
tuī jiàn xìn
  • recommendation;reference;letter of recommendation;recommendation letter;testimonial
  1. 美国大学往往非常关注你的英语程度。因此,除了GRE与托福的好成绩外,来自母语是英语的某人的推荐信也可能有帮助。

    Hence , in addition to good GRE and TOEFL scores , a letter of recommendation from a native speaker of English may be helpful .

  2. 我觉得你才需要推荐信呢,老兄。

    I think you need a letter of recommendation , man .

  3. 他用假的推荐信骗取了那份工作。

    He conned his way into the job using false references .

  4. 这些推荐信大可不必理会。

    These recommendations can safely be ignored .

  5. 申请书连同完整个人简历和两份推荐信必须在6月12日以前送达校长处。

    Applications with a full curriculum vitae and two references should reach the Principal by June 12th .

  6. 这可以给写推荐信的人提供一些建议。

    Which may lead to some recommendations for the letter writers themselves .

  7. 达特和同事们研究了1,200多封申请地球科学博士后的推荐信。

    Dutt and her colleagues studied more than 1,200 letters of recommendation for postdoctoral positions in geoscience .

  8. 最新的研究表明,男性也更有可能收到优秀的推荐信。

    And new research reveals that men are more likely to receive excellent letters of   recommendation , too .

  9. 他们发现,与男性相比,女性申请者只有一半的可能性得到优秀推荐信。

    They found that female applicants were only half as likely to get outstanding letters , compared with their male counterparts .

  10. 这些推荐信来自世界各地,当然,既有男性写的,也有女性写的。

    That includes letters of recommendation from all over the world , and written by , yes , men and women .

  11. 和男性申请者相比,女性在申请地球科学博士后时,其获得优秀推荐信的几率大概是男性的一半。

    Female applicants to postdoctoral positions in geosciences were nearly half as likely to receive excellent letters of recommendation , compared with their male counterparts .

  12. 这些推荐信中所有有关性别和其他的识别信息都被编辑过,这样达特和她的团队在不知道学生性别的情况下为推荐信打分数。

    They were all edited for gender and other identifying information , so Dutt and her team could assign them a score without knowing the gender of the student .

  13. 但是她说研究结果仍然表明,在地球科学领域,女性申请者在职业生涯初期就因为得不到优秀的推荐信而处于潜在的不利地位。

    But she says the results still suggest women in geoscience are at a potential disadvantage from the very beginning of their careers starting with those less than outstanding letters of recommendation .

  14. 与那些优秀的推荐信相比,一封还不错的推荐信则会写:‘该申请者效率高或很聪明,是个理智的科学家等这种明显生硬的赞扬,’但这并没有让申请者从众多申请人中脱颖而出。

    " Compare those excellent letters with a merely good letter : ‘ The candidate was productive , or intelligent , or a solid scientist or something that 's clearly solid praise , ' but nothing that singles out the candidate as exceptional or one of a kind . "

  15. 我为他写了一封很好的推荐信。

    I wrote him a good recommendation .

  16. 是的。我有项目书(带有签字的),C大学的邀请信,推荐信。

    Yes . I have the program description ( with signature ), C 's invitation letter and recommendation letter .

  17. 你收到我传真过去的danny的推荐信吗?

    Did you get my fax recommendation for danny ?

  18. 我带来了Armstrong先生的推荐信。

    I 've brought a letter of reference from Mr. Armstrong for you .

  19. Ryan是一位新千年职场的专家,她建议说:我们必须时刻准备好推荐信。

    Ryan , an expert on the new millennium workplace , advises , We have to cultivate references all the time .

  20. 然而,大多数入学顾问相信,真实数据要高得多&每10封攻读MBA学位的推荐信中,有多达6封是申请者本人所写。

    Most admission consultants , however , believe the number is much higher & with as many as six out of 10 letters written by MBA applicants .

  21. 咨询他们能否为你通过邮件,电话或专业的联系网站,如LinkedIn给予一份推荐信。

    Inquire , if they were available to give a recommendation via email , phone , or professional network sites like LinkedIn .

  22. 当贾斯汀巴西特参加求职面试时,他以为会被问到工作经验、推荐信等常规问题,因此当被问到Facebook用户名和密码时,他大吃一惊。

    When Justin Bassett interviewed for a new job , he expected the usual questions about experience and references . So he was astonished when the interviewer asked for something else : his Facebook username and password .

  23. LinkedIn记录就像是一份简历,详细记录了聘用和教育的历史,允许互相提意见,就像是推荐信一样。

    A LinkedIn profile is much like a resume , detailing employment and education history , while allowing people to provide recommendations for one another , much like the concept of references .

  24. 注意:这两封推荐信必须来自不同的两人,NMC不接受任何医生,行政人员及护士机构的推荐信。

    Please note these references must be from two different people and the NMC will not accept two references from Doctors , administrative staff or nursing agencies .

  25. 这些可能是一些专业统一的测验(GRE、LSAT)、教授的推荐信、其他相关文件等等。

    This could be some standardized tests ( GRE , LSAT ), letters of recommendation from faculty who 've had you , or papers or other work you 've done .

  26. MBA录取咨询师斯泰茜布莱克曼(StacyBlackman)认为,商学院面临的最大困难是如何恰当评估申请人的推荐信。许多推荐信是申请人自己写的,他们的老板只是在上面签个字。

    Admissions consultant Stacy Blackman believes the biggest dilemma for business schools lies in evaluating applicants ' recommendation letters , many of which are written by the applicants themselves and just signed off by their bosses .

  27. 国际研究生入学顾问协会(AIGAC)最近公布的一项调查显示,38%的申请人被要求撰写自己的推荐信。

    A recently published survey by the association of International Graduate Admissions consultants ( aigac ) found that 38 % of applicants were asked to write their own recommendation letters .

  28. 36.能给我提供一份你牧师的推荐信吗?

    36 . Can I get a recommendation from your pastor ?

  29. 但是,主动提供推荐信可能会暗示你正处于走投无路的境地。

    Offering up your references too soon may hint at desperation .

  30. 他附上了他的两位前雇主的推荐信。

    He enclosed letter of reference from his two previous employer .