
tuī xiāo yuán
  • salesman;rep;bagman;sales reps;commercial traveler;solicitor;merchandising salesman
  1. 那推销员真是个骗子。

    That salesman is a real crook .

  2. 他从这一行最为棘手的工作做起,当了推销员。

    He started work at the sharp end of the business , as a salesman .

  3. 老年人容易上狡诈推销员的当。

    Elderly people are easy prey for dishonest salesmen .

  4. 你怎么对付那些不轻言放弃、一直纠缠下去的推销员?

    How do you deal with persistent salesmen who won 't take no for an answer ?

  5. 出售非官方纪念品的推销员的生意也很红火。

    Salesmen of unofficial souvenirs have also been doing a roaring trade .

  6. 达利是个花言巧语的爱尔兰裔美国人,最初是干推销员的。

    Daly was a fast-talking Irish-American who had started out as a salesman

  7. 一名骗子推销员提出以两万美元的价格卖给卡内基一张保证成功的秘方。

    A huckster offered to sell Carnegie the formula for guaranteed success for $ 20,000 .

  8. 辛格先生是个非常成功的推销员。

    Mr Singh was a highly successful salesman

  9. 作为推销员,你的首要任务是竭尽全力让顾客满意。

    As a salesman , your cardinal rule is to do everything you can to satisfy a customer

  10. 他干过很多种工作:打字员、推销员、投递员等。

    He has done many jobs : typist , salesman , deliverer and so forth .

  11. 作为一名全国各地跑的推销员,他很少有时间陪伴家人。

    As a salesman roving the country , he has little time to spend with his family .

  12. 这个推销员每销售一辆汽车得到50美元的回扣。

    The salesman got a $ 50 commission for every car he sold .

  13. 推销员带来了一些他公司的产品货样。

    The salesman brought some samples of his firm 's products .

  14. 看一个出色的推销员卖东西是很有趣的。

    It 's interesting to watch a good salesman in action .

  15. 他是一个穿西装的矮小精悍的推销员。

    He is a dapper little salesman in a business suit .

  16. 那个推销员将重访他所怀念的每所房子。

    The salesman will call back at any house he missed .

  17. 那个推销员把他所有的钱都骗到了手。

    The salesman cheated him of all his money .

  18. 推销员在用餐费上弄虚作假,多报差旅费。

    The salesman padded the bill for his travelling expenses by exaggerating his food expenses .

  19. 他是一个巡回推销员。

    He is a traveling salesman .

  20. 推销员的基本薪资很低,他们挣的大部分钱来自佣金。

    Door-to-door salesmen usually have a low basic wage and earn most of their money on commission .

  21. 经过数小时的讨价还价,老板终于同意了那个推销员的出价。

    After hours of talking about the price , the shopkeeper at last closed with the salesman 's offer .

  22. 推销员摇唇鼓舌,告诉你,不买某产品就要后悔一辈子。你本来不需要食物脱水器,但是你大脑中的一部分还是想要。

    You don 't need a food dehydrator , but there 's a part of you that wants it anyway .

  23. 她可以对一个怀抱婴儿的母亲或者对一个从身上掏出全家照以消除寂寞的推销员用上这个词。

    She can use this word to a mother holding her baby , or to a lonely salesman fishing up pictures of his family .

  24. 不守时的推销员如果赴约迟到就别想卖出东西了。

    A salesman who is not punctual may not make a sale if he arrives late for an appointment .

  25. 所以我选择了一份做推销员的工作,赚了不少钱。

    So I chose a job as a salesman and I did make some pretty good money .

  26. 库克告诉克拉拉他失明的过程,并分享了他做旅行推销员时的故事。

    Cook told Clara how he had become blind over time and shared stories of his days as a traveling salesman .

  27. 这家公司的推销员准备了在路上用的零钱

    The salesmen in this company have floats for their traveling expenses .

  28. 全部办公室雇员--秘书、出纳员、推销员--都被邀请了

    All the office employees -- secretaries , cashiers , salesmen -- were invited .

  29. 那位推销员好像原来是一位将军。

    It'seems the canvasser was once a general .

  30. 这人是为生产厂家推销产品的旅行推销员,当时刚刚流行把这类人称作皮包客。

    Here was a type of the travelling canvasser for a manufacturing house -- a class which at that time was first being dubbed by the slang of the day drummers .