
  1. 然而,EITICT实验室表示他们将从所有欧洲初创公司中挑选最合适的推销对象。这一点,而不是提供某种重要服务,似乎是他们的主要卖点。

    However , EIT ICT Labs says it will distinguish itself by drawing from start-ups all across Europe , and this rather than any other major program offerings seems to be their major selling point .

  2. 香烟有害身体健康,容易使人上瘾,而且还着重以年轻人为推销对象。

    Cigarettes are harmful , highly addictive , and aggressively marketed to young people .

  3. 因此,成为一名成功的风险资本家就要学会推销,对象包括有限合伙人、公司和潜在的合作对象,就像公司创建之初那样,拼命筹集资金、推销产品和服务,并招聘新人。

    Being a successful VC involves a lot of selling , to LPS , companies and potential recruits , quite similar to the way a start-up seeks to raise capital , sell its products and services and hire new talent .