
  • 网络Rental Market;Leasing market;letting market
  1. 随着我国履行加入WTO所作的承诺,融资租赁市场已经完全对外资开放。

    China has opened it financial leasing market completely toward foreign capital to implement it 's commitment under WTO rules .

  2. 日本工程机械租赁市场现状与发展动向

    The Status and Trend of the Japanese Construction Machinery Leasing Market

  3. 这种新颖的战略开创了DVD订阅新市场。而以这个简单而强大的创意,Netflix击溃了DVD租赁市场霸主百视达公司(BlockbusterVideo)。

    This original strategy created a new market for DVD subscriptions . This simple and powerful idea crushed Blockbuster Video .

  4. 所以,如果不算机场外租车点,赫兹与Dollar合并后将占汽车租赁市场的38%,肯定会引起华盛顿的警觉。

    So if one strips out off-airport locations , the Hertz and dollar deal would command around 38 % of the of the rental market , which is sure to raise alarm bells in Washington .

  5. RVIA的詹姆斯•艾舍斯特(JamesAshurst)认为休闲车租赁市场是美国经济的一只领头羊。

    James Ashurst of RVIA sees the RV market as a sort of bellwether of the American economy .

  6. 论培育和规范城镇住房租赁市场的意义和对策

    Developing and Standardizing Urban Rental Housing Market : Significance and Measures

  7. 品牌竞争&建筑机械租赁市场的制高点

    Brand Competition & Key point of Rental Market of Construction Machinery

  8. 确实,房屋租赁市场可以很快推高通胀。

    Indeed , the rental market could soon push inflation higher .

  9. 日本住宅租赁市场特征与成因浅析

    Approach on Features of Japanese Housing Lease Market and Their Causes

  10. 建筑机械租赁市场现状及管理

    The current situation and management of the architecture machinery rental markets

  11. 欧美起重机械租赁市场的烦恼

    Troubles in rental market of hoisting machine in Europe and America

  12. 盘活住房租赁市场。三是抑制投机性购房。

    Third , we will lrein in speculative housing purchases .

  13. 房屋租赁市场活跃私房出租是否还要纳税?

    Lease rental housing market is also active in private saving taxpayers ?

  14. 论积极完善和发展房屋租赁市场

    On the Perfection and Development of the House Rent Market

  15. 房屋租赁市场中租金的确定方法研究

    Research on Evaluation Methods for the Price of Houses Rented

  16. 广东工程机械租赁市场发展及存在的问题

    Development and Status of Construction Equipment Lease Market in Guangdong

  17. 西欧短期汽车租赁市场的发展

    Development of Short Range Auto Rental Market in West Europe

  18. 新建房同样给目前的租赁市场带来了一些影响。

    Expected construction also adds a wrinkle to the present rental market .

  19. 18家酒店式服务公寓争抢北京高端租赁市场

    18 Apartments Fighting for Higher Renting Market in Beijing

  20. 培育农机融资租赁市场对农业机械化发展的作用

    Cultivating Financing Lease Market for Farm Machinery and Facilitating Development of Agricultural Mechanization

  21. 商用物业租赁市场及招商定位分析

    Commercial property tenancy market and the positioning for investment

  22. 千帆竞渡下的我国工程机械租赁市场

    Fierce Competition in Chinese Rental Market of Construction Machinery

  23. 房地产租赁市场中的对偶问题

    The Dual Problem in the Real Estate Leasing Market

  24. 当前针对国内住宅租赁市场的研究相对缺乏,尤其是租赁住宅特征对租金的影响研究。

    Currently there is a lack of systematic research on rental housing market .

  25. 本文将以西安市当前的酒店业及写字间租赁市场的整体经济环境为背景,首先分析西安钟楼邮政酒店所处的外部环境,以及现实面临的机会与威胁;

    This paper is based on economy circumstance of Xi'an bell tower post hotel .

  26. 农地租赁市场与农业规模经营&基于江、浙、鲁地区农业经营大户的调查

    Leasing Market and the Scale of Farm Land

  27. 土地利用价值与房地产租赁市场调节的技术经济评价

    Technological Economic Appraisement for the Value of Land using and the Regulation of the

  28. 房屋租赁市场定价系统分析

    An Analysis on Price-making System in House-leasing Market

  29. 塔机租赁市场的区域性差异

    Regional Diversity of the Tower Crane Rental Market

  30. 国内高空作业机械租赁市场为何火不起来?

    The Domestic Rented Market of an Aerial-work Platform Is Not Flourishing : Why ?