租船合同和光船租赁合同三种类型。

    It may be divided into three types : voyage charter party , time charter party and bare boat charter party .

  12. 包运租船合同,是租船运输中的一种常见方式。

    A contract of affreightment is common in charter transportation .

  13. 订立有效的定期租船合同是达到租船运输目的的必要手段。

    It is an effective method to achieve the purpose of transport by entered into time charter parties with shipowners .

  14. 近年来,在实际工作中,包运租船合同(ContractofAffreightment)。也在租船运输中被广泛使用。

    Nowadays , in practice , the contract of affreightment has been widely used in charter service , especially in cargo transportation on large quantities of bulk cargo with fixed route .